Everyone gets a prize.

When a student calls out equality of outcome in favour of equality of opportunity.

A former deputy chief executive of the NZ Qualifications Authority, Bali Haque, says Vachuda has revived a long-standing argument about the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
“The issue has always been what we used to call parity of esteem,” he says.

5 Replies to “Everyone gets a prize.”

  1. The problem with the left is they think intangibles like dignity and respect are government commodities that can be doled out like food stamps. Respect is not yours to demand. Rather it is mine to give.

  2. And dignity cannot be given. You can’t treat people with dignity, they must create and maintain their own by their conduct.

  3. Isn’t it ironic that the FREE MARKETplace absolutely KNOWS the difference between a HARD course of study and a SOFT one. Imagine that? A Doctor, Engineer, and Chemist are worth MORE $$$ in the marketplace than a graduate of Gender Studies.
    The ONLY place you can earn any decent wages as a Gender Studies graduate … is in the government. Nobody else is interested. Same goes for the ARMY of graduates with Environmental Science degrees. They ONLY find employment in the California State Department of Air Resources … or Dept. of Water Resources where they shill for Global Warming policy. Their “science” is limited and useless in the FREE MARKET.
    And let me add that I attended one of the highest ranked public High Schools in the nation. 97% of our student body went to college. I know for a FACT that Colleges DID give much more weight to a student from our school with a GPA of 3.3 vs a 4.0 student from a shoddy inner city HS. Statistically … students from our school would perform better in college. So YES … there absolutely IS a difference between one academic regimen vs another. Pretending that it doesn’t exist is just IGNORANT. Pretending that everyone and everything is equal is just STUPID beyond belief.

  4. The student objected to light-weight courses such as cooking and drama being regarded on par with physics or chemistry.
    Relax, kid. Drama is a ticket to the big time. Just ask Canada’s current prime minister.

  5. thus, the child destined to be a world class brain surgeon . . . . . loses the prize of a years’ tuition to the far more popular and carefully presented ahts stooooodent who wrote a ‘brilliant’ play on the topic of pangenerism . . . .
    see how karma fits into this? fast forward 30 years, the judgey-judge dies of a massive brain hemorrhage because the future surgeon’s career took a detour first.
    karma. oooooh she veddy veddy patient and veddy veddy deadly.
