38 Replies to “The pot on the way to the rainbow.”

  1. Wait until they start collecting data, such as people who buy cannabis online from the Alberta Gov’t. Call me paranoid and let me start the list of action plans…
    – target people for impaired driving and take their (non-electric) vehicles off the road.
    – firearm restrictions on consumers
    – insurance premiums
    – child protection services
    – data leaks to employers of the politically incorrect
    Support your local dealer.
    Additional thought, sort of on topic… if you are a child, or someone in an occupation that requires urine testing, you are going to get intoxicated if you walk through enough clouds of high-THC smoke rolling around in the dog park or on a hiking path…

  2. Why stop at Dope Taxes!? If Canada is going to collect SIN TAXES … then why stop at Dope and Booze? Get serious about SIN, Canada.
    Legalize and SIN TAX all gambling. Lotto, Sport, Royal nuptials… everything
    Legalize and SIN TAX meth amphetamines … think of the revenue $$$$ !!!
    Legalize and SIN TAX prostitution … unngghh!! The oldest SIN TAX in the world
    Legalize and SIN TAX soda pop … and Fast Food … a SIN TAX cash cow $$$$$ cha Ching !!
    Speaking of cash cows … add SIN TAXES to all beef purchases … heck … make it ALL meat. SIN TAX meat … because everyone should be a vegan … right ?
    and TAX all pickup trucks and SUV’s !! SIN TAX driving all internal combustion engines. And SIN TAX everyone hurting Gaia if they have more than 1.8 children … TAX 1.9+ children!!
    And how about pets? Pets are unnecessary and divert $ from poor people in Biafra … so SIN TAX every pet. Of course also SIN TAX all breeders, of both pets and livestock … they are such SINS against Gaia … so SIN TAX the HOLY HELL out of farmers.
    $$$$$ Government $$$$$ wants your $$$$$ … so they can redistribute it in a HOLY-er than thou manner.
    Shut up, smoke up, and PAYYYYYYYYY!!!!

  3. The going rate for a gram of bud in BC is around 5 to 6 dollars. I for one, will not pay more. Neither will anyone I know. Most people I know or have met in my life do use pot for various reasons. I have cancer, I eat it, smoke is a bit harsh for my septuagenarian lungs … it helps me sleep without destroying my guts.
    Some grow their own, most, like me, find nice mom and pop biz where they produce quality bud at an affordable price. That is NOT going to change.
    I am sure a lot of nice law abiding growers are going to be put out of business and in jail, but the Gestapo style police the is forming under Trudeau’s bullshit regime. But it won’t snuff these people out. Where there is a demand, there will always be someone to fill it. The underground pot economy will thrive.

  4. Not a pot user or advocate but as a businessman I would say that the street dealers are leaving too much money on the table. If the government is going to try sell for $35 a gram the black market should raise their price to $25 bucks a gram and make a killing.

  5. Good, hope that it is VERY expensive, no sympathy anywhere here. At the least, it should be taxed the same as booze and smokes.
    The biggest laugh? That “kids” will be safer fro pot after “legalization”. Bonehead logic.

  6. No way it’s going to cost $35.
    And what will drive legal sales is quality consistency and most importantly- safety.

  7. Nothing evokes Gov’t wrath more than circumventing taxes. This. Is what our youngest generation of the voting public gave their support for: expensive legal scromit inducing dope for dopes. Instead of jobs and less debt. Idiots.

  8. How can you make such an outrageous claim, Gord?
    “No way it’s going to cost $35”
    I remember folks like you saying “Thirty-five cents for
    a pack of 20 cigarettes??!! Are you crazy?!!! It’ll never go that high!!”

  9. That article is missing an important special interest group. It mentions the federal government, provincial governments, and municipalities all wanting a cut. Missing are the Aboriginals who I am sure will want their cut as soon as they can come up with a good justification.

  10. I’m waiting for the arguments between the three levels of government (and the so-called First Nations) to publicly squabble about how the loot is to be divided and which of the provincial governments (all of them, likely) start crying about the health costs rising because of the ravages inherent in dope-smoking and the feds joining in making the same claims about a horrible socialized medical system made possible because the provinces abrogated their responsibilities for health care to the feds who have turned it into a wait, wait, wait system to support a huge bureacracy in Ottawa.
    In other words – – nothing makes any real sense.

  11. Canada is a lost cause! They jumped the Shark back in the 70’s … They think they are a leader in Social Justice,
    YES they are done. The Cream & Shit spin-out & come to the Top.. It is all shit and they don’t even Know IT…
    Nothing, but nonsense that a 12 year old thinks is something.. Done..Drugged out

  12. At the outset pricing will be at or near the black market rate. Once that market has been snuffed out the price – read: tax rate will go up.
    There are precedents in alcohol, tobacco and gambling.

  13. Keeping the street dealers in business is a feature not a bug. The street guys make their payoffs in cash. With no unpleasant paperwork.

  14. At the local skateboard park,weed is about $200/ounce,with no sales tax,yet.
    The government(s) will find a way to drive most of the business back to where it belongs,with private industry.
    I bet the quality of “approved” dope will be very much lacking.

  15. Quality,quality,quality,price & quick availability will determine the market,something greedy liberal insiders have never ever been able to deliver from energy to drugs !This is going to be a major joke !

  16. There will not be enough money to pay for the problems which legalizing pot will cause. I’ve spoken to numerous people from Washington State who have told me how legal pot is affecting the poor. Single mothers spend their welfare cheques on pot and smoke it daily while their kids go without food. They’re finding children are born with levels of THC in their blood. What a start to life. And what about driving while high? How will this be monitored? The Chinese must be laughing at the US and Canada…it’s payback time for what the Brits did to them with opium. Some stats say that out of a population of 300 million in China 90 million were opium addicts. Time will tell…it’s still all about the money and not about what’s good for the people. Governments especially our federal government will need more money because they don’t know how to stop spending and giving taxpayer money away.

  17. You are delusional. The black market will NEVER be stamped out and in fact, it will be easier for the black market to operate. And just wait until the “First Nations” get in on the racket. Legalization of pot is probably one of the dumbest ideas Trudeau came up with…..but of course, he wants to reward his Liberal friend pot pushers.

  18. People paying $6.67 a gram for good weed aren’t going to pay $25 a gram on the black market just because the gubmit store is charging $35.
    Don’t count on the police using more resources or enforcement to go after the illegal trade than they are right now. Less is more likely.
    Also, why would people change their buying habits to stand in line and pay too much for mediocre pot? They won’t of course.
    Government will surely find a way to lose money.
    In any event, every cent collected in tax from the legal sale of marijuana should be cancelled out by cuts elsewhere.
    The state has enough of our money to waste; they spend all they can get their hands on, borrow all they can, then send CRA goons out to get more because they insist on taking credit for and using our resources, hard work and productivity to enhance their political power.
    Like any addict, the least they need in taxes and control of our lives is the most they can get.
    Oh yes the aboriginal leaders are once again lining up at the trough, sensing another easy payday:
    “Randall Phillips, the chief of Oneida Nation of the Thames, near London, Ont., said the legalization of marijuana is just another way for the federal government to profit from a product that otherwise has been sold on the black market. But the First Nations should also benefit, and on their own terms, Mr. Phillips said.”
    “We will decide who gets it. We will decide how it gets distributed. We will decide how it gets protected and we are going to look at all those things. But I don’t need a regulatory framework,” he said.”
    Ah yes, the familiar clarion call for more political power. People who can’t control their spending will end up controlling others’.

  19. Oh God, I do so love watching this train wreck.
    I have no vested interest in pot at all – legal or illegal – so I find myself a highly amused bystander!
    At some point, even for addlepated potheads, the penny is surely going to drop and they’ll realize they’ve been had big time by their Liberal pals.
    Ha ha! You couldn’t make this stuff up!

  20. The problem is that Canada is a leader in Social Justice. Social Justice is anti-social and unjust.

  21. Yup, try getting caught for tax evasion now by your liberal buddy’s, and dream of the day when “illegal pot” was nothing more than a misdemeanor.

  22. So like all scams and progressive plans it’s all about getting a cut of the action.
    At least organized crime is honest about it.

  23. Stopped at a corner store today,picked up a pack of smokes for friend,$20…
    Smokes all hidden behind a blank cover,so I have to remember what brand to ask for.
    Just as Dope will cost more,give less and be harder to acquire.
    Government.The idiots solution to everything.
    Of course while we discuss SIN TAXES..at the rate government taxes income from working,one must conclude that they regard such activity as most sinful.
    Maybe the message we need to drive home to our helpers,is do not steal,we really do not need you.
    With current government help,dope will cost a whole bunch more soon, as the private suppliers mark up their prices to shadow the Government suggested price.

  24. It won’t be $35 a gram because there won’t be any. There’s no supply right now. Not enough legally grown weed in the country to meet existing medical demand.
    I expect some aging boomer judges will find all kinds of new “rights” real soon, like the right to grow your own means you can grow it by the bale. One gets the feeling that the whole planned government controlled weed infrastructure is going to crash and go up in a puff of smoke. It all feels extremely rickety and sleazy.
    The smart money is already -out- of weed stocks. They made their money on the public offerings, and they are gone.

  25. Marijuana (Cannabis) will be legal on or about next July 01-18.
    Sounds like fun doesn’t it. If indeed it is legal, then when will I be able to set up a cannabis stand in front of my house and sell it to a passerby who may be having a bad day and wants a renewed outlook on life? Probably never, and that tells me it’s not really legal. They wouldn’t stop me from selling lemonade, turnips and carrots now would they?? Although certain municipal by-laws could prevent me from doing that too.
    Ah but wait a minute! Times have changed. No longer will the street thugs and various gangs have a monopoly on pot. That racket belongs to the Federal government of Canada and the pushers will be the provinces.
    I live in Saskatchewan. In a community of 1500, when I grew up in the 50’s, gambling was illegal,, except at church bingos, bazars and local circuses, and for very small amounts. There were most likely 5-6 compulsive gamblers in our town. The boys would have a quiet game of black jack at the back of the pool room, nobody bothered them, except when one angry housewife got tired of being refused credit at the food store, and broke up the poker game with a rolling pin in hand.
    In the early 90’s the NDP gov’t of Sask. (Sask. Gaming and Liquor Authority) set up gambling machines in bars and casinos. Within a few years, I could count at least a dozen people in our community who became seriously hooked on VTL gambling. The number may vary slightly from year to year, as every time one compulsive gambler goes broke, another fills the void. At least 6 people I know went bankrupt from gambling, losing homes, vehicles etc..
    Did legalizing gambling change anything?? Yup! It created a whole new array of social problems. Bigger, badder and more expensive. Because when people spend the day in the bar rolling VLTs, they also drink.
    The old pool room closed a long time ago. They no longer call them pool rooms, they’re now billiard parlours. How far do I have to drive for a simple game of snooker? 100Ks to Dooley’s Billiards and lounge in Moose Jaw.
    ”Legalize marijuana” they said!! You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  26. Tobacco and alcohol and gambling all had vibrant black markets. Today they are fringe elements.
    How is cannibis different? Sure the govt could screw it up – the Brits did it with the scots. But the black market can be nullified.

  27. Why did those dumb millennials who voted for Liberals think it was such a good idea to have the government control pot distribution? This will not destroy the black market. Policing costs are likely to go up — and penalties for illegal dealing,because now the government has a stake in the product. Illegal black market causes loss of money for them. Decriminalization was a much better idea. This will be a major fiasco.

  28. As usual, the gubmint be idiots. To break a black market, you don’t set a price floor; you set a price ceiling. $5/g at the government store for the first two years. Virtually every black marketeer goes out of business. Then, start raising prices slowly, as they did with smokes and booze. Once people are used to buying at the legal store, they probably won’t go back to buying it on the black market, especially if the fines are tough and enforced. How much do you hear of people buying black market booze in Ontario?

  29. “How is cannibis different?”
    Marijuana is a weed that can be more easily grown than tobacco and more easily grown than to brew beer, make wine, or distil alcohol.
    At this time, people can legally make up to 300 gallons of beer or wine per year at home.
    Few do. Incentive is the key.
    It is easy to get a decent marijuana clone plant and keep oneself in marijuana by having 4 plants in various stages of growth from bedding out clone to ready-to-harvest adult.

  30. jeezuz murphy kenji, STFU !!!!! you’re giving them ideas !!!! LOL !!!
    sadly, given enough time, this is *precisely* what we’re in for.
    my prediction: in 50-100 years the globe will consist of 2 spheres:
    the leftist sphere and the right wing sphere.
    taxation policy will be the only yardstick necessary to determine which sphere a nation is in. geography will have little bearing in a completely ‘connected’ world.
    use you imagination to fill in the details . . . . .
    it’s coming, or some variation.

  31. well sunshine, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g you say about pot applies to booze.
    pot and booze have been around since before the days of cavemen. not a tiny doubt in my mind they used both to ease the trials of a hard brief life.
    pot is NOT a friggin ‘narcotic’ as per DEA. just part of the propaganda.
    the FACT that certain individual welfarers squander their lives spending every spare nickel and moment of their time consuming pot is NOT grounds to apply ‘the few spoil it for the many’.
    so why is booze so freely available for centuries, but pot has this ‘stigma’?

  32. JT’s bong show 2018.
    Liberals screw up everything let alone a new venture like this. Black markets will still thrive as some will even home deliver.
    Have a feeling this will make more legal issues – esp for rental property. Two methods of growing earth and water -risk bugs with one, flood/mold risks with the other and both are just as smelly. This is my own summation after reading about it. At one time I was on a house plant kick – had them everywhere – no not pot, but didn’t have any issues other than spilled soil if something went wrong. The water systems the growers use are size of hot water tanks from pictures I’ve seen, that can so some damage if repeatedly done.
    Personally if I were a landlord and had to let tenants grow their own, would have to insist on earth only, think insurance companies are going to cover flood damage from these water systems constantly without big rate increases, not me.
