The Rampant Sickness of Canadian Academia

Reading through Lindsay Shepherd’s Twitter feed is an enlightening and yet disturbing insight into the sickness that appears to have deeply infected the minds of many Canadian academics. Here are some “gems” gleaned from what was posted there:

In contrast, here is some reasoned, thoughtful commentary by none other than Ms. Shepherd herself:

Lest we forget, this is the video that started everything. It’s enlightening to see how accurate Jordan Peterson was. One wonders how Kirk Kirkup feels to have been proven so wrong, so quickly? This is summed up very well by the “Sargon of Akkad” in this video.

25 Replies to “The Rampant Sickness of Canadian Academia”

  1. Sickness is too polite a term, it is a disease. Greg Bird and Griffien Epstein are carriers of the disease, spreading it from student to student, from university to university. They certainly are not the source of the disease, their tortured logic (I use the term logic here very, very loosely) indicates a lack of mental prowess that is needed to generate this disease.
    This disease has been around a long time, it has been developing and mutating in multiple venues and forms for decades and has been made exceptionally dangerous under the guise of what use to be a very innocent grammatical construct, the pronoun. Who’d ever have thunk such an inconsequential thing as he/she/it would become the battleground on which the fate of the disease and society will be finally determined.
    Many of sound mind and logic consider a battle over pronouns as a meaningless fight. Rest assured, it is not. If the diseased left are successful in fundamentally altering such a basic concept in how we talk then the fight is lost. Although Turdeau stands up and says that no-one will go to jail for using the wrong pronoun, someone in fact will.
    This is not just about the death of free speech, it is about the death of free thought. If one can no longer consider or believe such undeniable aspects of truth and self identity such as being a boy or girl then all truth is subject to approval.

  2. Academics have always been the greatest advocates for violence and suppression of opposition in pursuit of their grand theories. I wonder if these “progressives” know how tired and bloodstained their ideology is? As Dr. Peterson has pointed out, it is time to get over the ludicrous idea that Stalin had good intentions. These people are motivated by hatred of a society which just won’t listen to them.

  3. She claims to be a ‘leftist’.
    I’m wondering how long that will last since she has been enlightened.

  4. Here’s the ammo, and the targets.
    “Is freedom of speech merely about exposing students to new ideas? This is a very shallow notion of learning,…”
    “I urge you to reconsider your position on this matter and demonstrate public support for Prof. Rambukkana and his brave stance against hate speech in the classroom.”

  5. I wonder what coloured geometric shape is required to be sewn on one’s clothes…I’m sure the leftists have one picked out.

  6. You just know that any letter prefaced with a memorable line like “[as] a faculty member of Wilfrid Laurier University and as a non-trans or cisgender male (my gender identity matches the sex I was assigned at birth)” is going to be an ideological screed full of cant and nonsense.
    And so it was (the almost obligatory mention of Trump was an especially pathetic ploy).

  7. is there any university in Canada I can recommend for my grandchildren in which they will have their minds ex[anded instead of constricted and programmed?

  8. Yeah, no thanks… why would I read any further than, ‘my gender identity matches the sex I was assigned at birth?’
    These people have become retarded. They’ve made themselves retarded somehow.. how they are doing it should be someone’s research at Laurier.

  9. “Yeah, no thanks… why would I read any further than, ‘my gender identity matches the sex I was assigned at birth?'”
    The funny part about that is, he felt it necessary to tell us this unnecessary bit of information at the outset. Curious, that. Makes you wonder who needed the reassurance.

  10. I am a “he”, of an age that I only use “he, she, it” in the singular.
    I graduated with a science degree, many years ago, and I didn’t have to worry about gender pronouns. I treat people with the respect that they deserve.
    Obviously, the cultural Marxists are in charge, and they have no tolerance for anyone who isn’t aligned with their radical “progressive” views.
    Debate should be encouraged at a university, however, there can be no debate with zealots.
    These people want an echo chamber, and most of the students who want to graduate, will comply.

  11. Free enterprise has abdicated the education of our youth to ‘progressives’ which is a polite way of saying socialists/communists. What other outcome should have been expected? The conservative movement has certainly not provided a coherent alternative or challenge.
    Going to university in the late ’60’s, early ’70’s, I saw the left in full force. Their professors were rewarding BS marks to those who regurgitated the progressive mantra and pushing those who did not. It was not exposed then and today it is well entrenched. Not going to happen. Each day that this is not seriously challenged is anopther day it becomes ‘normal’.

  12. Greg Bird is simply typical of a full professor wannabe who is desperately sucking up to the faculty of his university in the hopes of being anointed with “tenure” to allow him to continue to spread the venom of his phony “sociological” bullsh1t.

  13. “I wonder what coloured geometric shape is required to be sewn on one’s clothes..I’m sure the leftists have one picked out.”
    Interestingly enough, there was a Free Speech rally at Laurier on the weekend that Faith Goldy filmed. The pro-trans supporters showed up to counter protest wearing arm bands. Red & White arm bands indicated that they were “police liaison” (whatever that means). They and others weren’t allowed to talk but referred Faith to the media spokespeople who were wearing pink armbands with white polka dots. So she could only talk to the designated mouth pieces but they quickly went silent after checking their phones to see who Faith Goldy is.
    So they are already dividing themselves into Nazi-like groups.

  14. My personal experience has been that no one’s reaction is as angry, self-righteous and aggressive as that of the crook who has just been caught and thinks they may yet get away with their crime.

  15. “… I treat people with the respect that they deserve. …”
    I try to do that, too. And those who don’t deserve respect I try to treat with a minimum of civility.

  16. frenchie has a good point, a good analogy. this ‘thought monitoring’ is like a virus that mutates and mutates and mutates agin. trying constantly until it comes up with a 1918 version. gee, maybe we’ll have it on the 100th anniversary. epicentre being WLU . . . . .

  17. Remember, you’re born with a sexual orientation but your gender is a choice and is essentially a feeling. If you don’t believe those two things you are a bigot.

  18. When someone says something that makes another “uncomfortable,” they’re “targeting” them.
    That is the term they sneak in their to justify their velvet, but nonetheless costly totalitarianism.
    Too bad for civil society the jackboots always follow. That’s the problem with false narratives. Dissent must be broken, nipped in the bud.
    Critical thought has been replaced by the (Un)critical Theory of the Frankfurt school where the perpetrators and victims are already decided.
    We don’t need 90% of these schmucks for anything except getting out of the way, so they justify themselves by spinning their political hobgoblins.
    Until they run out of our money that is. Then they will have to take our stuff. Remember that as we head into the cashless society.
    Progressivism is collectivism, just at a temporarily lower gear. It goes to the same place – coercion, corruption & calamity; without exception.

  19. Relatively small part of free enterprise is sucking up to the socialists/fascists. Not a critical mass yet. Mostly the rich blue chips.
    Shell oil is in with the warmmongers that is why I never buy at Shell, does not matter how much discount, how many coupons, Shell does not exist.
    Would like to point out that conservative is not an ideology, it mostly leaves you to your own devices and decisions. Severely normal people are conservatives by nature of things.
    It is the socialists, fascists, communists and international socialist that have an ideology and call everyone else conservative and other actually sinister definitions.
    The ‘ists are so far into the abyss that from there everything looks right to them. The ‘isms supplant the religion, they can’t possibly bring themselves to think otherwise than ideologically.
    Can say this from firsthand experience. Once, at a kind of chat with actual journalist (could have been communist to cover his ass) in a country run by communists, the guy clearly spelled out the idea that the leadership in communist countries cannot bring themselves to admit that they do things that are completely opposed to their own ideas. Those that were communist were the actual, real ruling class as opposed to the workers people’s democracy.
    The country I’m talking about was relatively tolerant in personal views as long as you did not go to a forum and opposed them, then you may have ended in a gulag or something. If you talked one on one and were making sense, generally that passed as of no concern. If on the other hand you tried to be a superman overpowering the exchange, you may have ended in a gulag.
    It is much like with these would be professors, they have power over the students, there is no defense, there is nothing an 19 year old student can do to survive other than succumb, play dead and go with the flow.
    Pretty shocking in what they call democracy.

  20. She’s right … everyone needs to wear a body cam in the classroom to record the INSANITY that is being preached to our children from the University pulpits. And then to download it onto the internet. Pro tip- don’t sit in the same seat everyday … so you can make it more difficult to trace your identity when (illegally) filming the professor. However, if it is “legal” for cops to wear body cams (mandated, in some places), then it should be LEGAL to film a professor in a Public University. We have a RIGHT to know what evil is being done with our tax dollars.

  21. As for K. Kirkup’s feelings. Perhaps a little lie in the name of Progress makes him feel fine?

  22. Indoctrination versus critical thinking. Those academics / political operatives / Gulag wardens know which side they’re on. They have to silence all non-conforming opinion as everything they espouse is premised on institutionalized brute force. They could care less about the confused deviants they enable and pretend to protect. It’s all about the destruction of objective reality from which to build their utopian nightmare through the democracy of an intellectually disfigured and mindless electorate.

  23. She is a female. She was bullied, by men. The men had power she did not have. The men were older than her. She spoke truth to power. She was everything a leftist loves, except she had the gall to question received authority. IOW she is Galileo, Laurier is the Medieval Church.
