And Yet You Want To Hurt People

Hatred turns out to be a very powerful motivation. If you think about the sorts of things that happened in the Soviet Union, all these places that were supposed to be workers’ paradises – if you look at the outcomes and you had to infer whether it was goodness of heart and care for the working man that produced the genocides, or outright bitter resentment and hatred, it’s a lot easier to draw a causal path from the negative emotions to the outcome than from kind-hearted benevolence. You just don’t get gulags out of benevolence.

Jordan Peterson on the psychology of leftism. One of these.

7 Replies to “And Yet You Want To Hurt People”

  1. I think it was Ayn Rand who said of leftists: They don’t want to live; They want you to die.”

  2. That’s why they get along so well with Muslim “We love death more than you love life” jihadis.
    The left needs to destroy whatever good there is in our imperfect society before they can build the perfect one they promise us.

  3. Nobody, but nobody, simply hates as much as socialists. Well, maybe feminists, but then one risks repetition. If socialists insist on calling themselves ‘progressive’, then conservatives should expect to be called ‘normal’.

  4. Leftism is at first an emotional deluge of utopian concepts and narratives about the Shangri-la it will build by destroying the old “inequitable” civilization – the problem is the new Shangri-la is never delivered,- because when you have a regime which promises to care for your every need, you become a problem/burden to that regime and the sooner they dispach with your needs and expectations as a problem/liability the easier it is for the power class – then the oppression starts to repress dissatisfaction with this cold exercise of power.
    Maoist social justice is now the new religious fundamentalism of the left, and if one dares to question the sanctitude of these leftist sacred cows, one risks unrestrained bigotry at the very least – or when anyone to the right of Trotsky attempts to speak to their many fallacies, they are likely to be shouted down with slanders or physically attacked – this is the Maoist red brigade humiliation of intellectuals come to roost on our Campus’s and public squares.

  5. With every conservative post I make … I receive multiple responses saying … “good thing you and your type are ollld, and will DIE soon”. I cannot fathom what is more HATEFUL than that. And it is constant. The millennial response to anything and everything they don’t like, is to say … DIEEEEE conservative DIEEEEEE!!!!!!! Nice … really nice. And in this case, I have to admit … yes, “I am better than THAT”

  6. Excerpt from David Thompson;
    This begs to question whether or not these ‘safe space marshals’ would have intervened when the KCL Islamic Society hosted a speaker who failed to condemn stoning for adultery, calling it as merciful as euthanasia earlier this year.
    This is the biggest single abandonment of a Segregated; Abused; & casually Murdered Person ignored by the United Nations; never even considered by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
    The largest Minority in the Wide World of Mistreatment and Non-Adherence to a Group receiving –“Rights for Human Beings as Individuals”.
    Islamic Gender Apartheid* for ALL Women living within a Country/Cult/Culture dominated by Islamic and/or Muslim Religion. Every woman in such a situation lives in Some Level of Purdah. Segregated and subordinated to a life servitude at Birth.
    The most egregious support for Brutal Islamic Men to beat, discard and murder Women at the will of their Pleasure or surely at the smallest indication of an Islamic Man’s Displeasure are the Women of North America with the wherewithal in more than at least 80 percent of the Largess of Their Birth and/or Arrival of Living in North America.
    *Phyllis Chesler; islamic gender apartheid (2017)

  7. I watched some videos of interviews done of Soviet executioners and how they remembered and viewed the times in which they personally killed unfathomable numbers of people each and every day.(they still live in Russia and will never be subjected to an inquisition or justice)
    All of them that were interviewed viscerally hated the people(total strangers) that they shot in the back of the head.(for example: some of the victims were Polish soldiers whose only crime was that they were loyal to Poland and Polish culture)
    Many of the executioners who were unavailable for interview were suicides.
    Perhaps at some point they could not live with their actions, but did not think that redemption was an option because they were atheists.
    (being atheist in the first place made the killings easier, but it didn’t make living with it any easier)
