Clock Girl

From the CBC report;

They are asking that anyone with security or dash cam video who may have been in the Birchmount Road and Bay Mills Boulevard area around 9 a.m. to check their footage in case they captured the attack.

More from @LeoKnight in the extended entry.

88 Replies to “Clock Girl”

  1. Any time I see something like this, I hold my judgement waiting for the facts. Too many times these things are staged. Will be interesting to see how this pans out. My personal belief is that if someone stages a “crime” like this and who is caught doing so should be charged with the same crime they are falsifying.

  2. Why didn’t they show the sliced up hijab at the press conference? No pics of it anywhere. Things that make you go “hmmmm…”. Also, story seems to be gone from The Red Star’s front page. I thought this tearjerker would have been front page for at least 4 or 5 days.

  3. {deleted. Don’t make threats of violence on this blog, even in jest, If necessary your IP will be forwarded to police. — ED]

  4. Muslims move fast. When we had the attack in Edmonton it happened on a Saturday night. Most people would have been totally unaware of it until the next morning. But the Muslim Public Affairs Council managed to have a vigil organized for Sunday night with the usual pandering politicians all in attendance to state that “That’s not who we are”.

  5. The kid in the background can’t control his amusement…He gives it away… He would be the first person a real reporter would ask the obvious question…”Why do you look so guilty”

  6. It’s times like these where Canada is truly blessed to have a former substitute drama teacher as PM. Whether or not the “hate crime” is staged, the Spawn knows his lines and how to please his director. We all knew that Muslims were the Spawn’s people but when something as trivial as this, even if it really happened, evokes a response from a Provincial Premier, a Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, can Shariah law be far behind? I’m surprised Scheer hasn’t tweeted out over this horrendous alleged hate crime.

  7. Perhaps there’s a good explanation for how a moderately long story could have been posted 49 minutes after the alleged crime.
    So let’s hear it, CBC.

  8. One thing in support of this story is that assailant is described as “Asian.”
    If I were fabricating such a story, he would have been whiter than Edger Winter.

  9. This didn’t pass the sniff test from the get-go.
    Who would “cut off” an article of clothing, especially cloth on someones head….. you would just grab it and yank it off…

  10. Interesting how PM and premier know already what was the motif. What info do they have to conclude it wasn’t mental illness – which as we know is the libtard favorite reason when people are hurt by mooselimbs?

  11. We’ll be seeing more fake crimes so they can pass islamophobia laws. the drama teacher will just point and cry and say the law needs to be passed because of all the hate against the IQ 70’s.

  12. If a little boy was harassed on the way to school because of his red hair, would the PM, Minister of Defense , the Mayor and the Premier care?

  13. I got the shit punched out of me, kicked in the back on the ground in Thunder Bay on Dec.20, by three young punks who took offense to my MAGA hat…the CBC didn’t care.

  14. I usually run the other way when people start manufacturing wild conspiracy theories, but this theory seems to have some merit.
    The time line as established by the CBC is almost impossible. CBC is claiming she was specifically attacked right at 9 AM(CTV have quoted the police as stating it occurred at 8:30), she complained when she got to school, then they in turn informed her parents and police who would both take some time to get there. The police would have to conduct their investigation before the media can really start theirs. Then there are interviews and filming to conduct, it’s written and hopefully researched, then edited and published all in about an hour? It’s like the left and their loyal media have prepped a Fast Response Islamic Inquisition SWAT Team or something.
    Then, within a couple more hours, prominent leftard politicians are lining up to make profound ideological statements based solely on the brand new unverified story of a child. Amazing.
    What are they doing, BTW, immediately releasing the name and pictures of AN 11 YEAR OLD assault victim, ESPECIALLY when the alleged suspect is still out there!?!?
    With not a whiff of any motive, they jumped immediately to calling it a hate crime. Where have they allowed for mental illness? The media and law enforcement certainly never hesitate to throw that ‘likelihood’ out there to protect murdering terrorists.
    This stinks of being manufactured news specifically created to bolster this Liberal PM’s bogus Islamophobia narrative.

  15. Slap Shot, It does say in the attached CBC photo, the boy in the background is her brother.
    Is this 1 hour of police investigation / journalism investigation going to be the new standard for the future of minor crimes in Canada?
    Can anyone imagine the terror of being a non muslim guy witnessing this event, being hauled into a police investigation room for questioning?

  16. Over the top coverage as expected, her mother wore fuller face covering. It sounded too contrived, I simply
    do not buy it.
    I suspect another attention grabber for the media. How could a man do all this cutting without someone intervening? Were the alleged victim and her brother the only one’s around to witness this?

  17. According to that Global article above…
    “The girl had been walking with a group of people but had fallen behind when her brother Mohammad Zakariyya, 10, failed to make it across the street when the light had changed.
    Sidhu said the girl turned around and screamed, which startled the man before he ran off.”
    So I guess it depends on how far behind she was. You’d think they would hear her scream, as would anybody nearby, but again, depends on distance.

  18. I agree. Something about this story has a distinct odor.
    If this turns out to be a fabrication don’t hold your breath waiting for the media to tell us so.
    Furthermore, don’t hold your breath waiting for any politician to ask questions. Our citizenry has been too cowed by the MB and supporters.

  19. Yes, it does depend on distance for sure. However, if it was contrived distance would be an important factor would it not?
    This might be a hard one to get to the bottom of….another reason for suspicion.

  20. Some interesting points — especially about the 11 year old having the picture released. Now the mother would have to sign an ok on that, so that means we need time for the mom to arrive at school, and she took time yo put her niqab on. My question is, who called the media? I think it must have been the mom before she headed to the school.
    The politician statements are less suspicious. I suspect they have those in the hopper ready to go — or can easily rattle off sentiments approptiate for the occasion. You can depend on the word “cowardly” being used a number of times. Justin as usual goes overboard with his maudlin remarks, lecturing Canadians like errant school children. Minister Joli uses a tweet to remind us that “Diversity is our strength”, as though we have not heard that cliche often enough.
    On balance a sad incident– if accurate or if the young girl was set up, but I think the political reaction is over the top and out of line with how Muslim aggression towards non-Muslims is treated. There have been a number if incidents that have simply been hushed up.

  21. there is an election coming up, and this gives lots of free air time. As some one said, the perp described as “Asian”, real stinker that, sure gives credibility (for us’n Honkies) to the story. And were the eff is “he who would be PPM” RED TORY on this???

  22. Did the young girl describe the alleged attacker as Asian? If so she sure had great presence of mind for one so scared. Sure hope we get to the bottom of this, not sure it will be possible though.

  23. I see things are progressing in a splendid fashion in the ISCC (Islamic Socialist Caliphate of Canada).

  24. Asian? Well that covers a lot of ground, could be Middle Eastern Asian like Turks/Iranians, or Indians or Orientals(Japanese or Chinese etc). Whoever it was, it must have been nasty Infidel like a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh.

  25. This is something we need to follow up on for the sake of ALL concerned. We can’t just let it slide off the radar.

  26. False flag incident right from the word go. First off, that girl looks like a teen to me and not 10 or 11.
    The speech the mother gave at the school must have been prepared by sock boy’s speech writer. Hit all the liberal talking points about diversity right off the bat and sounded way too rehearsed. As soon as I saw her speak I knew this event stunk.
    Just over an hour after the incident happened sock boy was on the CBC with the cabinet ministers behind him condemning “Canadians” for such a hateful act. Too much of a coincidence that he just happened to be at a caucus meeting and about to have a press conference.
    How does he know this supposed incident was done by a “Canadian”. Muslims factions are murdering each other worldwide although this incident has the aroma of a Pallywood production.

  27. Does anyone have any info on the Peterborough mosque burned in 2015. Can’t find out who did it if the police even know. To me this crap about this girl and her burqua wearing mother, if in fact that is her mother is just part of Defence Jihad by the muslims.

  28. I have doubts that this actually happened unless the perp was muslim. muslim on muslim violence is very very common. islam is a satanic death cult much like the liberap party of Canada.

  29. I watched the interview in the evening . I said to my wife “She is lying ” . It was the first I heard of it . The authorities will not be holding her to scrutiny.

  30. “Who would “cut off” an article of clothing, especially cloth on someones head….. you would just grab it and yank it off.”
    Exactly. Notice kids walking to school at 8:45? There aren’t just 2 on the block. Close to school there are a dozen. There is also bumper to bumper traffic with parents driving their kids.

  31. “she felt something and turned around to see a man trying to cut her hijab with a pair of scissors. She screamed and ran away, but the man returned less than 10 minutes later and tried to cut it once again.
    Officers describe the suspect as an Asian man in his 20s with a medium build. He has black hair, a moustache and wears glasses.”
    He returned 10 minutes later after she ran away?

  32. If you go to the source account @TPSOperations and scroll down to Jan 12, you will find 4 tweets on the incident. Click on those and the time stamp comes up as 7:33. I assume those are written and tagged at local time not MST.

  33. We in Canada tend to think of “asians” as those from the orient, China for example.
    Those from England or are in the know of how the BBC refers to “Asian” would say the perp is from Pakistan.

  34. If you go to the source twitter account @TPSOperation and scroll down to Jan 12, there are 4 tweets there, click on the tweet and it comes up time stamped at 7:33. I assume these are local Toronto time.

  35. In my experience, very few 11yo girls are wearing the garb as few of them have started their menses … which is the “books” trigger for hiding your women from the pigs of Hollywood (I changed that last bit). And while this is not uniformly (pun intended) enforced throughout Islam … the ONLY girls wearing the garb pre-menses are the children of the most HARDCORE Islam adherents who … “want their girls to get used to what it will be like to … be a woman in Islam” (gawd knows what other womanly duties have been meted out for the poor girl to – get used to – at the hands on an Uncle or two). So, I would surmise that this girls parents are HARDCORE Islamic … most likely, VERY anti-Western civilization … as wrapping an 11yo little girl … who should be carefree and playing hop scotch with her friends would only occur to a Religious Zealot … like those zealots in Southern Utah.
    So the entire circumstance of this whole event … reeks of a FAKE hate crime. And I wonder why none of the media thought to ask this girl … “how long have you been wearing the hijab, because you’re only 11yo?”

  36. Not the first false flag either…..The upcoming trial of the Quebec Mosque murders will be one to watch closely…I for one don’t buy the MSM’s narrative on this whatsoever. A complete and total narrative change after two days – goes from two shooters yelling “aluha akbar” (as per eye witnesses), to one 21 yr old White French Canadian. Really..?? and all this coming right at the time of the M-103 Debate. How bloody convenient.
    Trudeau IMO, is a Muslim Brotherhood Mole. 100% Co-opted and nothing I see here makes me doubt that assessment. And that makes him very dangerous.
    This thing with this girl is also, in my opinion, total made up propaganda. Joseph Goebbels would be proud..

  37. “Officers described the man? Since they were not there that should read the girl described the man!
    Where is Inspector Clouseau when you need him?!

  38. If the girl had been kidnapped it would have taken the cops more time to issue an Amber Alert. This screams Fake News, bigger than the sh*tstorm in America, especially when the politicians climb on the band wagon without waiting for further information, too eager by half to blame ‘Islamaphobia’. This is the Liberals MO, taken right out of Goebbel’s or Alinsky’s play book. They learned the lesson well, if they can create an ‘Islamaphobia’ meme to the same extent that the ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was created then they will have succeeded to the determent of all Canadians.

  39. Not judging either way here – but all a “reporter” has to do is omit the “facts verified” protocol and 49 minutes is no problem.

  40. Speaking of “hands up, don’t shoot” … did you read the story where the 27yo daughter of Eric Garner (who died of a heart attack … theoretically caused by the POleece) … also died of a heart attack … at 27yo!!!
    No Ill will toward her … but you don’t suppose HEREDITY had anything to do with her dad’s heart attack? Or morbid obesity? Nope … the POleece caused it. $$$$$ Taxpayers fleeced … in the name of “social justice”. Lies. All lies.

  41. I am a regular, conservative reader of SDA. It saddens me that so many readers rush to demonstrate their amazing detective skills establishing a conspiracy. What public good is achieved? If it is real it’s a sick attack on a young girl. If it is fake, equally so. Truth is you don’t know.

  42. So we should roll-over, docilely, like good little lap dogs of a Press that has PROVEN repeatedly that they report on their own personal BIAS rather than the TRUTH. Don’t blame the public’s cynicism for a cynical Press. A Press that is HIGHLY BIASED against; Conservatives, Christians, Western civilization, and Capitalism.
    I am actually GLADDENED to read so many … critical thinkers … here.

  43. There’s a CBC?
    It’s Pravda, the Propaganda Ministry of the Socialist Liberal regime. It is never to be taken seriously.
    Yes, this very much reeks of a contrived, staged event.
