

“Breaks will no longer be paid. A 9 hour shift will be paid for 8 hours and 20 minutes.”
“These changes are due to the increase of wages to $14.00 minimum wage on January 1, 2018, then $15.00 per hour on January 1, 2019, as well as the lack of assistance and financial help from our Head Office and from the Government.”

39 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. “The benefits are what kept me there. Now you are going to make me pay that. I don’t understand why you can take it away.” they said.
    You’re right. You don’t.
    That’s probably why you’re still working at Tim Hortons.

  2. Wynne entered politics directly from school after a stopover in community activism. On such a resume Ontarians have handed over power to set wages and regulate the planet’s temperature.
    It’s a real puzzle why Ontario has become a have-not province paying $1 billion a month in interest for their mountain of debt.

  3. from Webster’s Dictionary (not really!)
    ‘law of unintended consequences’: noun. example: see kathleen wynnedfarm, minimum wage hike.

  4. Some commenter at that CBC page managed to bring Trump into it. I don’t get the mental jump you have to take to do that…

  5. If you read tbe comments at the CBC, it’s painfully obvious that there are not very many lights on at all. And these people are all allowed to vote. I think we are in for a stretch Heinleinian “bad luck”.

  6. Rational people have always known, the real minimum wage is zero. Anyone can pass laws saying the sky is white, but reality does not change.

  7. Reality, for most of the posters on the CBC site, is simply an unverified myth; they will continue to stand in the traffic and be amazed when they are run over.

  8. If you are in favour of a $15 minimum wage, this is what you’re saying;
    “I’m in favor of making it illegal for people with low productivity to get a job. Teenagers, people who were poorly educated by failing public schools, people who have never had a job, and people who are not very intelligent, should all just stay home and do nothing because we want to make sure that no one can afford to hire those people.”

  9. Does anyone know how many hours the owners of the business work?
    Does anyone know how much their benefits costs went up from last year to this year? (aggregate projected average looks like 8%)
    How much more will the location be paying in payroll taxes this year as a result of the wage increase? (hint, the employer side of EI is $1.63 x 1.4 per $100 earnings, CPP is 4.95%)
    How much of an increase in rent did the location experience on January 1st?
    Have their power costs increased?
    Was there a change in their marketing costs and fees?
    etc, etc.
    Unless the CBC somehow got their hands on the financial documents of the location, it’s unlikely they have the full picture here, and they are willfully ignoring it anyway.

  10. No, the CBC probably doesn’t have that info.
    But they get to make a business owner look bad, which is what counts.

  11. If you favour the $15/hr minimum wage, you’re in favour of rewarding people who have no incentive to improve themselves.

  12. Does anyone know how many hours the owners of the business work?
    Remember what that economic genius, Barry Osama, said in a State of the Union address several years ago: “If you own a business, you didn’t build it.”

  13. Visited my old neighbourhood today at Bayview and Eglinton area. There were 4 long time stores in a row vacant across the street from where I was. Knew the rents were high but this is so sad. I have tried to explain to my lefty supporters of Wynne that there is only so much traffic a store or restaurant can draw from and if the fascist, as that is what it is, government of Liberals raises costs of taxes, energy, wages, benefits with the addition of crap and trade and so many other hits so high the business will collapse and that is what we are seeing in Ontario. When a company of 40 people can realize an monthly energy savings of $22,000 by moving to upper New York state we are done.

  14. Why would a talented, hard-working individual who is prepared to take some risks, ever open a business in Cansda of all places?

  15. Why not a twenty five or thirty dollar an hour minimum wage or more. Then the unionized and government workers that get a raise based on the minimum wage would have a bonanza as well.How do you think that professionals got paid so little in socialist countries.

  16. Hmm…
    Whatever the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage, there seems no good reason to belittle those who are paid it, as evidenced some of the mean-spirited comments here.

  17. Sorry. Make that:
    “Whatever the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage, there seems no good reason to belittle those who are paid it, as evidenced by some of the mean-spirited comments here.”

  18. I am wondering about agencies that hire handicapped workers — Goodwill, etc. Many of their workers would be on a minimum wage and work part time. Now some also are eligible for the government assistance which goes up or down based on how much money is earned in a given month. Anyway, will these people with disabilities also be laid off because they become unaffordable at the higher rate. That would be a shame as it is an important source of social support for many. This arose as an issue previously — but I do not remember the details.

  19. That’s not true. There are many reasons why some people are stuck in minimum wage jobs. Most do move out of them at some point, but the job market these days makes it hard to do so. These are often jobs with a lot of hard slogging. I don’t think the higher wage will particularly inspire people to stay in them if they have an option.
    I sympathize with those making the minimum wage, but there is no doubt that raising the wage will be inflationary . . . with other wage demands going up accordingly, costs increased and businesses closing. Wynne should have been looking at a much smaller percentage with gradual implementation. I believe that one of the motivations for this draconian measure is to ensure that her electricity prices do not result in more people not being able to make ends meet. That would certainly embarrass Wynne and the Liberals. A better option would have been to address the awful energy prices.
    Next up, let’s see how much the teachers will get for their raise. They will be the only ones who can afford to eat in restaurants any more.

  20. The real losers in this minimum wage debacle are those of us on a fixed income, mainly the Greatest Generation and their kids, the Boomers, who are now retired and living on a private pension that we paid for and the CPP and OAS that we also paid into. Then there is our veterans who will not see a similar rate rise in their pensions. We will not see the same rise in benefits that government pension plans will get through their COLA clause. So we’ll have to make do with less, just like we’ve always been doing to pay for exorbitant promises made by Liberal governments. Well it is not the chickens that are coming home to roost, now its the vultures. The seniors that were meeting at Timmy’s two or three times a week to chat and drink coffee will be a thing of the past. Oh! and that $8.50 double, double with an apple fritter will now come in at $12.00 to cover the minimum wage and the carbon tax and the hydro bill. But that’s A-OK because Kathleen and Justin will get their indexed pensions for the rest of their lives. Canadians voters, eh! Suckers one and all!!!!

  21. There aren’t any mean-spirited comments here directed to the employees at all. This is reality.
    All the vitriol is saved for Wynne and her ilk.

  22. Most do move out of them at some point, but the job market these days makes it hard to do so.
    You missed my point. By raising the minimum wage, people won’t have a reason to leave that job. Why take up a job, say, digging ditches (which is physically demanding and can, at times, be dangerous) for a bit more money when one can sling hash in a greasy spoon for $15/hr where it’s warm and relatively safe?
    When I started my job at a post-secondary institution, the instructors were paid according to a grid with teaching experience on one axis and credentials on the other. Many of my colleagues added to their education not because they wanted a degree but because it would move them along that grid.
    Shortly before I quit, the administration abolished the credential factor, so we ended up being paid according to actual experience only with an extra bonus for having additional qualifications (which was really a mere pittance). In other words, someone with a B. Sc. would get paid almost exactly the same as a colleague with a Ph. D. if both had taught there for the exact amount of time. The one with the B. Sc. could draw the same salary as the one with the doctorate if he or she had, say, was professionally registered.
    Many of my colleagues who were busy studying for degrees no longer had a reason to continue.

  23. AGREED…although I did attempt somersaults when my OAS went up by $ 0.47/Month. The Govt Largesse was simply outstanding….
    How much is one TimBit..?? $0.47 CAD…perhaps.
    I’m thinking Jail may be a better option..? Maybe its time ALL of us Boomers started to rob Banks…all 4-5 Million of us…?? on the same day no less.

  24. Right on all counts.
    My retirement plan has selected a certain Judge,a nice crocked Libtard, who has always been exempted from the “law”, he slaps us “little people” about with.
    The real minimum wage is zero, the true negative income is government handout.
    On top of all these wonderful assaults on the employers pocketbook, the only taxpayers we have, there is also Bill C45.
    Which has criminalized being an employer.
    So not only has the government of Canada chosen to rob us blind for decades, now they seek to imprison us as well as fining us out of existence..If we make the mistake of employing, actually hiring one these poor children who are cast off the end of the public edumacation machine.
    These poor graduates are crippled.
    They are accidents looking for a place to happen.
    Dumber than a 10 year old and lacking any situational awareness..
    The system works very well at producing these.
    But if they find a way to kill themselves while on our premises and a bureaucrat decides we did insufficient ????? to prevent their winning a Darwin Award.Then no one works .
    It is not just the social engineering, it is the gloating self satisfied stupidity that drives it.

  25. Those on a fixed income are actually pretty luck. A lot of people are still working for a living have incomes that can go down as well as up.

  26. Spike – you’re a mean-hearted piker! Those who are out promoting a minimum wage should not try for less than a $250/hr minimum wage. Anything less is mean-hearted, because doesn’t everyone deserve to be rich?
    Removing my tongue from my cheek. If you make them the protesters do away with their own jobs (or be identified as cold-hearted bastards) then the light bulb might come on a little faster, or brighter.

  27. Here is a better idea for all of you that are so enamoured with the minimum wage, why doesn’t the government institute a “flat” wage. Everybody is paid the same, irregardless of ability, education, work ethic etc. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, plumbers, waiters, garbage-persons (PC and all that) all get the same salary. That way we’re all equal and isn’t that what the supposed ultimate goal of the Liberals and Dippers is. So quit playing around with the minimum wage or a ‘living’ wage just go for the gusto, ‘FLAT’ wage, total socialism in one package. CEO makes the same as the floor sweeper, what could be more fairer than that.

  28. One of two things will happen. Those who had been earning $15/hr based on experience or years of service will have an expectation of a similar raise in order to maintain the wage differential.
    Or there will be a lot of experienced, very disgruntled workers who will no longer have their heart in their jobs or any loyalty to their employer.
    Oh, and I’m likely going to be less inclined to tip now higher paid service workers to the same degree as in the past. It’s called human nature.

  29. It is sad that a government is run by trial & error. We don’t let 6 year old children drive school buses, so why do we allow the adult equivalents ruin the economy?? You know this whole picking winners has gone too far when a giant like Tim Horton’s is doing this.
    People who are not qualified are appointed. And they make up the rules with not a care about cause & effect. Not holding out a lot of hope for business in Canada with Son & Co. in charge.
    Without the people putting it all on the line to open and run these businesses, there will be no jobs. The bigger fish will go automated so they still make enough profit to keep the doors open. That is, if they an afford the electricity. And that is one big IF.
    My business in Canada is no more, and I learned the hard way, by trial and error…
    it is worse when the error is not yours.

  30. As someone who has employed people I find the general nature of what is going on with this whole mess upsetting. To start with the whole “the top 100 CEOs in Canada make what you do in year by 10 o’ clock ” is totally irrelevant. I might mention that they have also paid more tax than the bottom wage earners do in a year , but the only real point is that the people making these comments are only out to create envy , jealousy and discourse. You might auctually be making a relevant comparison if you compared them to the bottom 25 % of small business owners . I strongly suspect that there is more than a few who would be happy to be making minimum wage .
    So let’s address the minimum wage . In my case I always paid above minimum wage . Of course when it is raised , you must raise the higher wage to maintain the differential. To some extent there has been some discussion of the costs in addition to the raise ,but many factors were not considered. Holiday pay ( approximately 10 days/ year ), vacation pay 3/52 , U. I premiums , Cpp , workers comp . .This will generally add 24 to 30 % depending on type of work , province and what the government decides to charge you .The fact is many people without experience or training cannot earn the 15.00 minimum wage and the accompanying employment charges plus the overhead charges associated with employing them . The employer must make the investment to make them valuable .Bottom line for me was if after 2 days you didn’t appear to be of value you hit the road. Harsh , I know , but I got tired of working to pay my workers , only to have them leave when they had learned enough or you had committed to enough work to ensure their continued employment.
    Over this past summer business has been painted as tax cheats who do not pay there fair share . Small businesses and large corporations and professionals have all been painted with pretty much the same brush . This is a hard pill to swallow , especially considering that we are virtually printing presses for the government coffers. We are taxed at every level for licensing , registrations, products we consume . The gst , hst , and pst we produce goes straight to government coffers. And yet it is not enough. We are considered privlaged to do the record keeping and collect and remit these taxes at our expense and time. How about a minimum wage for this time spent usually after business hours while other people are enjoying their lives ?
    l don’t believe that the minimum wage is really a living wage . It is opportunity. It is a start. Much as business people who struggle to succeed , it is a beginning from which you work hard and through persistence and commitment advance from.
    It is extremely unfortunate the division , envy and hate that has been created under the guise of fairness by some extreme hypocracy. It is also unfortunate for the people who value their jobs and are going to lose them. The signs are everywhere from self ordering to self checkout to call centres in India. Because at every level of government what is decreed has no connection with the struggles of real life . In their pursuit of fairness they have failed . Because what is fair for one may not be fair for another. Because the ones who decry for fairness do not govern with integrity. And because many things in life simply are not “fair “.

  31. Make the minimum wage $50/hour.
    It will make rush hour traffc so much more bearable…..

  32. economically it will still be the bottom and then all we old folks who worked and invested all our lives will have to storm the parliament buildings and tar and feather every living creature found there.

  33. Well then, go one better: a FLAT TAX, too? Eliminate all those loopholes, exemptions, et al & a whole lot of snivel serpents are outta work. Think of the savings to us all!
    We just solved the working world’s current bugbear, in what a couple of seconds of typing. We should be worth about a billion or two.

  34. Those complaining about the increase in minimum wage are missing the real story. At a few locations in Ontario the socialists in charge are experimenting with guaranteed income. So why work at a minimum wage when you can get money for nothing (and perks for free).

  35. I can only picture her gazing longingly at Venezuela. We’re so close . . . maybe one more term will do it.
