18 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Seem that things are going full Roman empire. There is book by Petronius called Satyricon, been there done that.
    The collapse is near.

  2. “They are so open-minded, that their brains fell out.”
    Don’t know who said it, but how right they are!

  3. Lord, I ask you to forgive me and to remember the pygmies in New Guinea, as you git ‘er done….

  4. Sick. Freaking SICK!! If our government wasn’t already overrun with SJW’s … this would have already been nipped in the bud, and anyone attempting this locked away in a mental institution. Drain our government swamps … all levels … and get SANE people employed.

  5. All of the above. Like Lev says, “Seem that things are going full Roman empire. …The collapse is near.”
    What a sick society in general this is becoming. I’m sure that in its last days Rome still had some honourable decent citizens in the general population but its leadership consisted of sick depraved filth.

  6. Declining societies abhor a vacuum. I’m sure there are other perversions waiting in line to be welcomed into the fold.

  7. Lev, we are screwed, figuratively, literally, and any other ly you would care to use. Our society will not survive the degradation.

  8. There is a disturbing trend, here. Transgenderism, whether you believe it to be “real” or not, was a relatively rare condition. I have several TG friends. They made their transitions as adults, even though a couple knew “something was wrong” as young children. But they made their transitions as adults. As adults, who had had ample opportunity to consider their choices. In essence, they paid their dues.
    Suddenly, everybody and his dog are questioning their gender. It’s become a fad. TG is cool. It is also dangerous. I don’t care much if adults engage in the new fad, but it has apparently become hip to have TG kids. It’s a way of signalling your cool hipster virtue. I am convinced that these “hip” scum are pressuring their kids into questioning their gender so they can be cool and hip, too. That is bad enough, but the really frightening part is that they are giving, and corrupt doctors are assisting, them in chemical transition. They are giving them puberty blockers and opposite sex hormone treatments. They are damaging their little bodies, making irreversible changes, in order to signal their hipness. Already, there is some counter reversal happening. I just read of a boy, about 9 YO, who had been given estrogen treatment. After some two years, he decided he really was a boy. Now, he has to have his tits cut off to look like a boy.
    Child abuse? This is child abuse on steroids. But hey, it’s cool. 🙁
