18 Replies to “Why the Left Adores the Beta Male (and hates Asians)”

  1. The idea of getting some unsuspecting liberals to carry signs with those Chinese characters at the next Juthtin love in is starting to look really good.

  2. Can you generalize about an entire group anymore than you have?
    Next time pick your specific target.
    ONLY people in power are trying to emasculate Males, ONLY Hollywood, ONLY rabid feminists.
    Everything from Letterkenney to Happy to Dark champions the Alpha (Masculine) male.
    Pitter Patter

  3. “ONLY people in power are trying to emasculate Males, ONLY Hollywood, ONLY rabid feminists.”
    Bit more widespread than that. Add schools – from kindergarten to University – to that list. And parents who aren’t actively helping it along, are sitting idly by…which amounts to the same thing.
    If you have any question about how widespread this is, just watch a few TV news “man on the street” interviews from Ottawa (or probably any other major urban centre).

  4. I love the term “white left” because the white left knows it’s true and it infuriates them. They imagine themselves champions of people they don’t even know in real life. For instance, when a member of the white left goes off on Christians, I point out that he is being pretty racist there, given the prevalence of believing Christians in the black community, which, if he actually knew any black people, he would know about. I use it all the time.

  5. Exactly! The effort to emasculate males and turn them into pantywaists is epidemic.

  6. Having a hard time with the generalization of the Chinese assumed in the clip.
    In B.C., the Chinese elected the Leftwing commie NDP. Maybe they were swooning over the siren call, that it would be different this time, but, SOMEONE has to pay for ENDP dreams, and no doubt, it will be the wealthy as usual, which will include a substantial number of Chinese that now call Vancouver home, living in their multi million dollar homes.
    Interesting times

  7. Let’s analyze this.
    It’s interesting that North American totalitarians that are the socialists, fascists, inazis* and communists, are so wrapped up in their cocoon of willful ignorance (for they know they are spectacularly wrong, just can’t bring themselves to admit it) that they think the rest of the world thinks as them.
    China is a paradox.
    The rulers are communists that control the ideology and basically are satisfied with themselves and their power. The rest of the population is running the free enterprise and are very good at it. To be sure, there are flaws. Nonetheless.
    Just by pure numbers of China, if they continue with the business enterprise as they are doing now, some of the wise guys are pronouncing that the national product of China will overtake the economic machine of the US in few years.
    You gotta admit that is racist. Heh.
    The thing is that if there were no US, the world would be severely poorer place, Europe notwithstanding. US has become economic engine of the world over some 200 years, Europe took some 3000 years.
    US economy lifted the rest of the world and became so valued that most of the rest of the world depends on the US to buy their things. If the US decides that you can’t sell to them, you’re done. May as well go and pound salt.
    You gotta admit that is racist. Heh.
    Look at the Canada – US trade.
    Imagine if the ‘mericans decided they don’t want to buy Canadian stuff, we would be seriously poor, there would be no money for “social programs”, the society would collapse in a blink of an eye.
    Socialists, fascists, inazis*, communists, operate on the bases of fierce envy.
    You’re successful, you must be the worst kind of people, pure envy.
    As mentioned many times everywhere, there are no masses of Americans and Europeans trying to invade Asia, Africa, South America or any other place. Of course it is true the other way.
    The mass invasion of 2015-2016 was an invasion. They did not have to fire a shot. The white racists just said, common in.
    Now they are enriching the white thrash, gotta give them credit for that. Heh.
    You also gotta admit that it was racist. Heh.
    *inter-national socialists

  8. Asians are not “my people” … yet they share nearly every single VALUE of my people; intact hetero-normative FAMILY, education (REAL education, not the FAKE education of the white Left), hard work, discipline (esp. with money), pride in accomplishment … REAL accomplishment, not “Participation awards”.
    So there is no doubt that Asians have to be HATED by the Left, and why Korean businesspeople have to defend their shops from BLM-type looters during every So. CAL “race-riot” … because they are “just like white people”. And it is quite curious why Asians never claim the SAT is “racially biased”, but they simply LEARN what is necessary to do well … and simply ACE the test. Simply accumulate high GPA’s. Simply DO what is needed to be a WINNER … in Western, not Eastern culture. Asians somehow manage to “keep their culture” while assimilating to ours. Imagine THAT!?
    But make no mistake … no “culture” or group of people is uniform in its make-up. There are thousands of Asian immigrants flooding into San Francisco to scam the welfare system, while working for sub-minimum wages in restaurant and garment district sweat shops. But, I also got to know a 50-year old Chinese man who emptied the trash after-hours in my Embarcadero-4 office suite 35-years ago. He told me how he had put his children through college by working a minimum of 2, up to 4 (low paying) Jobs. He told me that he was shocked by how much money all the young yuppies (remember-35 years ago) wasted on meaningless crap. He told me that he fervently saved, and invested his money and was able to buy a house after only a few years of landing in America. He was amazed about how STUPID Americans were with their money and
    the MASSIVE $RICHES$ available to them.
    I consider Asians to be … “my people” by their value system. Which is one of the reasons why, I really HOPE my youngest son marries his long time girlfriend who is half-Japanese, half Caribbean
    by birth … and just happened to earn a PhD (in microbiology) from a Major University (who lost a close football game last night, wearing their WHITE uniforms).

  9. I have always believed that the Chinese were a lot like us only without the diminishing freedoms we have enjoyed for so long. They are industrious people with strong family values … most are capitalist by nature. That is why they do so well when they come here where there is a ton of opportunity for the motivated. I salute them.
    Unlike other visible minorities, the vast majority of Chinese do not indulge in crime. You will find very few of them in jail or on welfare.
    They may vote conservative, so they must be vilified for something eh?

  10. Asian immigrants work hard. The left hates that. It’s alright when Asians paint nails or work for slave wages or even prop up universities by going to them, but that’s it for the left. Perhaps ideographs that millennials don’t understand, manga and Buddha statues, too.
    Cultural dilettantism, is my point.

  11. Chinese (Confucian) culture is geared towards family, industriousness, reason, and thrift. They have no monopoly in areas of bad governance but have experienced both the “best” in Hong Kong’s post colonial British minimalist approach and the “worst” in Mao’s murderous regime and cultural revolution. While they haven’t yet abandoned all of the later, they do seem to be moving toward the former which is way more in line with the values of Confucius. The perspective of that clip is likely representative of Asians loyal to those ancient cultural traditions. Your average Western vote-pimping progressive politician, ignoring the bankrupt welfare state while pushing nihilist narratives as distraction should be an easy target for any sentient mind regardless of racial inheritance.

  12. “… Simply DO what is needed to be a WINNER … in Western, not Eastern culture.”
    That is a wise strategy for a culture that has seen it all.
    It is very healthy – a wake up call – for the Baizou White Left to be mocked and ridiculed by the world’s largest society. Get used to it.

  13. My ‘tribe’ subscribes to common sense.
    My tribe consists of whites, Asians, some Blacks, and some of every other description.
    The common denominator is common sense and a sense of responsibility, my tribe isn’t defined by skin colour.

  14. I wonder if I’m the only one who finds it amusing that báizuǒ Joss Whedon used Chinese curses in Firefly.

  15. @1:32 in the video
    “If your enemy sleeps with your wife you win” Justin Trudeau
    Wasn’t it the husband of Justin’s mom that said that?

  16. Privilige…huh.?
    Try “I worked for everything I have”….as do Most Asian communities and good on them. Rather 1,000,000 Million from China, Korea, Japan than 50 from the Africa or the Middle East….any day of the week.
    “Alt Left” eh…”Holy Mother” – yep thats our crying emotive (_i_)hole of a PM we have. An Emotional arrogant imbecile without a clue..but in present capacity, a downright dangerous imbecile…it runs in the genetic identity of being French…no.?

  17. Hay Wiz, there are countries, like Sveden, Denmark, Finland, and Norway, were there are NO alpha males. The state has collected all their nutz and keep them in a vault, manned by a bull dyke, who eats a few for lunch every day, till they are all gone. And that is what lefty libtards are trying to achieve world wide.
