17 Replies to ““How is that any different than your wife?””

  1. … or simply programmed with the “Black Widow Bug” at the factory, for deployment whenever the user gets behind in his payments … typical woman … move on once your man stops providing.

  2. .
    That is why it is prudent to ALWAYS chain up your sex partner to bed posts. It’s the only way to be sure.

  3. I can see these things becoming a big big hit ,especially if they can custom design the face. Imagine the number of “Michelle Obamas” ordered by every male on the left,or the “Sarah Palin” on the right!
    The inventor would be the world’s first trillionaire.
    On the other side of the equation if someone invented a male version of the Justin Trudeau,I can see sales in the millions of units,and that’s just by the Gay community!

  4. The headline: “Sex robot – locked in closet for seven years”.
    Then the outrage.

  5. Apparently some smart ass in silicon valley installed a G-Spot in their newer model sex-bots. Just freakin perfect, now men can disappoint their bots as well. Miss it enough times and they kill you….:(

  6. I see this sexbots thing as an extinction level event.
    Hell, I’ve been happily married for 40+ years and I’d buy one.
    Once they prefect them, why bother dealing with women at all.
    Other than the extinction thing, I don’t see a down side.
    And if I live long enough, I’ll buy sexbots for my grandsons.
    It will shave them from the humiliation of feminist kangaroo court.
    You know, since they are full of toxic masculinity and all….

  7. I can just see Justin Trudeau introducing a new Bill to allow men and women to marry their sex robot.
    Five years later, in a law office high up in a Calgary tower. The husband is slightly deaf.
    Lawyer: Do you have grounds for divorce?
    Client: We do own a quarter section in Hannah.
    Lawyer: No no, what I mean is do you have a valid case.
    Client: Case? No, I own a John Deere.
    Lawyer: No, what I means is do you have a grudge against your doll??
    Client: Yes, the garage, that’s where I had her when Social Services stepped in!

  8. If the female robot says : ”not tonight honey, I am recharging my batteries” and the man still ” mounts her” and has his way with her.
    will the female robot accuse him of rape?
    will feminists demand the man be sent to jail for raping a female robot?
    knowing how liberals and feminists are mentally deranged people I would say yes.
    it is a question of time.
