Clock Girl

From the CBC report;

They are asking that anyone with security or dash cam video who may have been in the Birchmount Road and Bay Mills Boulevard area around 9 a.m. to check their footage in case they captured the attack.

More from @LeoKnight in the extended entry.

88 Replies to “Clock Girl”

  1. You don’t have to be wearing a tinfoil hat to question the media/political narrative.
    That said, you’re right. We don’t know if it’s true or not. But if some more light is shone on media lies my hope would be that it would force some accountability on them and help achieve more truth in media.
    …and that’s one of the single most important things I can think of that would be beneficial to the public.

  2. Where are the photos of the “damaged” … the “partially cut” … hijab? Sorry … if I am asked to “believe” … I need EVIDENCE. This is true of ANYTHING being thrust in my face as “truth” … Muslim, or not. Like a fat, fugly, lesbian suffering hetero-sexual-assault.
    I was taught to THINK for myself … and not to believe HALF of what I hear, as what I SEE.

  3. *
    “assailant is described as ‘Asian’.”
    if some dashcam or security cam footage conveniently shows up…
    it would certainly be easier to have co-opted someone from…
    “the community”… than say… the racist patriarchy… for this
    piece of street theatre.

  4. Christopher, I thought it was very just that your post showed up right after Kenji mentioned “hands up, don’t shoot”. I assume you are on record somewhere, chastising Republicans for having the audacity to question THAT narrative, too.
    Look, I agree, anyone jumping to absolute conclusions is a fool, that doesn’t mean we can’t debate the possibility that this is YET MORE manufactured media from the left. I am willing to believe the story as presented, if the facts bear it out, but I will not let someone tell me what I can question in the meantime…. especially when my instincts tell me to be wary.
    BTW, I noticed you didn’t save any criticism for all the leftist politicians who opined right out of the box as if this lone child’s tale was already confirmed 100% factual. A little selective in in where you direct your contempt, no?

  5. muslims do not belong in Canada.
    They most certainly do. Allah has deemed it so. It’s we infidels, we kaffirs that must step aside….. or submit.
    (sarcasm = off)

  6. You are on to something here. The mother seemed willing to talk to the media, so that tells me she is not one of those closeted Muslim women. Yet, after 25 years of living in Canada she chooses to wear a Muslim face mask. The niqab has become a political symbol — like with the woman who insisted on the face covering at the citizenship ceremony. There is a group of somewhat younger Muslims who are behind the push on Muslim issues and it is politically driven. I suspect the mother (who would have come to Canada in her teens) is involved with Muslim political activism. Possibly a staged event to gain sympathy for the measures that might come forward related to M103. Someone called the media to let them know about this ultimately rather minor occurrence.

  7. Here is my … purely speculative … prediction …
    If and when, the Constables demand the severed hijab … you know … the EVIDENCE of the “crime” … they will be told that the defaced hijab HAD to be DESTROYED … in keeping with some nonsensical (invented on the spot) Islamic tradition. Sorry … THAT hijab HAD to be DESTROYED.
    Captcha: Playground CLOSE

  8. Absolutely if one can force some accountability on the media. That would be the best result. I share the opinion of the media. While all this speculation is fun and says one is not alone, if it should be true….?

  9. I think I read somewhere that the police already have the cut hijab. I do find the coincidence of another girl having a “spare” a bit odd.

  10. This is the first time I have posted comments anywhere. I didn’t read the whole comment thread and didn’t notice any leftist comment. I apologize for being somewhat sarcastic. Your own comments strike me as thoughtful. Thoughtful or not I have no interest in trying to tell anyone what they can or cannot say. I can however express my feelings about what I read just as someone else was gladdened.

  11. The CBC has files full of Scissor attacks…The Canadian Police have a Scissor Task Force… Running with scissors is an 11 year old’s worst nightmare… Wake the F&&& up fools…. If you are that stupid don’t blame the Girl for making up a story….MOVE ON

  12. Too cold out there for the morning walk to school. The sister and brother are to get driven to school from now on. Smart kids!

  13. This muslim girl is certainly brilliant in her recollection of the suspect. “The man suspected of perpetrating the attack is believed to stand 5 feet and 7 inches tall, with a thin build, between 20-30 years old. At the time of the attack, he was wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, black pants, brown gloves, and had prescription glasses with black frames on his face, police said.”
    “I screamed,’ Noman said. ‘The man just ran away. We followed this crowd of people to be safe. He came again. He continued cutting my hijab again.” No one in the crowd heard her screams nor noticed the man as he approached her, took the time to pull down her hood, Lifted her hijab and cut it with his scissors while she just stood there. With his gloves on, as she described them so he must have been wearing them, he cut her hijab. Where is the cut hijab? Where is the damage to her hair shown or is it now safely covered with the new hijab. Surely the police would show it as evidence this actually occurred.

  14. Here is another little spin to put on the story. How about the little girl didn’t like wearing the hajib and decided to cut it up and then had a change of heart because, well you know the whole Muslim religious honour thingy, so she makes up the attack story and the Liberals and the Press go ape-sh*t over it because it fits their narrative that Canadians are racist bigots, yadda, yadda, yadda. A lot more plausible than a guy chasing her down the street ten minutes after the first attack.

  15. Still doesn’t cover the short timeline but I like the way you’ve thought about this.

  16. Yeh, gord tulk, that chew. I happen to be pretty street smart, and called bullshit on this as soon as I heard it. You don’t lie down and let the lefties control the narrative till the truth, usually understated, rolls around and no body hears it. Raise a stink and the spotlite will be kept in focus, till the facts are out.Now go back to your mothers basement you snowflake troll.

  17. I agree @ 5:11. Welcome Christopher. The media is not trusted too much around here. There is too much progressive brainwashing and propaganda coming from the media over many decades to trust them with objectivity. As we know, in Canada there is no center-right counter balance in the “news”.
    As Dave and others suggest, there are a number of suspicious loose ends on this story.

  18. The most likely reason this is fake IF it is fake, is that this hijab-grabbing is a Muslim issue. It’s the Western equivalent of someone snapping a girl’s bra, or pantsing her.
    A Westerner who hated Muslims would harangue her, push her, or throw something at her. For example: the BernieBro who started hassling two Muslim girls in Oregon.
    The reason it most likely disappeared from the main news feeds, however, is the why could be true. Someone was able to find footage of the hijab-cutter. It turned out to be a follow Muslim with a grudge against the girl’s family, who wanted to shame her to get even with them.

  19. What I find interesting and encouraging about all these comments is the fact that, generally speaking, folks have come to recognize the crap offered by NME000 to be just more of his monumental bullshit and he is simply being ignored.
    Let’s keep it up.

  20. Are the Prime Minister and the Premier of Ontario going to issue calls that little muslim girls stop lying to the police, their teachers, the other students, and the general public? and perhaps charge the family with the cost of this bogus investigation?

  21. just goes to show SDA’ers are smarter than the average 11 yr. old and her who knows what, mom.I have absolutely no faith in the honesty of muslims.

  22. Why didn’t the little girl say that she was kidnapped by an older white male alien in a flying saucer. That would have been more dramatic, and also more believable than her account of an asian man with a pair of scissors who attacked her (twice). Thank goodness we have a Prime Minister and a Mayor who would never fall for such a childish story or use it as a transparent excuse for excessive virtue-signaling. Yes, our leaders are wise men and well chosen. No one can fool them!
