17 Replies to “How Deep, Señor Maduro?”

  1. Actually, that turd Sean Penn came out of whatever hole he’s been hiding in the last few years to opine on Trump’s shithole comment. Man who actively campaigned to create shithole wants to comment on someone calling a shithole a shithole.

  2. The Army looks well fed….

    That’s the problem, isn’t it? Maduro can stay in power by making it clear to the military that his well being and their’s are correlated. And the worse the situation is for the populace, the better off you are being an obedient soldier.

  3. the klein STILL hasnt responded to my question and challenge to comment on things venezuelan.
    gee, I wonder why the silence. maybe she and senior penn are holed up in some 3rd world shythole.

  4. So did the valiant opposition dropped the posters saying “this is dictatorship not socialism?” Do they regret taking from their productive betters until their betters had nothing left? Still no? They’re merely upset there is no more free shit? Fine, then after you hunt the last cattle you’ll be hunting each other’s children for food. Good. You deserve it. Shitty socialist populations build shithole countries. Let them starve.

  5. Sean Penn … IS … horrified by this scene! Because he is a vegetarian. He is flying to the garden paradise of Venezuela to … teach … the people how to forage the forests for … natural … greens and mushrooms. He will be joined by a UN specialist in Insect cuisine.
    The Socialism is just fine … but they just aren’t “doing nutrition correctly”

  6. I watched part of that dreadful movie Into the Wild, which he directed as TCM as showing it last night. He’s about as clueless about directing films as he is about politics.

  7. Has Sean Penn even set foot in Venezuela in the past 10 years? Chavez gave him a free mansion right?

  8. Are you kidding me? Sean Penn is always available for ignorant comments….
    Sean Penn: Trump an ‘Enemy of Mankind’
    “As an artist, Penn should be protecting and defending free expression, not joining the corporate-funded media mob to criminalize speech and truth using the anti-science scarlet letter of racism. But as we all know, Penn is a big fan of dictators and police states.”

  9. Thinking about how many of that mob had likely voted for Chavez, I was routing for that Steer to at least trample a few before going down. We should send them Gerald Butts to fix their economy and maybe he will take his idiot sock puppet.

  10. The major point isn’t in the scene of men chasing a cow and killing it with rocks.
    The last 2 paragraphs contain everything you need to know regarding the situation in Venezuela.
    The Maduro gov’t forced the stores to lower their prices by 50% and were cleaned out. Inflation in the past two weeks means they can’t afford to buy new supplies for their stores, and the Chavistas don’t understand where the new food is, while the gov’t continues to blame the Imperialists in the USA.
    Everything since the first election of Chavez 19 years ago had prepared the people for dependancy, and now the gov’t cannot provide. It’s not going to be pretty, but it is 100% expected.

  11. After they’ve killed and eaten the dairy cows, who will they blame for the lack of milk? Trump of course.
    After they’ve killed and eaten the chickens, who will they blame for the lack of eggs? Trump of course.
