40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Didn’t we discuss the mysoginy in the lyrics of this tune last year?
    I don’t care how cold it gets. This is Canada we live in the sub arctic.

  2. Speaking of cold. (Last hour) Environment Canada.
    Cold spot in Canada, Rabbit Kettle, NT at -45.6° C.
    Cold Spot in Saskatchewan, -40.7°C at Stony Rapids Airport.
    Hot Spot in Sask, -18.5° C at Assiniboia Airport.
    Enjoy the song.

  3. https://southfront.org/israel-set-fund-buy-votes-united-nations/
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to establish a $50m fund to buy votes in the United Nations.
    According to reports, the move is a result of the recent UN General Assembly vote to reject the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. With 35 abstentions and 128 states voted in favour of the motion authored by Turkey and Yemen. Only 8 states, including the US, supported Israel.
    The Times of Israel says that the fund is going to use Israeli expertise in agriculture, leadership development, and technology to support development in poorer countries and get the country diplomatic backing. The fund will reportedly operate in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa.
    However, it’s clear that this is just an attempt to pay money for votes in the UN.

  4. https://sputniknews.com/military/201712281060393103-china-tests-missiles-hypersonic-glide/
    China Tests New Ballistic Missiles With Hypersonic Glide Vehicles
    “The combination of high speed, maneuverability, and relatively low altitudes makes [HGVs] challenging targets for missile defense systems,” a National Air and Space Intelligence Center report released in June stated. HGVs fly faster than Mach 5 “and spend most of their flight at much lower altitudes than a typical ballistic missile,” the June report says.

  5. Can’t they just drive over the cliff and dispense with the movie?
    And from Mrs Minuteman – They already did it was called Brokeback Mountain.

  6. Bolshevism’s Natural End Result: “a real catastrophe”.
    h/t *Liberal Wynnetario’s Bolshevik Catastrophe.
    “Sebastian Barry’s Russian assignment: ‘In the supermarkets, nothing – only a solitary dried-out loaf’
    With the collapse of the USSR and the country in chaos, the writer was sent to lecture in Moscow. It was a stark awakening to a real catastrophe”
    “… when we went into a supermarket, there was literally nothing there. In all the yards and yards of aisles, nothing; only, on one 10ft shelf, a solitary dried-out loaf. Yet the people walked up and down, as if shopping for invisible items.”
    *Liberal Wynnetario’s Bolshevik Catastrophe:
    Wind 4.4%
    Solar 0.0%
    “Fri Dec 29, 7 AM – 8 AM”

  7. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine ask, who’s da “Canada 150 Closing Party” “pooper”?
    H/T AGW RIP.
    “The cold is reportedly playing party pooper for New Year’s Eve celebrations on Parliament Hill.
    The Canada 150 Closing Party on the Hill has been cancelled according to the government’s official website.”
    http://www.680news.com/2017/12/29/new-years-eve-parliament hill-party-cancelled/
    “Jonathan Kay: Why our intellectual class made Canada 150 the worst birthday ever
    Canadian leftists have been consumed with the project of shaming those who find inspiration in the many things this country has got right”

  8. Ken you need to read and consider-
    The record ‘cold snap’ has brought record-low temperatures, freezing rain and heavy snow to much of the United States.
    “But 2017 is still on track to be the second- or third-hottest year ever recorded globally” — scientists say climate change is to blame.
    Finally found what I was looking for;
    That loss of ice has allowed more heat to transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere, causing a weakening of the “polar vortex” winds over the Arctic.
    I figured that a ‘POLAR VORTEX’ had something to do with me freezing my Ass off.

  9. the climate will do as it has done for millions of years. we are currently reaching the top of a temperature increase, due to drop, to eventually another ice age, we will not be around to see it.

  10. Someone needs to bring this to the attention of our own climate Barbie. She is busy gushing about how many women are involved in climate negotiations. She presumably admitted when she too the job that she did not know anything about climate change. It looks like she still does not — except for the party lines that have been fed to her.

  11. AGW RIP.
    “President Trump trolls the global warmers – hilarity ensues
    For those who follow the cult-like world of Anthropogenic Global Warming promoters, this has to be the Tweet of the year.
    What’s fun about it, is not just the way President Trump frames the missive and pokes a jab at the Paris Accord, but the reactions to it.
    Of course many of the same people who are calling it a wide variety of things (stupid, irresponsible, anti-science, etc.) are the very same people who promote short term heat waves as “proof” of human caused climate change getting worse.”

  12. Very good article by Jonathan Kay. He notes (among other things) how since Trudeau I, Canadian identity has been very much wrapped up in anti-Americanism. I have noted this myself and I think it is one reason for Canada’s (Liberal/left) love affair with the UN. The UN is seen as a counterforce to the US (and it is). Unfortunately, too many fail to understand the destructive ends driving UN policies. The goal is technocratic totalitarianism. At one point Canada and the US were very aligned. It is a good thing to retain sovereignty, but ultimately Canada has exploited the relationship with the US (economically and militarily) while behaving like an entitled cousin. At this point, anti-American sentiments in at least some pockets of Canada are downright nasty. I believe there will be a price to pay for this, and we gain nothing by siding with the UN. The UN exploits Canada and serves its own interests.

  13. I’m in south central Ontario. Not far from me are 3 huge fields covered with 1000’s of solar panels. For the last week at least there has been 6 inches of snow on each panel.
    They cannot be producing 1 single kilowatt of power.

  14. PET despised anything American unless it was against U. S. government.
    Canada became the model for the sanctuary cities when the Trudeau government welcomed all those deserters and draft dodgers during the war in Viet Nam. For each of them that refused to serve or have the courage of their convictions and go to jail, someone else had to take their place. Of course, PET saw them as heroes and champions of justice.
    Then there was his requirements for Canadian content on radio and TV because he didn’t like the masses being exposed to American culture. That continued when it became possible for people to receive TV signals from satellites. Anybody owning an antenna and receiver was breaking Trudeau’s law. We know how all that turned out.

  15. Giving shelter to the draft dodgers was one of Trudeau’s few virtues. It continued a tradition of Canada being a shelter from USG excesses, be it slaver, the draft (which is just slaver), or deportation.

  16. G-M’s resident NeverTrumper shoots: scores.
    “And there is, as yet, no credible evidence that would warrant the removal of this President from office.
    Whatever happens in 2018, Mr. Trump has moved so swiftly on so many fronts that his agenda is already largely in place. Democrats will not easily unmake what The Donald hath wrought.”
    “While not without his hiccups, Trump surely had a successful 2017”

  17. (Sigh). Hey UnMe….you do know that Canadians had slaves too. You do know that virtually every country had slaves. You do know that slaves still exist today in the countries you and your liberal ilk so adore.
    You do know that draft dodgers were cowards who wouldn’t face up to the laws of their own country. Even Muhammad Ali took his time in jail while in the prime of his career. I would dare say every draft dodger that came to Canada was basically a useless hippie.
    You do know that most of what PET put in place in Canada created more damage than prosperity for Canadians.
    Yet, you continue to support liberal fools and liars and lawbreakers. That sums up your entire persona. A useless Canadian (assuming you are Canadian).

  18. “1000’s of solar panels. For the last week at least there has been 6 inches of snow on each panel.”
    You write this as if you think that actual production of energy was a real concern. It’s simply good-feel politics. Solar in Canada at other than small remote sites is a joke. It doesn’t work.

  19. I know solar is useless and complete fraud here in Ontario.
    I’m just wondering what it cost to buy up that valuable farm land(I’m guessing 100+ acres)add all the transmission infrastructure, road upgrades and useless got. employees to tend this mess.

  20. “You do know that draft dodgers were cowards who wouldn’t face up to the laws of their own country. ”
    FO slaver. Only a moron thinks there’s anything brave or worthwhile about ‘facing up to the laws of your own country”.
    “Whatever happens in 2018, Mr. Trump has moved so swiftly on so many fronts that his agenda is already largely in place.”
    How Obamacare repeal going?

  21. Only a moron thinks there’s anything brave or worthwhile about ‘facing up to the laws of your own country”.
    So Muhammed Ali was a moron for going to jail rather than be drafted? Who’d have known?

  22. Merkel’s Germany…
    BERLIN — A 15-year-old Afghan asylum seeker is in custody in Germany after allegedly fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend, a German of the same age, in a drugstore.
    The victim’s parents had filed a criminal complaint against him on Dec. 15 alleging slander and threats.

  23. AGW RIP. MAGA Ole King Coal.
    “Into the New Year”
    “Targeted snow, coldest New Year’s Eve on record possible”
    A reinforcing blast of Arctic air straight from Siberia may break temperature records across Ontario, including Toronto, Ottawa and Windsor as we head into New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.” (wnet)
    “America’s deep freeze is aiding coal and sending power surging
    The increased coal use could add weight to the Trump administration’s push for bigger payments to coal and nuclear power generators”
    “The arctic blast that’s turning the eastern half of the U.S. into a giant icebox this week has been good news for oil and coal.”

  24. Awww. The poor liberal/commie baby was all upset by the facts. Awww.
    The bastion of someone without an argument is telling the other person to FO and then bring up another topic which has nothing to do with what they were talking about. When you grow up someone may start listening to your drivel.

  25. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Da Ordure of Canada is not an annex of the PET POT Cemetery.
    “The Order of Canada cannot be awarded to someone after their death, but Sherman was nominated more than six months ago and the award decided upon in November.”
    “Barry Sherman, founder of Apotex, among list of inductees into Order of Canada”
    “OTTAWA – The Canadian pharmaceutical giant whose sudden death earlier this month is shrouded in mystery is among the latest list of inductees into the Order of Canada.
    Gov. Gen. Julie Payette released the latest round of appointments Friday,…”.

  26. “Thousands Protest Iranian Regime: ‘Death to the Dictator! Death to Rouhani!’
    Total Blackout from Media Elites
    Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Iran over the past few days, speaking out against both the “hardline” government of the ayatollahs and the supposedly “moderate” secular government of President Hassan Rouhani.
    “Death to the dictator!” and “Death to Rouhani” are chants heard in at least eight Iranian cities, and the movement appears to be spreading.” (breitbart)
    “Trump Administration Announces Support for Iran Protests”
    “The statement condemned the reported arrests of more than 50 protestors, and appeared to support regime change in Iran.
    “On June 14, 2017, Secretary Tillerson testified to Congress that he supports ‘those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of government,'” the statement read.
    “The Secretary today repeats his deep support for the Iranian people.””

  27. Ah! So she got culturally enriched! I used to be disgusted, now I am just amused, highly amused! Her father should have laid him out with a pickaxe the moment he came sniffing around his daughter. Germany’s best perished seventy odd years ago and they were left with too many betas. Looks good on them.

  28. AGW RIP.
    “It’s also the duration.”
    “Record cold in the U.S. and Canada has no end in sight — a running list of the records so far
    The winter of 2017-18 has recently become a throwback to the winters of yore — the ones your parents told you about. You know, back when they had to walk uphill both ways to school in the blinding snow and 0-degree temperatures?
    This time around, it’s not just the severity of the cold that’s getting to people. It’s also the duration. The most reliable computer model projections show round after round of Arctic air moving from northern Canada down into the Midwest and then crashing into the Eastern U.S. through at least Jan. 10.”

  29. Good for the Trump administration, supporting the Iranian protectors. Will Canada do the same? Or will it waffle again on taking a principled stand?

  30. The Demolition President
    President Trump has delivered on a number of promises for his base. But there was an impressive amount of breakage along the way. You might say he President Trump did as much demolition as he did construction.
    The press is doing a good job of telling us what he accomplished in 2017. But they keep leaving out all the stuff he broke that probably needed to be broken. I’ll fix that for you here.
    GOP – Trump broke the GOP and reconstructed it along his terms, successfully it seems.
    DNC – The DNC has no charismatic leader, no game plan, and little money.
    Clinton Dynasty – Done
    Bush Dynasty – Done
    Mainstream Media – The public learned that news coverage is based on bias as much as fact.
    NFL – Ratings down, attendance down.” (more)
