10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I truly hope the film “tanks”, just like the re-make of “Murder on the Orient Express” did (already in the second run cinemas in Regina). I use to be a big fan of the awards shows, especially the Oscars when Bob Hope was the MC, loved the clothes and antics by the presenters. I have not watched the Oscars now for at least 5 years. I AM enjoying the programs commissioned by Netflix.

  2. Also, “The Post” is so archetypal of Hollywood. Why can’t I stop thinking about “Good Night and Good Luck” or “Trumbo”? In other words, yet another risk-free movie about a long-dead political controversy. I can’t see this one taking off; younger audiences could care less about newspaper scoops (“Newspapers? Who reads those?”) and can barely identify the historical significance of Nixon, LBJ and – yes – even JFK, let alone the facts surrounding their presidencies: “Daniel Ellsberg? Who’s he? The Pentagon what?”
    This is a movie for all those old fart boomers who show up on PBS pledge concerts to hear Peter, Paul and Mary warble away for the nth time.
    By the way, when does the film about Harvey Weinstein come out – with Meryl Streep being played as a knowing accessory?
    And can we ever expect a sharply wicked movie about Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign?
    (Personally, I’d love to see a film about the Rosenberg trial, with all kinds of the usual suspects flapping their gums about Julius and Ethel’s innocence only to end with the revelation that, gosh, they really were Soviet spies after all. You could do the same with Alger Hiss.)

  3. Golly,before I read this story, I did not know that, at least in the District of Columbia, anyone may break into a deceased person’s house, appropriate her personal papers, and dispose of them at will (e.g., by burning them).

  4. Some of the best actors doing what they are instructed to do, politically correct bullshit. Catch up Hollyweird morons, people don’t drink your kool aide anymore, if you could actually think up a new movie concept in your busy Trump hating schedules people might attend but then again I doubt it. Look at the up side you perverts, you’ve got each other, which is all fun till most of you scream abuse and rape. Must be a great work environment when the boss of this newspaper touques himself like his daddy did, seems like a good idea to champion some self absorbed liars newspaper with likewise self absorbed morons acting the parts.

  5. I expected “The Post” to be … just another vehicle to remind the public of “Watergate”. To remind all the young hipsters that Richard Nixon, a REPUBLICAN … was baaaad mmmmKay. That Nixon broke into the DNC offices (of course it was “others” … not Nixon). To remind all the youngsters that … “Trump is really … just like Nixon, by hiring the Russians to pay Wikileaks to hack into John Podesta’s email and spill all the dirt of a dirty Democrap Party … and “hack” the election”. See! “The Post” SAVED our nation once … maybe Jeff Bezos can “save” it again? Yecch! Ancient History filtered through a post-modern lens … bore-ing. Rubbish.

  6. Much of the material in the new movie was done more than 40 years ago in All Of The President’s Men and was probably done better.
    I’ve long stopped being impressed by what Spielberg produced. Mind you, the director of AOTPM, Alan Pakula, directed some real flaky government conspiracy movies himself, such as The Parallax View and The Pelican Brief.

  7. Watergate was a CIA job, and not a Nixon job. The same crew that entered Watergate were in on the Kennedy assassination. Hunt has a U-tube “film, produced a couple of weeks before he died, and he admits to this. Hunt was one of three tramps “arrested” after the Kennedy shooting Traficante, the head of the Miami mob francize also confessed to his roll in the Kennedy thing. Traficante was working with the CIA at the time, trying to get rid of Fiddle Caster

  8. “This is a movie for all those old fart boomers who show up on PBS pledge concerts to hear Peter, Paul and Mary warble away for the nth time.”
    You have a talent for expressing in a sentence my exact feelings. I can not imagine who came up with the idea that this movie would be in any way interesting except to a small few. I certainly will not be in the audience…… and I’m old enough to remember these events. Best summary of the movie = boring stories of Glory Days.
