Blowout 211

This week we return to the Big South Australian Battery (BSAB), the alleged success of which – the “Tesla effect” – is spawning a raft of similar projects elsewhere in the country. Coming after we have Frydenberg on Snowy River; the usual dose of OPEC; Russia sells gas to the US; less gas to come from Groningen; California to close Diablo Canyon; coal in Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and Japan, hydro in Colombia; Germany’s Energiewende problems; renewables in Denmark and Colorado; less gas capacity planned for UK; Ineos to challenge Scotland’s fracking ban; a contingency plan needed for cold winter nights when the wind doesn’t blow; Trump reconsiders Paris and how climate change makes turtles female.

Blowout 211
Earlier in the week:
The 2018 Oil Production Forecast Explained

8 Replies to “Blowout 211”

  1. We all should drop out of Paris!!!! Anthropogenic climate change is the biggest fraud by science since the time of Galileo!! Cost of this science will be handle by the poor of our world! As Dr. Kary Mullis says we should be concentrating on the 2 things that could spell the end of mankind! Controlling micro-organisms and getting ready for the next asteroid hit!!!

  2. I agree because most of the world is water. This is all a hoax. The politicians are bored, this is a chance at world travel for them, not you, to their conferences. They do not like to keep travelling to the capital cities all the time. They go to the nice cities for free everything on your dime.

  3. I know that I would like to jet to Tahiti on some government department dime … to “study” and “discuss” the ravages of AGW. Hell, I’d even fly and/or cruise to some remote, previously unknown, Atoll like Palaou to see how the oceans are rising (because of the tailpipe exhaust of your dinOsaww’R fuel source).
    So what if I had a few MaiTais on the beach, and surfed with the native girls? No one is asking BIG OIL executives what they DO on vacation, er … Fact-finding “Studies/Conferences”

  4. For me here in Aberdeen, the real and present danger is large volcanic eruption on Iceland. Probability 100%. Impact potentially devastating. Timing – unkonwn but overdue.
    Tomorrow Energy Matters begins a discussion on climate change with the Geological Society of London. You should stay tuned.

  5. In a related techtonic way … Mt St Helens has been SERIOUSLY rumbling recently. Perhaps it could blow-off it’s southwest lip … facing Portland … ? Mother Earth has tremendous cleansing powers.

  6. Just because the wind is blowing does not mean the farms are producing, if the wind is to low or to high the generation drops out. An event in BC was 220MW dropping off the grid instantaneously.
