More Taxes Can’t Balance The Budget

Earning $232,400 puts you in the top 1%, unfortunately the number of people in that category aren’t sufficient to pay off debt. Add sales taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, tarrifs on imports, liquor taxes, carbon taxes, payroll taxes…..etc, etc,. still not enough….

22 Replies to “More Taxes Can’t Balance The Budget”

  1. We should tax oil $10 a barrel if it arrives via Tanker, then $20 then $30 until all the things that f**k up our economy are fixed.

  2. Despite what the Liberals and Socksy say about this, they know they are lying and not being honest.
    Its strictly about speaking to their idiotic base that believes the nonsense, class war, etc.
    Its all about power for power’s sake, the Liberal way.

  3. I have been saying this for ages.
    Not even half of the country earns over $200,000 annually. Even if the government were to take seventy-five percent of what these handful earn, it still wouldn’t be enough to waste.
    What about all the old people who are euthanised and their money? Still not enough.
    So, Trudeau and his puppet-masters are left with higher taxes and inflation.
    People actually voted for this. I still can’t believe it.

  4. I say tax those racist, exploiting 1%ers. That’ll teach ’em to go to school for 10 years and work hard! Just whatever you do, don’t touch trusts left by daddy!

  5. *
    “Wealthy Canadians are encouraged to use private corporations to pay lower tax than the middle class. That’s not fair, and we are going to stop it,” Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa.
    Trudeau owns private corporation 7664699 Canada Inc. … His brother Alexandre also has a private corporation, 7664737 Canada Inc. The companies are the primary and secondary shareholders in a third private corporation, 176078 Canada Inc. Trudeau is also the joint owner with his brother of 9190-0563 Quebec Inc.
    He transferred his intergenerational family wealth using a family trust system that remains intact while he wants to eliminate the corporate tax benefits that small businesses enjoy.

  6. Money will not fix all the things that ruin the economy. You will have to fix the idiots that levy the taxes. Here’s a hint: you can’t fix stupid.

  7. “Tax the Rich”

    “Tax the Rich”

    “Tax the Rich”


    Get em!

    Why should THEY be rich !? THEY probably lied and cheated to get paid that much. Yeahhh … Get EM!!!
    Make the RICH … PAY their “fair share”
    Don’t tax him, don’t tax me … tax that guy behind the tree.
    Slogans may sounnnnd good … but they’re dumb as hell. Slogans are the Fast Food of Marxists. Tasty … empty … calories. Keep spending .. keep paying. Er, borrowing and paying and borrowing and paying and borrowing and paying and borrowing and paying … and dooming your offspring to “lean-into” a debt avalanche. A taxation avalanche.

    The Gay fake news reports have resulted in rewards from Canadian Government… They have Failed to admit that Homosexual UK Group Spied for Russia… “The Cambridge Five”… Blunt & Burgess recruited other Homosexual & bi-sexual males that spied for Russian in the USA & UK… This Homosexual group passed information that resulted in many Lives lost in Korea & CIA intelligence operatives
    The Money awarded to those connected to the Cambridge Five is a waste. It was/is Wise to be wary of Homosexual Groups
    The Canadian Government is butt stupid, borrow money to pay Gay Communists who are still operating

  9. Never has Canada had a leader who is so out of touch with the country as we now have. This guy is so unlike the rest of us that he is dangerous. Nothing in his life experience relates to anything that is going on in this country.

  10. Considering the bogus reason why poor little Omar is now crying all the way the bank and, now, why the alphabet people have won the government lottery, one might conclude that there’s gold in them thar hurt feelings.
    Only in Canada, eh?

  11. What do you expect from someone who was in the public spotlight ever since the day he was born?

  12. News flash: 75 cents of every dollar you make finds its way back to some level of government already. But who cares as long as there is still good tv to watch.
    Nothing to see here, go back to sleep.

  13. Yup government is so desperate to tax everything they are willing to become drug pushers and tax air.
    Interesting question, How much is enough?
    Now I realize this is academic,ticks never let go until they are helplessly bloated, if the host dies, too bad so sad.
    But what might be this “fair share” I must pay into a country I no longer recognize,respect or honour?
    Once the deal was,you leave us alone and we will ignore you.
    Now the kleptocracy wants control of everything,so can no longer be ignored.
    And they act in direct opposition to all values I hold.
    Time to cull the herd.

  14. More to the point, you have to fix the people who vote for the people who levy the taxes.
    Ah, never mind, can’t be done.

  15. Don’t forget there’s another half billion all the ‘new’Aboriginals in the system that won’t be paying GST or HST. Or buying and abiding by hunting, fishing , trapping and other regulations that don’t apply to ‘Aboriginals ‘. We are f*****! There’s no way out of this cesspool.

  16. i read an article a couple of years ago by Walter Williams. He said that if all the wealth was taken from the top 20%, i think he said top 20%, it would run the US government for six months and then there would be no more left to take. I am paraphrasing. I assume the situation would be the same in Canada.
