10 Replies to “Pronouns”

  1. OMG that is hilarious, Kate! Hope all the right people have seen it.
    (I did a pretty good imitation of Hitler myself tonight, am sure I looked just like that.
    My new laptop keeps freezing and is driving me that insane!)

  2. Now, just wait a week before the originator of this piece will be found and taken to the dark corridors of the social justice industry to be reeducated and set on the right path of the sunny future.
    As it is today, everything is set in place to correct the thought that is unacceptable to the ruling class and the brainwashing industry of the institutions that once were places of discovery and taught young minds that there are things, places and other such to be discovered.
    For those of the snowflake and safe spaces generation, this is satire, as in:
    use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
    synonyms: mockery · ridicule · derision · scorn · caricature · irony · sarcasm
    Yeah, it has been lost somewhere in the clean washed minds of social justice warriors.
    Though one may think that the social justice warriors know “inside of their hearts” as it were, that totalitarian, dictatorial, destructive actions are wrong and purposely mean, one is curious as to why they do it.
    Is it mass hysteria? Is this a circle of history that repeats over decades? Is there no way to avoid it?
    What is it that as the free enterprise creates prosperity for all, there are those that are set to destroy it and everything that it generated.
    Those, once schools of knowledge into completely irrelevant nonsensical talk manufacturing.
    How is it that free people invite the stupidity of socialism, fascism, international socialism, communism and other such ‘isms into their mind without any doubt?
    How is it that those that don’t agree and in any other healthy society would be severely normal are looked upon as every damnest thing that the academia, the mass media and mass entertainment can come up with.
    I ask.

  3. Professor Jordan Peterson had posted this on his Failbook page yesterday… saying “It’s probably wrong of me to find this blackly amusing”
    Which as simply a comment, is something I always enjoy reading.
