Blowout 206

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

Have you ever wondered how you are going to charge your EV during a blackout? This week’s feature story tells you. We continue with more US oil to Asia; the Israel-Italy natural gas pipeline; Chinese hydro projects canceled; BHP installs 30MW of diesel generation; Google now 100% renewable; “game over” for CCS; GE to cut 12,000 jobs; Europe’s utilities to go 100% carbon-neutral; Korea to Moorside’s rescue; UK mismanagement of North Sea oil and how climate change is going to be even worse than we thought.

Blowout 206

5 Replies to “Blowout 206”

  1. In 2003 I couldn’t put gas in my gas vehicle either, as all the pumps are powered electrically.

  2. Chile is building a 140 gigawatt-hour electricity plant using solar power with an undefined backup system, probably lithium-ion.
    Tesla has just supplied the world’s largest battery – a 129 megawatt-hour lithium-ion system for South Australia – not yet fully tested.
    Meanwhile, in South Australia, industry is preparing for power outages. BHP has installed 30 megawatts of diesel capacity at Olympic Dam and Alcoa wants to be paid to shut down during brown-outs arguing that any electricity loss for more than 3 hours would “be a catastrophe”.
    I suppose one could argue that the 3 above paragraphs are somehow related…
    BTW Euan I tried to comment directly on your (excellent) blog-site but received an error code “invalid security token” even though I used the same email address as on SDA. Not sure whether the Scottish authorities are directly blocking my input (this could be related to a drinking incident in Edinburgh) or whether my outgoing mail from the penitentiary is being somehow intercepted.

  3. “Russia’s improved ties to Arab oil-producing states extends its already impressive influence in the Middle East, where it has a stable of client states, notably Syria and Iran. With these ties, Russia builds on its bid to replace America as the region’s head mediator.”
    I say: go for it, Russia!
    Though I think they’ll ultimately regret getting tangled up in the mess that is the Middle East.

  4. —“And how climate change is going to be even worse than we thought!” Euan Mearns
    Let me suggest why it is going to be worse! When all of the people finally realize that Athropogenic Climate change is a fraud and a ponzi scheme! Any scientist, politician,and journalist who pushed Athropogenic hypothesis will likely be tared and feathered for the deception! For those pre mentioned life could be alot worse!!!Ha
