Blowout 207

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world:

Will Bitcoin mining consume all of the world’s electricity by 2020? We follow with news that oil gets into the cryptocurrency act; OPEC wakes up to US shale oil growth; cracked Forties pipeline closes 80 North Sea platforms; Wylfa nuclear power to go ahead in N Wales; Trump seeks global pro-coal alliance; Tesla’s big South Australian battery at work; EDF’s $25 billion solar push; Puerto Rico’s multi-billion microgrid; Poland’s renewable energy plan; a blow to UK battery storage; Macron despairs; Exxon capitulates and how climate change will cause large, valuable, private properties to fall into the sea.

Blowout 207

10 Replies to “Blowout 207”

  1. So….. natural gas is not a fossil fuel?
    Nevermind “Climate Barbie”….. more like “Climate Gumby”.
    Just saying.

  2. Climate Barbie department statement: “The Ministerial Dialogue on Clean Energy will be chaired by Natural Resources Canada and the National Energy Administration of China. It will provide a forum to facilitate clean energy solutions, including the transition from fossil energy to cleaner fuels, such as nuclear, renewables and natural gas.”
    Natural gas not a fossil fuel?

  3. Well, she’s Climate Barbie. She has degrees in “International Studies”.
    It’s not about saving the planet, it’s all about destroying capitalism & wealth re-distribution. Yours, if you have any. Buh bye middle class (kulaks).
    CB is just reading her lines.

  4. Forayed into Bitcoin last night. Believe EUs comments about electric consumption with Bitcoin mining. You’re computer goes on overdrive and gets hot, and that’s actually pretty small scale when you read up a little more.
    There are special “data miners” one can buy, for thousands of dollars that consume electricity like your wife’s hair dryer 24/7. And given the valuation of B.C. now, for who knows how long, it now becomes attractive to do this, even with high electricity rates.
    Oh, and it’s a waste of time and effort on your own computer

  5. Bitcoin mining, Oilcoin barrels, Litecoin.
    When they come out with a Shalecoin and I can purchase several feet of a Shale mountain with known reserves, that’s where I will place my investments..

  6. I did the same just this morning Dan…yep for $479 USD you can get yourself a bitcoin miner. Does this not smell a lot like a pyramid scheme..?? ….with shades of Tulip Fervor.?

  7. Exactly what I have ben saying for a while.
    The complete and total destruction of our “current economic Model” (Christina Figueres – IPCC Exec Secretary)….all done via ENERGY POVERTY
    Who can argue that up here in Canada eh.?
    Ontario completely screwed up with Wind/Solar garbage
    Alberta about to join in
    BC not far behind
    Min wage to go to $20/hr by 2025 (you just watch..)
    The Feds…totally invested in our soon to be de-facto “Trans National State”….yep, a State of 35 million poor, with a million a year of African – Middle Eastern Poor coming to join us.
    MARXISM folks….What else can it be..??

  8. At this point is bitcoin a currency or a virus?
    And it’s proof that the bogusly named net neutrality should be done away with.

  9. Ohh gawwwd … so California energy “regulators” (read: Global Warmist “True Believers”) are going to replace 100% reliable natural gas power plants for some form of battery backup of “clean, green” unreliable energy … uggh … so WHERE is the California PUC? The PUC which is supposed to regulate energy monopolies in FAVOR of the consumer? NOT in FAVOR of the fraudulent “green” energy corporations (wholly owned by EXTREMIST leftist politicians and their supporters). If my lights go OUT or go DIM … because some IDIOTS ruining (not running) our State imposed inferior generation in the name of “greenness” … there will be a full-on Consumer Revolution … like the one that impeached and tossed-out Gov. Gray Davis (who proposed a doubling of our vehicle registration fees.
