Wilfrid Laurier’s Thought Police

“The Cord” has been Wilfred Laurier University’s student newspaper since 1926. They just published a rather bland editorial on the recent & horrendous kangaroo court proceeding that TA Lindsay Shepherd was put through. What’s much more interesting is the long comment purportedly penned by an employee at Laurier:

As an employee at Laurier, I feel relieved that the public is beginning to know the horror of working in what has come to feel like an indoctrination camp run by Thought Police. As far as I am aware, everyone at this university has been forced to attend a workshop, led by two young women, who introduced us to the Newspeak: gender neutral pronouns. We were told that those who reject this approach to pronoun use are transphobic. In other words, the old pronouns are an “unapproved thought.” Continued use of the old, gender-specific pronouns was not open to discussion. That, apparently, would be a subversive line of thinking.

The author makes reference to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. If you’re not familiar with it, this short video is well worth watching.
The transgender anti-free speech militia is but the latest example of where Leftists in Canada and America want our society to head. Most are too naive and dense to understand that all such group think movements end up with totalitarianism but there is no other possible destination if these tyrants are not stopped.
UPDATE: Wilfred/Wilfrid spelling corrected (Thanks, “Top Gun”). Must read column by Rex Murphy (h/t TimR):

So if Laurier really wants to apologize, instead of confining itself to the particular case, it might want to regard how it created its own climate of intolerance to varying perspectives, how the reflex of its three professors went immediately to turning on the heretic, rather than examining how their faculty went so quickly to quashing a valid exchange of thought. It might want to examine the cloying righteousness and condescension on full display in the taped session and ask from whence came the bland certitude, slipshod intellection, and presumptuous righteousness so characteristic of her interrogators.
That might offer grounds for a repentant apology of some value and worth. And let it be noted that Laurier is far from alone in this; it’s just the particular university that got caught with the door open.

30 Replies to “Wilfrid Laurier’s Thought Police”

  1. For some reason this quote comes to mind: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
    The left has been sowing for a very long time, each little useful idiot thinking they were somehow giving meaning to their otherwise pitiful existence and justified in their actions.
    Not understanding that they were, in fact, just useful idiots. What evil will come of their actions is only just beginning to be seen. I almost feel sorry for the left these days, their only reason to get up in the morning is to violently protest yet another hitler and still manage to fail to see the one in the mirror.
    Almost, but not quite – well, actually- I jest – I don’t feel sorry for these bastards at all: reap it baby, reap it!

  2. Usually Wilfrid has the unusual spelling of Wilfrid. I applaud the ed spelling because i is a phallic letter and there’s no need for double phallicies. That is, unless Laurier wants to project itself as a penile institution.
    Mostly I see no need for misspelling pronouns for which I despise Laurier.

  3. Rex succinctly nails the problem
    That this is not some one-off incident, but rather an egregious illustration that some humanities courses at all universities (mainly with the tag “studies”) function not as educative undertakings, but as commitments to a narrow, predestined ideological viewpoint. That such studies are enclosed universes of fixed thought, or intellectual predisposition. That wedding any course to a pre-chosen political goal — social justice, identity studies, oppression studies, feminism — turns it into a sophisticated vehicle of indoctrination and propaganda. Such courses inculcate doctrines, disoblige inquiry, abhor dissent, and are the reverse of an educational exercise.

  4. Bullying > homophobia > transphobia > pedophobia
    Anyone care to draw a red line somewhere on this normalization continuum?

  5. There is nothing quite as vile, quite as evil as a leftist wrapped in a cloak of self-righteous ignorance. Worthless parasite, all of them.

  6. Must I pack a suitcase, like my great uncles did eighty years ago in another place, with basic essentials and keep it under my bed just in case they come at 4 AM.

  7. Not sure who Canada needs more.
    Our own McCarthy or our own Robespierre?
    Maybe guillotine franchises in every town?
    I can’t believe how Canadians have completely given up.
    And how looking up cuck in the dictionary gives you a picture of every Conservative ever.
    And how horrible the Canadian Media is, yet they get a complete free ride in every stolen election.
    Say what you want about Trump, but it’s as obvious as the latest Bin Laden death that he has more balls than every Canadian Conservative
    politician ever,added together!

  8. Of course, that is a pretty dismal list in my lifetime.
    Conservatives are the Washington Generals to the Liberal Harlem Globetrotters.
    Kabuki theatre for the rabble.(tis us)
    The only real success was Mulroney.
    And I don’t count him as, let’s face it, paper bags of money and hotel rooms makes you a Liberal.
    And Harper remains the biggest disappointment.
    Robert Stanfield (September 9, 1967 – February 22, 1976)[e]
    Joe Clark (February 22, 1976 – February 19, 1983)
    Erik Nielsen (February 19, 1983 – June 11, 1983) – interim
    Brian Mulroney (June 11, 1983 – June 13, 1993)
    Kim Campbell (June 13, 1993 – December 14, 1993)
    Jean Charest (December 14, 1993 – April 2, 1998)
    Elsie Wayne (April 2, 1998 – November 14, 1998) – interim
    Joe Clark (November 14, 1998 – May 31, 2003)
    Peter MacKay (May 31, 2003 – December 8, 2003)
    Conservative Party of Canada
    For more details on current “Tory” Leaders, see Conservative Party of Canada.
    John Lynch-Staunton (December 8, 2003 – March 20, 2004) – interim
    Stephen Harper (March 20, 2004 – October 19, 2015)
    Rona Ambrose (November 5, 2015 – May 27, 2017) – interim
    Andrew Scheer (May 27, 2017 – present)
    Other Conservative Parties
    Parties that have had representation in the House of Commons
    Leaders of the Reform Party of Canada
    Preston Manning (October 31, 1987 – March 25, 2000)
    Leaders of the Canadian Alliance
    Deborah Grey (March 27, 2000 – July 8, 2000) (interim)
    Stockwell Day (July 8, 2000 – December 12, 2001)
    John Reynolds (December 12, 2001 – March 20, 2002) (interim)
    Stephen Harper (March 20, 2002 – December 7, 2003)

  9. I have friends who went to WLU and friends whose children go there now – they all tell me the school has changed and is run by radicals and weak administrators, I take this as the truth but what is important here is that radicals have ALWAYS populated campus politics, what enables them to create the political/ideological despotism we see today is weak or compliant administrators – and it is there the people who pay the bills should focus our wrath.

  10. Here’s the names and contacts for two of WLU’s interrogators. They should hear from people who are outraged by their behaviours with a young student/TA. They disgust me.
    Nathan Rambukkana: nrambukkana@wlu.ca
    Herbert Pimlott: hpimlott@wlu.ca
    Send ’em your love……

  11. These people that work at Wilfred Laurier University, have sought to work in this field since they were in their first year of high school, have paid thousands to attain their educations and positions, have had this as their goal for much of their professional lives.
    This isn’t an accident. Those that partook in this endeavor, have nothing to apologise for, as they’re only sorry they were caught, those overseeing them, knew the game was as reported.
    Don’t feed them. Don’t send your children to Laurier, or pay for your children’s education here. Don’t cite their work, don’t reward their work, mock them.
    Wilfred Laurier University is a second tier university.
    Second tier.

  12. I am sorry to say that Canada has already achieved totalitarian State status. Your so-called hate speech laws already place the bootheel of Totalitarianism on the necks of the people. Where neighbor can “report” neighbor for a “crime” of speech … not bodily harm. Where “crimes” can be thoughts, or words. And CA is not far behind, where neighbor can report neighbor to “the authorities” for having a fire in the hearth on an official “no-burn” day. And then have “Air Quality” sniffers issue a citation … or worse. And who determines whether it is a “burn” or a “no burn” day? … just ASKING that question makes you a “criminal” of the State. A “denier”.

  13. The pronoun I choose you to call me is…
    Say “yes master”, SAY IT!
    After all, I can force you to say the word I wish to hear, tell you want to say, what to think, am I not master?
    What, you say that is not a pronoun, well, I say it is, after all, I can now force you to say what I want, and to redefine things as I want, so if I say it is a pronoun, it is a pronoun. After all, those silly “pronouns” you made up are not in any dictionary I have seen, so if you can make up words, so can I.
    And don’t give my any of that “freedom of speech” stuff, we have given up all that here. After all, pronouns are words, and words are speech, and if I can tell you what speech you may say or not say, I am the master, and you are the slave.
    In fact, we have given up the entire first amendment, after all, you are forcing me to lie, and call you something you are not, is that not “an establishment of religion”, since virtually every religion prohibits lying, and you are forcing me to do it, thus “prohibit the free exercise thereof”.
    At least I am not doing that, if I make you call me master, when I can say what you may say, and not say, you are calling me by name, are you not.
    Your only possible answer to this is:

  14. Here is another thing.
    If these people can fire you if you use the wrong speech, what are they really doing? Are they not acting with violence? After all, if you are fired, how will you eat?
    But wait, there’s more, how will your children eat? These are people who are saying “if you do not say, do not think, what we want, we will HURT YOUR CHILDREN”.
    And what do we do with people who do that, hmm? Do we smile and play nice with them?
    So remember that the next time you see something like these, these are people who hurt children, react accordingly.

  15. During my time in the post-secondary system, particularly while I was teaching at a certain institution, I found academics to be a particularly nasty lot. Many, I’m sure, were in serious need of psychiatric care.
    Personal attacks, including the spreading of rumours, were just the beginning.

  16. “And how horrible the Canadian Media is, yet they get a complete free ride in every stolen election.”
    That my friend is why the Conservatives are all cucks. As soon as one even hints at having a real conservative thought the leftist media is on him or her like a hyena on a wounded animal or like a fly on a manure pile. Think Kellie Leitch during the Conservative leadership race, or more recently in the Saskatchewan Sask Party leadership race when Cheveldayoff actually gave a ‘conservative’ view on abortion.
    Daniel Ream, a ‘Pinochet’ may well be needed yet, but the sad part is a Pinochet, like the little Lenins at Laurier, do not or would not stop at restricting speech, but like the well meaning utopia dreaming murderers of my great uncles would accrue to themselves ever more methods of terror.
    Kenji @ 12:36, yes, we are there, we have our Vishinsky Human Rights Courts with the power to impoverish and destroy a person.

  17. Interesting experiment.
    Refuse to hire any graduate of Wilfred Laurier University and if you have any currently on payroll who you doubt, fire them.
    Bet the PC asshats would be allover you for “violating the human rights”.
    Yet none of these indoctrinal morons can see what they are doing.
    Rules are for the “Little People”.
    The weasal non-apologies are all about, buying time to deflect public anger.
    The problem supporters of this behaviour have, in defending the university indoctrinators, is that the rest of us have either worked with or employed other graduates of this “School”.

  18. There is nothing that noteworthy about this particular incident, except the outrageousness inclined media to pay attention, and Ms Shepherd had the wisdom (not a word much applied to WLU), to tape her interrogators. Similar incidents are legion in Canadian Universities and have been occurring for many years. Allan Rock’s buffoonish attempts to prevent Ann Coulter from speaking at Ottawa U comes to mind, and as President he suffered no punishment, except to his personal reputation. One can safely predict nothing serious will happen to these two clowns. The problem, same as with Rock was that they were caught uttering insupportable positions on free speech. The radical students from the 1970s have burrowed deeply into all levels of Canadian education and no one is prepared to take them on. Indeed Liberal governments at all levels support this behaviour. McGuinty, Wynne, Trudeau, are endless enthusiasts for university education for everyone; one reason being the leftist indoctrination makes graduates likely supporters. Unfortunately it doesn’t improve their job prospects, but that is of no concern to our leaders.

  19. B A Deplorable Sewer Rat:
    I’ve heard it said that academia is as nasty as it is because the stakes as so low.
    Dunno if true, but an enjoyable observation!

  20. A lot of academics feel trapped in their system. The objective is to get a place at the golden hog trough, otherwise known as tenure. But, in order to get that, one has to give up freedom of mobility. It’s hard to leave the supposed job for life without paying a financial penalty.
    I’ve often encountered academics and educators for whom the old Peggy Lee song Is That All There Is? would be an anthem.

  21. It’s all about bafflegab and grant gathering. Academic rigour my *ss.
    For years, academe has been little more than a money-harvesting machine. Getting a faculty position or, for that matter, tenure at a university is largely dependent upon whether one can get funding.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if much of the research that’s done is simply to crank out publications in order to pad one’s résumé and to convince funding agencies that the work might be worth supporting.
    Actual content of those papers and reports is of lesser importance. Why write a good publication when one can use the same data and produce several mediocre ones?

  22. There was a pro-speech rally at WLU on Saturday (not even The Rebel mentioned it ahead of time which was a shame, maybe get more on our side). It ended of course when angry students on the other side showed up and unsurprisingly got all the press coverage.

  23. I have been called a liberal on this blog. I am not! I generally agree with the comments above. We have to fight the Thought Police!
