11 Replies to “I’m old enough to remember”

  1. They should try it again with a Che T-shirt.
    Or a Che T-shirt and a MAGA hat.
    And don’t forget you can buy MAGA golf club head covers.
    Impress your friends and terrify your enemies on the golf course!

  2. An Asian female talking about facists and nazis…sometimes I think MacArthur should of stayed home…

  3. Why’s that GaryinWindypeg? A friend of mine requires more information on why Asian females may or may not want to voice their opinion on nazism/fascism. Btw, are you sure she’s Asian(probably born and raised in US if lack of accent is any indication) What if she’s Spanish, does that change your argument? *taking notes for a friend*

  4. I’ll bite JefinCgy, take all the notes you want for a friend. From my observations and first hand accounts/personal experiences where I have bitten my tongue, I’ll stand by my comment.
    As for the girl in the video, hard to say what her ancestry is, but she looked Asian to me. Whether she is first or latter generation American is a moot point, if she finds white people wearing MAGA hats offensive, maybe the grass is greener in her ancestral homeland, and if her ancestral homeland was occupied by the Japanese, perhaps her parents and grandparents can recall those glory days.

  5. Go back 50 years ago in the deep south of the U.S.Now put some blacks at that counter if they could even get in the shop.This is now the new discrimination of Conservatives in Universities and it is no more right than it was 50 years ago.

  6. microaggressions.
    as in 1 millionth, as in milli is 1 thousandth.
    so, 1 MILLIONTH of an ‘aggression’ is all it takes?
    oyph. I wish I could invent a cheap sensor that sensitive about whatever . . . .
    sign of the times folks !!!
