The Powderkeg of Europe

Convicted of genocide, Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic sentenced to life in prison

Mladic, 75, was found guilty of commanding forces responsible for crimes including the worst atrocities of the war — the deadly three-year siege of the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, and the 1995 massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the eastern enclave of Srebrenica, which was Europe’s worst mass killing since World War II.


16 Replies to “The Powderkeg of Europe”

  1. Good? Not sure abut it.
    Deserving? Yes.
    The mere existence of UN, of a UN run court, of UN having this authority is a much bigger problem.
    As for the Balkan self cleaning oven… no don’t care really. At all. So mini russians in tracksuits and mooselimbs in tracksuits were slaughtering each other, yeah whatever. Slovenia is free from Serbs. Croatia is free from Serbs. Others? They’re worth one another. FETE.

  2. Good, but insufficient. There has been no punishment for the UN which was a party to this by allowing UN equipment to be used to abet the massacre and for such insufficient support for the Dutch peacekeepers that they were rendered helpless before the onslaught. Boutros Boutros-Gali in particular and the rest of the UN apparatchiks at the time deserve punishment for their betrayal of trust.

  3. As the years tick by ,the corruption of the UN grows unchecked, the lying media loses even their truest believers and Justin’s People spread their love world wide, one must consider the unpalatable.
    What if the Serbs were right?
    Much of what we were told during that War turned out to be garbage.
    The Son’s of The Desert Pedophile have continued to spread through out Europe and when the normal citizens of that region lose patience with the fools and bandits who lead and seek revenge for the murders,the rapes and the theft.
    Then Serbia will look like a love in.
    So were the Serbs the only criminals here?
    Especially inlight of the corruption and collusion of our fearless leaders who blamed Serbia for everything, while they supplied weapons to the worlds #1 terrorist group.

  4. it’s Boutrous Boutrou Ghali, and Kofi Annan was basically the one responsible for “peace keeping”. Both a pair of useless tits.

  5. John, there were/are no innocents in that mess. They were all lying and killing each other. And many of the “muslims” killed their own and then blamed the serbs, and the serbs were also killing without discretion. I have a few friends from theat part of the world, and they all agree on the basics.
    The French president at the time (mitterand) should have been shot for interfering in operations. The guy was an a$$hole

  6. Was this one of those things the western world was supposed to not interfere with?? I can’t keep track.

  7. “John, there were/are no innocents in that mess.” Exactly.
    Except for the period of the communist government of Tito and the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire control, these people have been at tribal enmity or war with each other since the Ottomans crossed into mainland Europe.
    I don’t trust any UN court for the truth further than I could throw it. A Canadian army general who had served in the conflict region there was a guest speaker at one the last mess dinners I attended as a Supplementary Reservist and told us that all the warring factions were killing each other and many were better armed than the Cdn troops he commanded.

  8. Thanks for that. Mack was right. I guess it was more than one Canadian general that thought the same.

  9. Your assorted opinions on the war in the former Yugoslavia do not exculpate Mladic’s actions at Srebrenica. He deserves his sentence.
    He’s lucky it’s the UN and not the victorious Allies at Nuremberg. Otherwise it would have been the noose for him.

  10. The information I can glean is too one sided and unreliable for me to make a truly informed comment on the conviction. I don’t trust the UN for good reason and I always wondered why we got involved in the conflict. I am well aware of the propaganda we were fed to get us to go to war but I also know it was propaganda and thus not trustworthy information.

  11. Joe, I think at the time, most of us were still somewhat unaware of how badly the Media was manipulating us by the feeding to us of mis/dis-information. And that propaganda led to the intervention of the West into a war we had, in my opinion, no business being in.
    In todays world it is easy to spot said type of manipulative propaganda. Witness one dead kid on a beach, and the world goes beserk…turning Europe/Scnadinavia into a shit-hole of islamic unrest…yea, so Im kinda siding with the guys saying we backed the wrong group in Bosnia.
    And we are seeing this BS once again with the Burma situation (Myanmar for the youngsters). I have no sympathy for countries wishing to rid themselves of ISLAM and its practitioners. Hungary, Poland, the Czech Rep, Japan and soon to be Austria all have it right.
    Would that we do the same here.

  12. well that helps explain it.
    at the time, right from the start, I found the whole thing a big puzzle; the geography of the fighting, the reasons, the combatants, the ones hiding in the wings, one big WTF.
    I still lack a decent ‘picture’ of that time and place. I blame the MSM which obsessed with the latest ‘rocket attack’ and NO background information. just body counts and sound bites.
