18 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. Hmmm, I’m in BC, which is California North, and I have and have had purebred ‘rescue’ (we nw call it rehoming) dogs for 30 years – can I still go to Oregon now?

  2. You know what is really sad? It is these men who think long beards are handsome. No. Awful. Bla.Barf.Full of germs. Lazy. CHEAPSKATES THE WHOLE LOT.

  3. We have “fruit rescue” here in Edmonton, and lots of other big cities. It’s not as stupid as is sounds (it couldn’t be).
    What typically happens is you have some senior citizen with some monster apple tree in their back yard. They can’t climb up and pick them any more, and couldn’t use a fraction of them even if they could. So the apples would just fall on the ground and go to waste and make a mess. Or they can call in volunteers to pick them and they get used.

  4. Screw the rescue dogs, ESPECIALLY the diseased IMPORTED ones!
    Buy a guitar, nobody will bitch, I promise you…..

  5. Thankfully, I never took our Bernese Mtn. Dog (Jozie) out of my suburban enclave … so I only received sneers from the out of Towners outside the “local” Starbucks.
    And Portland IS totally nutz. The 20-something white punks on dope pan handling on the crowded streets are a sight (and sound) to behold. The Californication of Portland is quite complete.

  6. A comedian actually making fun of the crazy left?
    Is the pendulum beginning to slow down or swing back?

  7. Things I love about Oregon….
    I absolutely love Cannon Beach, their forests/parks and the Columbia Gorge(In all fairness, I guess 1/2 the credit for The Columbia River Gorge should go to Washington State).
    OK, I’m done.
    Anyways, I wonder how Posehn’s fellow actors on The Big Bang Theory will react to his comments. Kaley Cuoco is currently narrating an ad showing her absolute disgust for the Canadian Seal Hunt. You’ll know the spot I’m referring to…. it’s the one where she actually SPITS out the word ‘Canadian’.

  8. He’s not just any comedian. He and Conan were both writers for The Simpson’s back in the early days, when they skewered everybody.

  9. Yes, it’s not stupid for people or other animals to use it as food, but calling it fruit or apple “rescue” is stupid. As far as the tree is concerned, leaving the fruit to rot in place is part of how it’s supposed to work.

  10. If you let the video roll into the next clip, Brian (Posehn) describes to Conan how he ruins toilettes. Let’s just say he leaves behind “rescue feces”; oversized ones. The example he gives is from an Edmonton, Alberta hotel. There is no plunger in the room. When he rings up the front desk they first send a guy with no plunger. The hotel employee is so disgusted he leaves (maybe quits his job). The second guy they send up asks a question that is hilarious, and could only be asked by someone who was suffering from the effects of a severe concussion, or a die-hard Oilers fan (just kidding).

  11. cbc had a thingy on ‘Angry Inuk’ which astoundingly was SYMPATHETIC to the Innu seal hunters.
    Im in the process of getting the producers permission to set up a table here at university proclaiming my support of the vaunted sustainability and native rights, with the information from the documentary.
    p.s. I have supported the seal hunt in all its forms (with some fine tuning) from ‘day 1’.
