28 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Well, if we can have an 8-year-old drag queen….
    Can someone tell me when the next flight leaves for Mars?

  2. If you let your 8-year-old girl wear makeup, NYT readers will call you white trash.
    Let your 8-year-old boy do it and they idolize you as a progressive icon.
    They have the logical consistency of a pumpkin.

  3. In other, breaking news; glam rock bands and styles making a comeback. Kid looks like he is going to try out for KISS or Platinum Blonde.

  4. Exactly. Next thing is to legalize pedophilia.
    From the comments on the link a new word, “genderqueer”. No doubt the new cause-de-jour of the cultural Marxists.

  5. What the hell is with this “LGGBDTTTIQQAAP” nonsense anyway? If your identity needs that many letters to describe it then it ain’t an identity – it’s a fricking typo, or at best, a cat walking across a keyboard.
    Why not just call it A2Z and be done with it, or better yet (A2Z), or in reality, (A2Z)-U, with U being any straight white male.

  6. Your right pedophilia is the next thing to be nomalized. It fits the narrative – ask Spacey.

  7. “What the hell is with this ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’ nonsense anyway?”
    Obviously, the aim is to expand the demographic until it reaches a two-digit percentage or represents a portion of the population at least as big as, oh, let’s say, Albanian-Canadians.
    (I routinely hear from acquaintances at the front end of that cumbersome acronym – Ls and Gs – who are increasingly fed up with being tossed into the same category as the mentally ill persons represented by the swarm of letters that follow.)

  8. Reading that made me glad I resigned my teaching position 15 years ago. Some of the “training” courses I was required to attend while I was an instructor were bad enough, but being forced to learn about the alphabet people would been enough to make me quit.

  9. Would think that most of them have single mothers that wanted to have a girl and now are taking it out on their sons.
    Could that be qualified as child abuse?
    Yes it could.

  10. But the government already has departments devoted the the “welfare” and “protection” of children. Yet here you are, complaining that evil people got hold the levers of power. Can’t have it all 25 ways.
    You can either dismantle a lot of government; ie CUT SERVICES. Or you can bend over, grab your ankles, and think of the Queen.

  11. The form of child abuse known as public education has been, along with the rest of the cultural institutional left, at war against masculinity and males in general. This example of kiddie porn is just the latest projection in the overall movement. Trailer trash kiddie porn (prepubescent females) is seen as uncouth but in males, leading edge, as it is in keeping with gender fluidity and post modern nihilism.

  12. My thought exactly. So the kid wants to be Mark Bolan … I hope he learns to play the guitar, and write music as good as T-Rex. As for the boys pennis … I suspect THAT is going to remain right where it is. Mark Bolan used his quite effectively … makeup and all.
    But! If this kid is just a living Barbie doll for his twisted mother to decorate … then she needs to be committed to a mental institution.

  13. The Media, leftists and Nambla working hand in hand in a desperate attempt to “normalize” pedophilia. The decline is getting worse and worse.

  14. Reminds me of a great Paul Newman line in the movie “Slapshot:” “……You better get a man around here or that kid’s going to grow up with a dick in his mouth….” heh…

  15. Regarding the’LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’ nonsense, pay attention to the bottom of the ‘flyer’.
    Notice at the bottom where the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario claims that “some surveys suggest that as much as 50% of the public secretly identifies as LGBT to some extent”.
    Because, science!

  16. precisely.
    I have a gay acquaintance (met him thru a tenant).
    a well educated man. he sums it up, ‘NO ONE speaks for me.
