2017 #FakeNews

Rex Murphy brilliantly sums up the deliberate, dangerous turn the MSM has decided to head in:

When the majority of the American media failed in their coverage of the presidential election, they had to find some excuse for their massive incompetence. The New York Times, with all their resources, and after two full years of daily coverage of the campaign, was nonetheless projecting Hillary Clinton’s chances of victory at a full 92 per cent on election night itself. That was at least better than the pathologically anti-Trump HuffPost, which had Hillary’s chances set at a modest 98 per cent! Such was the state of American journalism, these companies barely allowed for the mere possibility that Trump could win. Under their professional eye, he was just a sideshow, even in the very hours before he actually won.
These two–the Times and HuffPost–can stand for a large set of the American press, both traditional and online. Their reading of the American election was the greatest journalistic failure–the largest act of group incompetence–in decades. This failure fostered the need for some excuse for how they got so much so wrong.

19 Replies to “2017 #FakeNews”

  1. Funny how these same intellectual giants, chose to lead; “Screaming at the sky”
    As a means of “protesting Trump”.
    Screaming at the sky…beyond parody.
    Trump derangement syndrome blinds the haters.
    You really expect to have an intelligent conversation with voters, when you open by calling them retards and worse for supporting President Trump?
    The haters amuse the hell out of me,every night there is a fresh batch on Tv glibbering incoherently.
    Best TV in decades.
    The Presstitutes are beyond recovering, they openly proclaimed their hatred and contempt for the citizens.
    Continually demonstrated their “superiority” by demeaning,condemning and abusing anyone who supported Trump.
    And then topped that off by throwing the mother of all tantrums when the voters laughed and ignored them.
    The last year of their slander and spewing has done more to confirm citizen support for President Trump than any amount of praise or support from the media would have.
    I look forward to a 2018 where democrats and their media lackeys will continue their current behaviour.

  2. I was so sure Trump would win that for the first time in my life I bet a couple hundreds bucks.
    I like and respect Rex Murphy, but he is only partially right; it is not only revenge for humiliation, the fake news about Trump had begun even before the election.
    When those media were telling us Hillary was sure to win they knew they were lying, they knew this was fake news, they were doing it because their boss; the democrat party was telling them to say it.
    During Trump’s campaign there was already more fake news – in an attempt to destroy Trump – than there had been about Bush or Reagan combined.
    I knew most of it was fake news, I have known the main stream media lies to us – to help liberals – since roughly 2001, the year I became interested in politics.
    Some people have asked me; how come you were so sure?
    well…I knew Trump was hugely popular because I get my information from anywhere BUT the main stream media.
    yep that is how I knew by NOT watching the MSM.

  3. For me, the big tell was watching Trump speeches at his events and then having the media come back and describe something totally different from what you had seen — over, and over again.

  4. Thats right. While rally after rally Trump was filling stadiums, Clinton’s infrequent rallies could barely be held in a high school gym. While Trump was going from strength to strength, Clinton was fainting and having weird seizures. All this the MSM tried to hide, but lole Canadian Friend said, this I knew only because I DIDN’T listen to the MSM.

  5. Yes. Sat and watched most of the rallies; people lined up outside for blocks, and the media trying to say there were a “Handful of attendees”.

  6. Rex has it right in the first few paragraphs, but then goes off the rails..The Journalists are doing what they are paid to do. Fake News has BIG money backing & more sinister motives… The CNN expert Panels have some of the worst critters on the planet.. I think Trump was right when he said he couldn’t standby and watch America destroyed…Neo-Cons or Communists,…or both.. It’s not all about Ratings, because Trump wins that argument at every stage…maybe he needed to invent them. More Stupid! Faster

  7. Do not count on the left being down and out. They never stop in thier persuit of power.
    If you don’t understand what Eric Holder was saying the other day about dictating what Trump did in regards to Mueller and what a monumental statement that was, then this blog is not for you anyway. In effect, Holder and the rest of Obama’s minions are threatening BLM times ten should Trump come after them in a legal way. It was a statement that the left was willing to burn the nation to the ground to keep from being indicted and they would use all of the Soros paid thugs to do it. Antifa is political theater, but they are there for a reason and perhaps they will never amount to much, you can’t focus on what they want you to focus on, you have to look deeper and see what they are trying to hide.
    Christian Mercenary
    The Only Question Worthy of Debate

  8. It almost seems like Rex’s original draft of this article was much longer.
    Then the editor edited out the parts describing the swamp creatures, the uniparty, and the alphabet agencies roles in this charade.

  9. it was not journalistic failure, the intent was to move the vote and it failed. they were doing exactly what they were supposed to do, make it look like Hillary was a shoe in. the people did not buy the lie.

  10. What really got me is that the media knew Hillary had serious health problems but wanted her to lead a country with its nuclear arsenal.
    Anyway I think a lot of snowflakes didn’t bother to vote because it was a sure thing Hillary would win. Also Hillary didn’t campaign in Wisconsin for instance because it was a sure blue state.

  11. Rex is a big part of the political power elite/media that carried out a successful 10 year character assassination of Stephen Harper
    That successful operation killed democracy in this country and resulted in the election of a wholly corrupt political party led by the very least qualified individual to ever be elected as head of state.
    So Rex gets no points from me. Nor does Conrad black.
    This act (and all other articles like it) of closing the barn door when the horses are gone and the foxes occupy the henhouse dining on chicken, is nothing but theatre. The mission was accomplished.
    We have no polarity or independence or honesty in Canadian media other than the rebel, and it’s too small to yet make a difference.
    Canada is now what the US would be would Hillary have won. And I have my doubts we will recover.

  12. ‘it was not journalistic failure, the intent was to move the vote and it failed’
    Yes. It explains in part why the media has gone off the rails. To their bitter disappointment their finely structured edifice collapsed and there has been no self-examination nor soul-searching; just bitter back-lash against those who aided in its fall.

  13. Anyway I think a lot of snowflakes didn’t bother to vote because it was a sure thing Hillary would win.

    It was such a rush watching and listening to the lying MSM talk about Hillary’s 92-98 percent of wonderful chances of winning,
    and then state after state came in for the Donald.
    After it was over and the Fake 92-98 percent media started crying, I got a thrill up my leg.
    If you can stand it, listen to Rachel Madcow begging for a new world.
    She is at 50 seconds.

  14. The media does what the media does and that is it hates anything it perceives that does not toe its party line. It hated Nixon and Reagan and H and W and now it hates Trump. I won’t even use the old liberal/conservative divide it is the unithought of the ‘elite’ that simply can not stand to be questioned or doubted.

  15. I agree completely Ward…the medias 10 year attack on Harper was inexcusable culminating in the Mike Duffy thing which was completely fake but we heard about it everyday for a year prior to the election… You know it was fake because it disappeared the day after the election. It was only intended to harm Harper with no other purpose. From nothing…back to nothing.
    The reason we have The Clown Prince of Stupidity is (in order):
    1) the public education system (propaganda training network really)
    2) the media (who are a product of the education system)
    3) the brain dead voters…(who didn’t question the propagandists and who believe the media BS)
    I tuned out the MSM in 1986 when I cancelled my cable. Threw out my rabbit ears in 2002.
    The only time I tuned in the CBC was for instructional purposes when teaching my kids what a bunch of lying sacks of sh!t the media are.
    I hope I live long enough to see a Canadian version of Trump… (not holding my breath though)

  16. My lefty buddy after I sent him the article by Conrad Black on Trump. Nothing changes their minds, nothing, as in the EU exec whose daughter was raped and murdered by a muslim migrant who still supports the “refugees”.
    You know, I didn’t even read this trash. Why would I listen to a convicted criminal, who was a personal friend and neighbour of Trump’s, and is himself a member of “the Swamp”. Just look at the numbers. Trump is the least popular president in history at this point in his term. The only people who support him are the ultra wealthy (Can you guess why?), the racist, bigoted part of the population (and it’s not small), the uneducated white’s (who are going to get next to nothing out the new tax bill), the gun enthusiasts, and those who don’t can’t abide by the Constitution (yes, Evangelicals, I’m looking at you and your hypocrisy).
    I pray the Americans come to their senses before they irreparably slide into a morass of their own making.

  17. Exactly. Especially all the reports about how “violent” the Trump supporters were … when in reality it was the ugly leftist protestors who were violent. The presstitutes refused to show the violence and vitriol spewed at the Trump supporters as they arrived and departed his rallys. All the damage to cars … the violent harassment. It was AWFUL. So awful that Trump himself had to SNEAK into his rally on the SF peninsula. Disgusting.

  18. Why a doesn’t Rex use Canadian media examples. Seems a little cowardly to go after another country when we are so rich with fake news right here at home. Reminds me a bit of that idiot RM who interviews residents of the US for stupid comments when we could just as easily go to Wilfred Laurier to find some great Canadian thinkers.

  19. The error was NOT in the reading of the electorate-Trump is very unpopular and got millions fewer votes than Hillary. They just weren’t objective about how the Electoral College ‘works’. Nate Silver (PBUH) was objective and did not dismiss the possibility of Trump winning.
