16 Replies to “Red Rose Country”

  1. Every time a small business lays off a person because of taxes, min wage, carbon theft, etc they should not hide it but alert the public very publicly. Put signs in their store windows, put it on FB, twitter, etc everywhere are the young dippers can see it. Business understands why those jobs disappeared, they must tell the young idiots why. The left will certainly never tell the youth the truth, in fact it does nothing but blame business.
    HELP NOT WANTED: Dear Youth, please don’t kill your future. I have enough work to hire 2 of you for 30 hours per week to do useful work. However, due to gov’t regulation, min wage hikes, and carbon taxing I cannot afford to hire anyone. If you would kindly vote for a business friendly gov’t in the next election you would find youself in gainful employment and on a rewarding path to more experience, higher pay, and a nice future. It is your future, please don’t kill it.

  2. Levelling the playing field for all workers to feel their value for what they do is expensive.
    The Dippers have hired tens of thousands of high paid gubment employees who are now paying union dues which funnel money back to the NDP. Full circle financing, guaranteed incomes and more voting for more guaranteed jobs.
    B raising the minimum wages, the government gets to collect more taxes.
    That seems to be the way the shallow end of the gene pool has kept alive.

  3. To quote so many of our leftist friends who for some reason don’t run businesses, “If you can’t survive while paying a living wage you shouldn’t be in business.” And wonder of wonders, the leftists were correct, they aren’t in business anymore!

  4. All those middle class tax cheats are finally getting what’s coming to them. That’s what they get for using those businesses to cheat the government out of what it’s owed.
    Yeah, right. Leftists have always hated the bourgeoisie, considering their wealth to have been stolen and not legitimately earned. It’s bad enough having been born into that class–one didn’t have a choice in that–but those who betrayed the proletariat and worked their way into it are particularly hated.
    Like the Greatest American President Ever (otherwise known as Barry O’Bummer) said in a State of the Union address a few years ago, “If you own a business, you didn’t build that.”
    It’s all about “fairness”, as if we didn’t know…..

  5. A few years ago, I would hire unskilled young people for $14-$15 and train them to do entry level work. Some of them who were keen to learn and to work were able to double that pay in about 3 years. At that point, they could enter an apprenticeship and increase their wages even further. Some are now earning over $40. In good times, that will be enhanced with overtime and bonuses.
    This path has now dried up. Young people don’t want to work in a manufacturing environment with deadlines and pressure to perform for the same money they can get flipping burgers. Now, these unskilled schmucks want $22-$24 to start. The problem is, for another couple bucks, I can get semi-skilled people who need less training and supervision. With so many financial pressures on the company and such tight margins, I no longer have the money, time or patience to deal with this entitled class.
    Instead, I hire skilled and semi-skilled workers on the condition that, if they’re not pulling their share of the load within a week, they’re out. It saddens me to not be training young people anymore but I can’t jeopardize the futures of the rest who have worked hard and contributed to a moderate success.

  6. Young people don’t want to work in a manufacturing environment with deadlines and pressure to perform for the same money they can get flipping burgers.
    It’s been like that for years.
    In the mid-1970s, I spent my undergrad summers in an oil refinery/gas plant near where my parents lived. During my second time there, I worked with the maintenance crews. In those days, the pay was good with the starting wage about twice the local minimum wage and that was for a reason. It was tough, back-breaking work, and often dangerous. There were lots of ways of being injured or even killed ranging from live steam to hydrofluoric acid to hydrogen sulphide gas.
    I saw my share of people who signed up, say, on a Monday and quit by the end of the week. Many probably found the job too tough and too dirty.
    On the other hand, my fellow summer students and I not only needed the money when we returned to university the following term, we were determined to show that we could pull our weight. That attitude paid off as none of us quit until the summer was over. By then, most of us had made all the overtime we could wanted and that money was most welcome. I went back for my junior undergrad year with an extra $1000, a lot of cash for that time, which I used to pay for a lot of books.
    I went back for one more summer and that was followed by a job offer from the company. That might not have happened if I decided to do something else. Yes, it was a grubby, often miserable job but I also saw future opportunity. If nothing else, I learned a lot of things that helped me after I finished my B. Sc.
    Imagine what’s going to happen to people like me in similar situations once the minimum wage is finally raised. There won’t be as much incentive to work at those sorts of jobs and, by not doing so, who knows what possible future advantages they may give up. To this day, I still know how to use a fire extinguisher and how to cut and thread pipe. Show me how I could have learned something that valuable if I’d spent my summers flipping burgers.

  7. Absolutely great comment Frenchie…!!
    And one hell of a good idea….
    Put it out there….most don’t ever read a newspaper, but put that sign up on any restaurant…they will see it.

  8. “So will this economical punch in the mouth change the plan?”
    Absolutely no chance of that.
    The left NEVER admits the truth when their policies (that sound so good in theory) fail in real life, as they almost always do. If they did, they would have to stop being lefties, and that is unacceptable to them, because that’s the whole of how they define themselves.

  9. Your are right. The left never admits that their policies destroy economies. It took seventy years for the Soviet Union to collapse and the died in the wool commies still have not admitted that their murderous regime killed millions and the economic life of the country.

  10. “Of all the world’s great philosophers down the ages, who could have imagined that a veritable thug such as one-time heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson would get a look in?”
    I have always considered Mike Tyson one of the first victims of the “he raaaaped me” movement which has taken hold and expanded to where a man can be destroyed for making a crude remark to a woman 25 years ago,with no corroboration.
    Iron Mike was absolutely correct,when you enthusiastically start the business you always dreamed of and are finally your own boss, the only entity on the planet worse than a young Mike Tyson left hook in the mouth, Government, is right there to show you who’s really the boss.
    I had businesses for about 15 years,and was always treated like the low guy on the totem pole by various government agencies,complete with threats, and monthly
    reminders that I had better report ALL my income,OR ELSE!
    No one should be hired by government until they have worked in private industry for at least five years,as there is no one quite as smug and obnoxious to deal with as a lifetime civil servant whose first and only job is the one you have to deal with right now.

  11. Thanks for reminding us Ward. I remember well reading Black’s endorsement at the time and cursing him for his ignorance.

  12. It looks like the Calgary Herald already knows who will form the next Government of Alberta.
    Sweet dreams Notley.

  13. “Here is more about Canada’s backwards economic policies. We are badly trailing the US. Too many Canadians have been seduced by socialist myths.”
    But, but we elected the perfect government in Ottawa for smoothly dealing with the incoming Clinton administration.
    What? Oh yeah. Clinton lost.
