15 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. AGW RIP.
    MSM’s “cold snap”: “as the cold snap which has braced the nation is expected to bite again.”
    “Tourists stranded as Bali volcano spews ash into atmostphere” (australian)
    “Britain is gripped by a deep FREEZE: Health chiefs warn of ‘very real risk’ of deaths as temperatures plummet to -4C and November looks set to be coldest on record”
    “Public Health England warned those at risk from cold to take precautions after thousands of deaths last year”

  2. Seems about time for another Email expose of our foul Canadian Presstitutes.
    Alt Right.
    Far Right.
    Extreme Right.
    They spew these terms so readily, yet what are they referring to?
    The PC, rely on “redefining language”
    Hence they are “Progressives” instead of Lying parasites.
    Liberal now means illiberal Big Government Supporter, rather than John Stuart Mill’s definition.
    Amazing how antisocial our socialist comrades are.
    They prattle on about fairness and fair play,while they gut the institutions designed to ensure justice.
    Justice for all, being two redundant words too long.

  3. Where are Canadian conservative lawyers?
    We need a Judicial Watch way more than the US.
    Canada: the land where dissent goes to die .
    “Kentucky was one of 12 states to which Judicial Watch sent notice-of-violation letters this year threatening to sue because they have counties in which the number of registered voters exceeds the number of citizens of voting age.
    Judicial Watch previously filed successful lawsuits under the NVRA against Ohio and Indiana that resulted in those states taking several actions to clean up their voting rolls. Judicial Watch is currently suing the State of Maryland and Montgomery County over their failure to release documents in violation of the NVRA.”

  4. Where are Canadian conservative lawyers?
    We need a Judicial Watch way more than the US.
    Canada: the land where dissent goes to die .
    “Kentucky was one of 12 states to which Judicial Watch sent notice-of-violation letters this year threatening to sue because they have counties in which the number of registered voters exceeds the number of citizens of voting age.
    Judicial Watch previously filed successful lawsuits under the NVRA against Ohio and Indiana that resulted in those states taking several actions to clean up their voting rolls. Judicial Watch is currently suing the State of Maryland and Montgomery County over their failure to release documents in violation of the NVRA.”

  5. AGW Kills.
    Update: MSM’s “cold snap continues”. “Experts” called in to “predict”.
    “Ice delays trains as cold snap continues” (bbc)
    “Arctic cold snap that brought sub-zero temperatures across UK to last two weeks”
    “UK weather KILLER FREEZE: Experts predict up to 40,000 winter deaths”
    “Weather-related deaths usually number around 25,000 per year but there were more than 34,000 fatalities across England and Wales last winter, the second highest level in eight years.”
