Unrest In Iran

Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in several cities across Iran on Friday, Iranian news agencies and social media reports said, as price protests turned into the largest wave of demonstrations since nationwide pro-reform unrest in 2009.

US State Department statement here.

7 Replies to “Unrest In Iran”

  1. Let’s wait a little bit before seeing this as a trend.
    That noted, if this is the beginning of the theocratic collapse in what was once the most western of middle-eastern muslim countries it is arguably the beginning of the biggest global event since 11/09/1989.
    And a thorough repudiation of the progressive’s appeasement ‘strategy’.

  2. Bye bye Iran oligarchs.
    Obama is not there to save you any more.
    Trump will let you fail.
    May it be swift & deadly.

  3. Wow!! It’s OUR State Dept. again !! God Bless you Trump voters … each and every one of you!! For restoring SANITY to our 8-year long DISEASED Federal Govt.
    It’s time to FREE the Iranian people from Jimmy Carter’s caliphate.

  4. I hope they succeed, but I am not holding my breath, they have been trying it every few years since Shah lost power and it always ends the same.

  5. Meanwhile up here in globalist central, the first post national state, Trudopiastan… I wonder what Justine’s handlers will do to stop or at least discourage this reach for freedom. The spawn and his creepy deranged brother loves’em some tyrannical regimes. Is China still Miss Universe’s most admired dictatorship?
