Blowout 204

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world:

The Australian Council of Learned Academies report on the future of electricity supply; Canadian provinces join global coal phaseout; Foreign oil majors exit Canada; Russia jumps into bed with OPEC; the race for light crude; France considers spinning off EDF; the truth about Chernobyl; Germany’s coalition crisis; Tesla meets its battery deadline; interconnectors in Europe; subsidies in UK; Hinkley under fire again; Brexit and Euratom; EVs as virtual power stations and a Swedish coal plant that burns old clothes.

Blowout 204

8 Replies to “Blowout 204”

  1. Canada’s economic suicide continues unabated at the hands of toxic socialist crybaby control freaks while rank and file Canadians cower and shiver with cowardly fright.

  2. Canada’s economic suicide continues unabated by toxic socialist crybaby control freaks while rank and file Canadians cower and shiver in abject fear.

  3. “climate change makes lizards less intelligent” Now we know why Environmentalists (Lizards) like the Green slime, IQ is receding @ the rate of conversion…

  4. Winter is nothing more,
    or nothing less than a POLAR VORTEX.

    Brought to you by your local MSM winter weather channel deniers.
