How Gregor Robertson and his Leftist Comrades Destroyed Vancouver

Bruce Allen destroys Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson with FACTS.

The Vancouver Courier’s Mike Klassen chimes in:

You allowed the public service to become politicized, and would not let the city’s staff speak directly with media. You decried the actions of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, yet city hall’s communications department turned into a PMO-like fortress.

You surrounded yourself with political operatives who attacked your opponents on social media. You were caught describing credible community voices as f***ing hacks.

You let donors flood your political coffers, and spent more money on elections than anyone in the city’s history. Your party changed Vancouver political campaigns by making them expensive, American-style, year-round affairs with full-time staff.

h/t Maxine Kennedy

32 Replies to “How Gregor Robertson and his Leftist Comrades Destroyed Vancouver”

  1. Gregor sees the writing on the wall in Vancouver,so is probably leaving to pursue another post in federal politics. Which Party he’ll choose to go with is anyone’s guess,but any guess other than Liberal would be silly.
    Another globalist f*** to head for Ottawa.
    Never heard Bruce Allen before, he sure scathed our Gregor.

  2. Vancouver’s long been in a universe by itself and had mayors to match the corresponding mentality.
    I remember when Tom “Tom Terrific” Campbell took on the lefties and the hippies in the late ’60s and early ’70s. He didn’t take much you-know-what from anyone.
    I was a grad student at UBC during the last year of Jack Volrich’s tenure. He was similarly brash and abrasive, but he was booted out of office and replaced by that lefty Mike Harcourt.
    It’s no surprise to me that Gregor Robinson became mayor.

  3. Bruce Allen and Mike Klassen say it well. Too bad the voter was gulled and cuckolded. It is mind boggling what sort of political scum US foundation money can buy. VAncouver is not the only city that these carpetbaggers own.

  4. Don
    Remember, he was an ENDP MLA prior to mayor. Yes, he will run as a Dip in the next Fed election, and he will be looking to push Jaggy the Commie aside, in favour of Comrade Gregor.
    He’s no different than any other Comrade in his greentardism, he’s just been more successful applying those idiotic policies with Van urbanites that ALWAYS vote ENDPee .
    The real prize he wanted was Premier, but, Horgan has seized power with his junta for some time, so, Comrade Gregor jumps to the next level to bide his time possibly. He could follow Kenney’s path, establish yourself federally, then chase being Premier. Luckily, he will never be PM of Canaduh.

  5. A globalist for sure. I believe they will appoint him to the World Wildlife Fund to groom him for a Liberal Party position. David Miller is there now and he should soon be ready to flip over to the Federal Libs. — although good opportunities for globalists are everywhere in our country

  6. Yep, Comrade Gregor sold out the city and he got real rich doing it… population replacement was the goal… Globalist own the city now and it reflects their interests… LIke all Globalist sellouts Comrade Gregor has obliterated this once beautiful city, the culture and history of the city has been destroyed to make way for the Globalist goose steppers. I’m sure Comrade Gregor will enjoy the millions of dollars his foreign owners paid him, he has no conscience, but he does have a a Mansion in one of the most expensive elitist parts of the city and a million dollar Penthouse, pretty good for a guy supposedly on a public sector wage. Scumbag!

  7. Do you people get stimulation from using the term ‘globalist’ over and over again (whatever the hell it means)?
    Robertson was a godawful mayor, and it had little to nothing to do with ‘globalism’ and everything to do with delusions of grandeur and eco-fanaticism. He makes Nenshi look honestly not so bad.
    These big cities suffer the same problem: political monopoly. One city government over the whole thing. The solution is to break it up into multiple jurisdictions and thereby get some choices and competition. This is the situation in Victoria and it’s not perfect but I have no doubt it would be worse if governed by One Jurisdiction to Rule Them All.

  8. If you look carefully you will discover that Gregor has been implementing Agenda21 in Vancouver. Same for Nenchi, Notley, Wynne, and the Trudeau government. AGENDA21 (now Agenda 2030) is the blueprint for a one-world government — the globalist agenda! If you do not understand the term, I suggest you inform yourself.

  9. I have a son & daughter who live in Vancouver, a fully owned and operated city, courtesy of the Rockefeller and & TIDES foundations, who have to contend with obscene rents and living conditions.
    Too bad he isn’t running again, only for the joy of seeing the voters put a gigantic electoral boot to Mayor Moonbeam’s backside! The corporate shill and foundation sell out won’t be missed…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’
    Captcha hilarity: Mafia WEST

  10. Screw Vancouver. Zero sympathy for those socialist retards who infest the coast. I hope they succeed in voting suicide for themselves via socialist paradise.

  11. I started grad studies at UBC nearly 40 years ago. One reason I left after a year was because of the loony leftist leanings of the campus and the Vancouver area.

  12. Destroyed? It was always that way. Ok place to visit but I breathe a sigh of relief once I’m back on the island.

  13. Our island is marginally better kek.
    We still have to put up with all the retired gubmint employees that eat, live and breath socialism, along with all the armchair, Birkenstock wearing, latte sipping envirowarriors.
    But at least we have room here to spread out, rather than being stacked on top of each other in Hongcouver

  14. We still have to put up with all the retired gubmint employees that eat, live and breath socialism, along with all the armchair, Birkenstock wearing, latte sipping envirowarriors.
    Don’t forget the academics that retire there. Several of my profs ended up on the island, happily drawing their pensions.

  15. Oh please. Not helpful. Some of us are attempting to determine real dangers in the world. Your remark trivializes the real threat of nation-states being undermined by those with a globalist vision. There are those who support the globalist vision, I don’t, but the most ignorant people are those who pretend a globalist agenda does not exist. That’s you. Think again.

  16. Quit pretending you don’t know what “globalist” means. If you would like a different word, how about MARXIST? You can always tell when a leftist gets caught with his pants down. They hate being exposed.

  17. You say Vancouver is “a fully owned and operated city, courtesy of the Rockefeller and & TIDES foundations”. That is true but you forgot to mention the drug “industry” running in Vancouver and area.

  18. Nenshi has a far larger jurisdiction than Robertson. The Port authority has jurisdiction over everything on the water. North Van, West Van, Richmond, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Burnaby, New Westminster, Ladner, Tsawwassen, Langley, and Surrey are all separate autonomous jurisdictions. Vancouver represents less than 25% of the total population of the lower mainland. One of Vancouver’s problems is that they went with parties – COPE, NPA as proxies for the Liberals and NDP when the vast majority of local government issues are non partisan. Globalism is overused as a concept but greens tend to favour global governance over national and subordinate government and to readily disempower citizens to fast track their agendas. Mayor Moonbeam is no exception.

  19. Hey Kek and DanBC, let’s not forget that here on the Island our fellow islanders voted almost exclusively NDP – except for those who voted Green.
    That’s basically why we have the Horgan/Weaver crap sandwich. We’re in no position to castigate how mainlanders vote.

  20. Unmeinpee says there is no such thing as “globalism”, which I have to admit is a pretty convincing declaration backed up by the (“because I said so”) fact and the (“everyones an idiot except me”)argument… pretty convincing “stuff”. The next time I hear some world leader like Merkel or Macron or PM Doofy or any media outlet making mention of the non-existent “globalism” I’ll know that it really doesn’t exist because Unmenpee said that “globalism” doesn’t exist. I feel a lot better now and I’ll definitely have to re-think my utter disdain for Comrade Gregor and his “globalist” agenda, whoops, I mean his totally random acts of governess born out of no particular ideological agenda.

  21. Exactly. Didn’t our George Soros fluffer prime minister say in his election acceptance speech that Canada was no a post national state. That is globalism.
    This “globalism” movement all started with the “global village” subterfuge a few decades ago and is just another Frankfurt School and the Communist International movement.
    What some of the more radical elements are up to.

  22. Yes, I can lambaste the idiots that surround me. I didn’t vote for either of the socialist hordes .
    It’s rather concerning to see so many homeowners vote against their best interests by voting GREENDP. We expect renters to vote solidly Marxist, it’s the demographic. But voting against oneself to be taxed more is just Nutty.
    Happened in the 90s, and history will repeat itself. Freezing fares, hydro rates, and eliminating MSP sounds rosy, but someone still has to pay eventually.
    Massive deficits, here we come, they will follow Comrade Rachel’s lead. Her and Horgan used to be tight, tight, tight.

  23. Is it possible that certain portions of our population are simply too STOOPID to contemplate the reality that there actually is an Agnda21 and that it’s main weapon is Fanatical Climate Change ..? I do believe you fit into that group Unthing.
    One look at our Dear leader in Ottawa is confirmation enough.
    Trans National Stat
    Open borders for all intents & purposes
    LOVES Islam
    Hires Gerald Butts
    Mandatory Carbon tax
    Coming New Fuel regulations that will likely dictate 15% + ethanol in RUGas.
    Shutter the Oil Sands
    Kill Pipelines – Tanker Ban
    Piss away Billions of Taxpayer dollars for overseas BS.
    ……the List goes on Unthing.
    ……that you are oblivious is not surprising.

  24. I wonder when the avg (leftoid skewed, or is that ‘screwed’?) attention span is oh, measured in Planck’s time . . . . .
    jist askin’ !!

  25. On the few occasions I don’t have any choice but to travel to Vancouver i stay for time i need to physically be there and leave immediately afterwards. Vancouver is now a moonbat shithole.
    In 1979 Vancouver was a great place to live. Then came Expo86 and a steady decline afterwards. The only worthwhile legacy of 1986 was the Coquihalla makes it even easier to get back to the interior

  26. re: globalization, currencies etc:
    this is not necessarily my opinion and not necessarily *not* my opinion.
    it is however, the opinion of those who wrote the Book of Revelation and many who have read it the past 2,000 +/- years.
    it is my opinion that a ‘global’ ONE WORLD GUBBAMINT is a necessary condition for the rest of it to go down.
    and currency controls; well, THAT is real easy when umpteen trillions in daily transactions are digital;
    just a hop-step away from making it all the *same* (yet to be established) currency. it’s happened before, google ‘euro’.

  27. That’s so mean to my wonderful former almost hometown of New Shanghai. Apologize or spend many years in the camps.
