26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Doing the jobs Americans won’t do
    The ‘Big Lie’ Starts to Crumble as Feds Release Immigrant Crime Data
    On Thursday, the Department of Justice and Homeland Security released long-suppressed data on illegal immigrants and federal crime. Granted, this is only a small part of the overall picture, as both sides admit, but it’s still a telling one. According to the report, “more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were foreign born, and 94 percent of confirmed aliens in custody were unlawfully present.”
    Further, when it comes to federal crime convictions, non-citizens were responsible for 22 percent of all murder, 18 percent of fraud, 33 percent of money laundering, 29 percent of drug trafficking, and 72 percent of all drug possession convictions

  2. If you have about 50 minutes to spare, listen to this talk that Gingrich gave at The Heritage Foundation.
    The analysis of the swamp, the learned class (as compared to those that actually know stuff), trumpism and how is it that Trump won, is remarkable.
    “Newt Gingrich on Trumpism: How Trump Beat the Liberal Media”
    The thing is, you have to stick to it for the whole piece.
    You see, conservatives can and would win in Canada if they stuck with being conservatives.
    As Limbaugh is wont to say, facts of life are conservative.
    Being conservative and agree with socialists policies to be a “nice guy”, to get the votes is killing getting votes. The people must get a choice, if you promise the same as a socialist and put a spin on it, why would they vote for you if socialist could do it better. There is no win….???
    The prime example of that are recent past election in Ontario, the Conservatives were hell bent on outsocialist the socialist.
    How did that work out for them?
    You see, you gotta hava better argument and without fear to use it, no matter what the learned class will say.
    Gingrich talks about it in the video, like the learned can write a brilliant essay on changing a tire, however, be completely useless and incompetent on actually changing a tire.

  3. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Come in; visit Moi Death and Taxes Donor Lobby Mystery Quagmire.
    “Two legacies, one dark mystery: Toronto elite reeling after violent deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman
    A mystery that has possessed the city’s business and cultural elite unlike any in recent memory”
    “Sherman also pushed rules to their limits when it came to political fundraising. In May, he filed a lawsuit to block the lobbying commissioner’s investigation into political fundraisers he held for Justin Trudeau in 2015 and 2016, calling it “an unanchored fishing expedition.”
    And in 2006, then-Liberal leadership candidate Joe Volpe returned $27,000 in donations from five children of current and former Apotex executives after an outcry from the opposition. They included two $5,400 donations from a pair of 11-year-old twins.”

  4. AGW RIP.
    h/t Wilf Carter*.
    “Churchill cheers as shipment of goods arrives after 25-hour ice road journey”
    “Dozens of Churchill, Man., residents cheered as a shipment of goods — including Christmas toys — arrived in town via 25-hour ice road journey.
    A series of specialized treaded vehicles pulling sleighs called “cat trains” hauled the coveted deliveries along a 300-kilometre-long ice road starting Tuesday. They arrived at about 3 p.m. CT Friday after slugging along cautiously at about 10 kilometres an hour.” (cbc)
    *Wilf Carter
    “When the ice worms nest again”
    “In the land of the pale blue snow,
    Where it’s ninety-nine below,
    And the polar bears are roaming o’er the plain,
    In the shadow of the Pole
    I will clasp her to my soul,
    We’ll be happy when the ice worms nest again”

  5. Good grief! That is one scary website. This passage sounds like Trudeau is collaboating with the UN to throw open our borders to every drought-stricken, monsoon-ravaged third world country in the world.
    Santa’s relocation agreement marks the first time that the international community agrees on a common legal definition of climate change that includes refugees as corporations, as well as individuals. This deal is expected to lead to the deployment of a global climate change refugee visa system that in the near future could help to more easily relocate individuals and corporations facing the impacts of climate change.

  6. Of B.O’narcissist:
    America’s first black Alger Hiss* betrayer.
    “The U.S. Just Had a Very Good Week at the UN” (bloomberg)
    “Obama’s Hezbollah Gamble Required a Hillary Win
    The terrible risks he took have been exposed.”
    “… Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities. …
    But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way …”
    Alger Hiss* betrayer”
    “Among those identified … Alger Hiss”. (verona)

  7. AGW RIP.
    “De-industrializing by over-industrializing
    The Energiewende is one green plan that is backfiring spectacularly on a scale few could have imagined earlier. And in typical German fashion, leaders refuse to acknowledge this and appear as if they would prefer to see the country descend (once again) into ruin before admitting they’ve erred.
    This is one presentation that needs to be made in English in other countries that are gung ho on going solar and wind.”

  8. Juxtapose this….
    The Muslim community has had a challenging year with rising Islamophobia in Canada and the world, Premier Kathleen Wynne told the 2017 Reviving the Islamic Spirit conference.
    CAIRO (AP) — Hundreds of Muslim demonstrators attacked an unlicensed church south of Cairo wounding three people, an Egyptian Coptic Christian diocese said on Saturday, in the latest assault on members of the country’s Christian minority.

  9. PET POT Party Cemetery Report. Update from Moi Quash Court.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi Death and Taxes Donor Lobby Quash Investigation Update.
    “Billionaire couple faced financial woes before ‘suspicious’ deaths”
    “And days before he died, the Shermans’ attorneys filed documents in Canadian federal court in an attempt to quash a government investigation into a possible violation of lobbying rules in connection with a $1,100-a-plate fundraising dinner the Shermans held at their home for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2015.” (nypost)
    “Trudeau oblivious to ethical concerns
    Could it be that he just doesn’t get it?”
    “What’s apparent from the PM’s response is that this is not a case of a politician having his corrupt agenda exposed. Rather, this is a person born and raised in great privilege, who continues to enjoy a high station in life and seems completely oblivious to what passes for acceptable public servant behaviour down here among the common folk.
    Mr. Trudeau, more likely than not, accepted the trip(s), and the elite manners of conveyance to and from Bells Cay (a private seaplane on his wife’s March trip, a helicopter for the jolly Christmas jaunt) because that’s what people in his socioeconomic circles do. You dine at my estate, I’ll play polo at your club — that sort of thing.”

  10. Ugh. The Canadian government is being run by globalists at the UN. Their agenda us to get rid of nation-states. Liberals offered Canada as the first post-national state. Canadians have been duped.

  11. as thick as it’s been for the last 75 years!
    And Canadians have been thick for the same amount of time for having voted these clowns into office so often during that time. (I might make an exception for Louis St. Laurent. After all, it was during his time as PM that the Canada’s post-war economy boomed, providing opportunities that immigrants like my parents and I eagerly sought.)

  12. Could it be that he just doesn’t get it?
    He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he’s likely never lacked for anything. Clearly, he doesn’t comprehend that there are certain things that the rich and privileged do and which the peasantry finds abhorrent.
    But let’s not forget that he isn’t exactly a candidate for membership in Mensa, not to mention that he seriously needs to grow up. He’s little more than a dimwitted middle-aged spoiled brat who’s never been held accountable for anything.

  13. Something occurred to me right after I posted my last item.
    Wee Juthtin reminds me, in some ways, of a student I had during my first two years of teaching.
    That kid wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with, but he didn’t exactly apply himself to his studies, either, doing only what was necessary to pass. The reason was that he would eventually take over his father’s business and he would then be afflicted with prosperity.
    Why bother acting like a responsible adult when there’s a windfall waiting for you?
