15 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. When it gets to personal commentary on one’s appearance, they’re out of anything valid to say.
    Having said that, Sarah Huckabee Sanders could simply retweet #ChelseaClinton or the greatest monkey look-a-like I’ve seen in 30 years, #MaliaAnnObama … #notsorry … you 2 monkeys.

  2. That’s gotta hurt. She’ll be walking funny for awhile.
    That is, assuming she has a conscience.

  3. Liberals need to get past their obsession with gender-based in politics. It’s counter productive and I think hinders women in other realms. McKenna is an example. Her attitude communicates that women need special treatment and are not suited for playing hard-ball in politics or other realms (finance, corporate). You would have never seen Deborah Grey wimping and gushing like McKenna.

  4. Actually politicians like McKenna are daily proving the wisdom of gender equality: it turns out female politicians can be every bit as banal as male ones. Who knew?
    Oh, and is it just me or is McKenna’s Twitter page (how can I put this?) almost as bubble-headed as Gwyneth Paltrow’s?
    Come to think of it, the two of them do look similar…
    I think we should be told.

  5. My overall impression of Sarah Huckabee Sanders is that she always comes to the podium exceedingly well prepared, studied, and ready to field the anticipated questions. And more importantly, she doesn’t take any crap from the assembled press (attack dogs unleashed on MY President). All of these characteristics SHOULD elicit praise and admiration from ALL “feminists” and “woman-power” advocates in the nation. But “feminism” … is leftism. It has nothing to do with women … other than to USE the female sex as a WEAPON against conservatives. And any conservative woman who actually displays all their desired goals; doing a “man’s job”, successful in a “man’s world”, strong, tough, resilient, highly visible, etc. … she needs to be destroyed … because the ONLY goal of “feminists” is to promote the idea of a “conservative WAR on women”. Sarah Huckabee Sanders shatters their DISTORTED looking glass mirror.

  6. Sarah H-S takes no prisoners. I hope she keeps it up. I don’t see much of Kellyanne Conway these days, but I greatly admired her during the election. It was an uphill battle every time she was interviewed on the MSM but she never lost her cool, was unfailingly polite and smiling, and always managed to get her points in.

  7. Sadly, there is a lot of truth to that. Feminism as it is currently promoted by the left and the Trudeau government is NOT about improving the lives of women — it is a power struggle against conservative views. Ultimately it aligns with cultural marxism and undermines social stability . . . and that too is one of the goals.

  8. “Feminism as it is currently promoted by the left and the Trudeau government is NOT about improving the lives of women…”
    And let’s face it. Feminism seems like an Eighties solution to a Seventies problem in an age when all of us can identify ourselves by any gender we want – even none!
    How can I as a “man” be your oppressor one day if I am free to be a “woman” the next? And vice-versa: how can you as a “woman” be oppressed one day if you are free to be a “man” the next?
    Oh, the tangled web we weave with our whims and inconsistencies!

  9. That ‘kitty’, Katheleen Edwards is getting a whole lot of info that she doesn’t want from the likes of Sheila Gunn-Reid , Kate, and others on twitter.
    Wish I knew how to link those here…
    Someone also tweeted a link to her with a list of Lib MP’s that follow Canadian Cynic…the one who continually degrades Conservative female MP’s.

  10. Interesting. I had not thought about that, but that is exactly right. If this is not the reality of “1984 (the novel)” I do not know what is.

  11. Feminism seems like an Eighties solution to a Seventies problem in an age when all of us can identify ourselves by any gender we want – even none!
    Brilliant! Although I still believe that even in the Seventies our Society was fully immersed in the notion that WOMEN can achieve ANYTHING that a man can. Do any job that a man can do. In MY high school, the girls were every bit as successful as the boys. And they all had their own sports to pursue as well. Just as we fully KNEW in the 1970’s that smoking dramatically increased your odds of DYING young from HORRIBLE diseases such as Emphysema, Lung Cancer, etc. We didn’t “need” any more “education” … about “feminism” … or smoking

  12. And now they can go on 18 month maternity leave after having just being elected for 4 years, as they are doing in Alberta. Next their male counterparts will be skipping out for paternity leave… turn the lights off when you leave. Can’t imagine this flying in US.
