35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. For years, every jurisdiction in Canada has fought to toughen laws up on drinking and driving.
    Yet in Alberta, where the NDP government of Rachel Notley claims to be the defender of the underprivileged, they’re decriminalizing drunk driving. Why?? My guess is that the NDP will stop at nothing short of killing innocent people in order to gain votes.

  2. A new study released at UCLA finds 27 percent of California’s young people between the ages of 12 and 17 self-report that others view them as gender ‘nonconforming” at school.
    Why is this not surprising considering the depraved crap they are teaching in schools these days.

  3. Not quite fair. We do not know it was a murder suicide, but we do know he was a huge Liberal doner, so that was probably it.

  4. My tip:
    Take one packet Market Spice tea plus 3 long curls of lemon rind (or any cinnamon-y black tea variety)
    Steep in 1c boiling water
    Add 2 tbsp honey
    and 6 tbsp bourbon
    Merry Christmas!

  5. My tip:
    Take one packet Market Spice tea plus 3 long curls of lemon rind (or any cinnamon-y black tea variety)
    Steep in 1c boiling water
    Add 2 tbsp honey
    and 6 tbsp bourbon
    Merry Christmas!

  6. What’s being taught in public schools is well beyond the three R’s. It has entered the depths of depravity in the province of Ontario.
    It makes me puke to think of children being told anal sex is normal…it’s perverted. The anus is not designed for that function, that abuse, it’s sick.
    We are seeing more and more people home school or private school their children for that very reason.

  7. the province and country is being run by perverts, what would you expect. keep voting for them it will get worse.

  8. AGW RIP.
    Nye’s Last Gasp.
    “The rescheduled date is Sunday, April 22 – Earth Day.”
    “Bill Nye: Blue States Will ‘Impose Economic Sanctions’ Against Climate Change-Denying States” (breitbart)
    “Cold air rivaling that of the past 100 years for late December and early January will make it painful to be outdoors and may lead to damage in the central and northeastern Unites States.” (accweather)
    “Great Lakes Ice Coverage More Than Doubled in Last Week; Lake Erie Freezing Fast” (scene’snewsblog)
    “Too cold for Polar Plunge
    How cold is it?
    It’s so cold that they cancelled the Polar Bear Plunge.
    The annual chilly fundraiser for the Leeds and Grenville SPCA traditionally has been held on Jan. 1 as a way to convince the hardy – some might say foolhardy – to jump into the New Year.
    But with Environment Canada forecasting highs of minus 18 for the day, the SPCA decided to cancel.
    The rescheduled date is Sunday, April 22 – Earth Day.”

  9. We all know global warming is a bad term, the weather gods are not cooperating so now we are experiencing plan A-Z. It’s still necessary to curb the farts, recycle everything. I’m waiting for the day we have electrically powered planes falling out of the sky.

  10. This. The change to drunk diving laws is one of the few good things the NDP ever did, but that’s giving them credit that the judiciary should take.
    Relevant: Chris Selley: Stephen Harper left the Supreme Court much as he found it — unfortunately for conservatives
    The worst part is that, from the list of decisions ie SSM, assisted suicide, etc, it’s very much a good thing that Harper didn’t change the court.

  11. Nooses, prepare the nooses.
    The Shermans were also connected to the clinton foundation by sending drugs to haiti and rawanda.
    I can’t recall where but somewhere I read they were also involved with finding homes for homeless and orphaned children (sounds like a humanitarian cause), with President Trump’s crackdown on human traffickers it suddenly sounds more sinister.
    Happy billionaires don’t just hang themselves.
    “if that effing bastard wins we’ll all hang from nooses” HRC.
    It’s probably nothing but the trudeau foundation annual report has pedophilia symbols.

  12. More Pavilions at Volkfest…
    BERLIN — The head of a German police union is criticizing the creation of a special safe zone for women at the annual New Year’s Eve party in front of Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate.
    Organizers of the free, open-air event said the “Women’s Safety Area” was requested by Berlin police.

  13. AGW Cold Kills.
    h/t Justine Liberal|Climate Barbie.
    ““The immediate concern is keeping people warm,”.
    “A multi-day episode of very cold wind chills is expected.
    2017 is about to end with the coldest air of the year.
    A fresh surge of record-breaking Arctic air is forecast to encompass the entire province in its icy grip. A trough of low pressure currently over Southern Ontario will drop south of the Great Lakes tonight, opening the door to an even colder northerly wind.” (envcan)
    “Cold weather causes gas outages in northern Alberta county, local state of emergency declared”
    “… officials say were brought on by the “persistent cold weather.””

  14. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “Most of the paper’s journalists are in their early 30s and have never subscribed to a print newspaper,”.
    “La Presse turns the page on paper edition”
    “The 133-year-old daily marks the end of an era Saturday, when its last print edition rolls off the presses.” (Ocit)
    Rare dinosaur with preserved skin and bone-crushing tail found in Montana”

  15. Happening in India and Justin Trudeau’s Canada
    Muslim Group launches Jihad on Toilet seats so Muslims can defecate the way Arabs relieved themselves in the Seventh Century
    he Muslim group best known for carrying out Female Genital Mutilation FGM on girls in North America has now launched a campaign to destroy Toilet seats to ensure Muslims only defecate the way Arabs did in the Seventh Century and not the ‘western’ toilet seats that come standard in North America and European homes.

  16. We have to remember that the founder of the “religion of peace” is regarded as the perfect Muslim. Anything he did is seen as good and right and should be emulated.

  17. Mohammed’s Cannibals’ Bloody Killing Strike.
    “Iranian forces ‘open fire on protesters’ as demonstrations continue for third day” (teluk)
    “Woman branded “a hero” for removing hijab during anti-government protests in Iran
    Until this week, women who failed to observe strict Muslim dress codes in Iran faced being arrested but now they will likely be made to attend classes run by police instead”
    “A woman who took off her hijab during anti-government protests in Iran has been branded “a hero”.
    The lone woman was filmed without the traditional Middle Eastern head dress and waving a white flag, in an apparent protest against the country’s strict dress code for women.
    Laws have been in place in Iran since 1979 stating women must observe the Islamic dress code.”

  18. Not much coverage or comments on the latest in the on-going saga south of the border. The New York Times and the Washington Examiner are both going with a story that has so many holes in it that you could put editions on the scale and sell them as Swiss Cheese!
    Meanwhile over at FOX we have Lindsey Graham opening up about the Russian Dossier.
    As I mentioned here a while back Greene(Our Man in Havana) had this in the bag back in the Fifties. Looks like both parties were looking for dirt on each other, (Politics is a dirty game after all.) The problem is that the Trump campaign had enough savy to realise that the what the Russians were trying to sell as dirt about Hillary wasn’t worth spit. Hillary and the Democrats(FBI, DOJ, IRS, etc.) were too desperate and stupid and they bought a fabricated document from an unverified source and tried to sell it to America for more than they paid for it. (Nothing easier than selling something to someone that wants to buy it no matter what the cost.) The Democrats failed to realise that Americans after two terms of Obama weren’t about to buy any more BS that had been purchased and wrapped by the Democrats. Now 2018 looks like it is going to be very interesting in its first opening weeks. The corruption back here in Canada in our own Liberal(read Democrat) Party is as a flea on an elephants *rse by comparison. We certainly will live in interesting times if the Congressional hearings affirm that the FBI, DOJ, and the IRS were weaponized under the Obama administration!!!!!

  19. Cold weather is racist?
    Likely OT but a number of years ago a contractor in our area was tearing out an abandoned rail line. We stopped to see how it was going since we were interested in buying some of the ties they were tearing up. It was a nice fall day about 5-10 degrees C or 40-50 degrees F. Nobody appeared to be working but I guess it was coffee break because 2 Jamaican guys were sitting in their car in their coats and toques with the engine running and the vehicle’s heater on full blast.
    “Mo-mo-mon dis be one cold day” the one said through chattering teeth.
    “Man you ain’t seen nothing yet” we told them.

  20. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t “racist” the word Leon Trotsky made up in 1927. Which was used to browbeat all dissenters of the communist ideology. Ironically it is still used mostly by lefties to shut down all nonconformists.
    Did the word exist before Trotsky?

  21. MAGA.
    More Big Government ‘rats gonzo.
    “PACHA for short, was set up by Bill Clinton”.
    “Donald Trump fires remaining HIV/AIDS council members
    U.S. President Donald Trump fired the rest of the remaining members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS earlier this week.
    The council, called PACHA for short, was set up by Bill Clinton and is supposed to provide advice and direction on policy and other aspects of AIDS prevention.

  22. Oh, but it’s cause for rejoicing. Think of how much smaller the carbon footprint is now.

  23. While I was an undergrad more than 40 years ago, I met someone from the eastern U. S. A. (South Carolina, I think). I told him that it sometimes becomes so cold in Alberta that wolves comes into the city to look for food.
    I made that comment tongue in cheek, but I think he actually believed me. It took me a while to convince him that I was pulling his leg.

  24. Notice on the weather map on the Global link, they only give out wind chill values and refrain from the actual temps to make the cold seem more intense than it actually is!! Saving face for the anti-pipeline Notley crew are they??

  25. Did the word exist before Trotsky?
    If it didn’t, it’s probably because the commies didn’t have any dissenters before then. (Yeah, right.)

  26. If cold weather is racist, I think I’ll get some bumper stickers made:
    Support Global Warming
