The modern left on debate tactics.

Run Away! Run Away!*
We’ve had two radios for about 10 years now. I love it. I’ve a box with an antenna to listen downstairs, the vehicles have the attachments. I can listen to every CFL game, most NCAA football games, NFL Radio, a large number of news stations, a huge variety of talk radio and specialized music channels that don’t have any representation locally. I listen to SiriusXM far more than local radio and vastly more than I watch television.
I’m afraid Howard Dean and Seth Rogen will not tempt me to change my entertainment habits.*

7 Replies to “The modern left on debate tactics.”

  1. I have 3 wifi Internet radios in my house as well as xm radio. There are over 20k stations world wide that stream into the trap shack. No cbc/ctv or tv for that matter.
    These things are cheap and no monthly fee excluding xm.

  2. $4k? For what?
    I don’t have $100 in xm equipment and the annual fee is a coupla hundred depending on your channels.

  3. Sirius XM Chill in the car, internet “radio” in the house. Lately I’m partial to the Silk “uplifting dance music” stream on Youtube.
    I never listen to broadcast radio and I never watch broadcast TV. At all. Don’t have a TV receiver in the house, no cable box, no rabbit ears, nada. Life is so much better without that crud ringing in my ears.
    Of note, iHeart Radio is about to go bankrupt. They owe $15+ BILLION with a B dollars.

  4. Seth Rohan and Howard (The Scream) Dean can both go fornicate themselves … Dean can swap out shis gender and get Knocked-up.

  5. Over the air radio is dying a slow death. Talk radio on the left coast has become a dirge of leftists thought and dirge.
    CKNW has become a cesspool of feelings and SJW dogma, parroting NDP and Greenie direction. Its pathetic, and a sign of the death spiral of this once great station. It has aligned itself to GlobalTV.
    Then there’s CFAX here is Victoria, the voice of the NDP. Did I say that this station is owned by the Pattison Group? Yes, THAT Jimmy Pattison………….its also an iHeart afilliate, cant die soon enough. Terry Moore is a geriatric socialist fool, again, unlistenable.
    I rotate my tunes between Spotify, Youtube, ITunes Internet Radio stations, and sometimes (ack) Stingray, an armslength Ceeb venture, but it tends to have very repetitive playlists.
    And a shout out to Aardvark Radio from Arkansas, GREAT classic ROCK (without any CanCon). Modern rock is virtually dead.
