15 Replies to “Why the Left is Evil”

  1. Owen says it well. His debate partners want utopia and don’t realize it but will end up losing many if not all of their freedoms and most likely end up human disasters like the Soviet Union and Venezuela to name but two.

  2. human disasters like the Soviet Union and Venezuela
    To the left, they weren’t disasters. They were “works in progress” or “learning opportunities”.
    As for losing freedoms, the left wants to make sure that those that do lose them are those who oppose it.

  3. Yes! perfectly said. LEAVE the kids out of the gender shit show.
    I feel this guy’s pain, my mother watches the Veiw.

  4. So how do you keep your kids out of the indoctrination they will receive for 12 years at public schools and non-stop from the media?

  5. So how do you keep your kids out of the indoctrination they will receive for 12 years at public schools and non-stop from the media?

  6. OUr kids go to public school. I wish they didn’t but they do. Every night at dinner we talk about what they did at school and make them question things. I am quite confident that at this point at least, they share our beliefs.

  7. The most you can hope to do, since they, or anyone else, will never be able to avoid it, is to spend enough time with them in honest debate so that, at the very least, they become skeptical.

  8. Here’s another reason to dismantle the educational system:
    They’re teaching this stuff in schools nowadays. How is it that this was never an issue when I was in junior high nearly 50 years ago? Why are parents letting schools get away with this nonsense?

  9. That. Is. Just. Disgusting. The defective humans have taken over. The mental cases are “in charge”. Their perversions are becoming the norm. ALL Canada’s children are now “gender fluid” … and being taught to be what they’re not. This is not “freedom” for our children … it is slavery … slavery to perversion. Satan must be smiling, nay … laughing at Western Culture.
    And in response to the Benjamin video above … I HATE these people. I HATE the Left. We share NONE of the same goals. We have NOTHING in common. And, I can predict with certainty, that the Left will soon claim that if a child is mature enough to “change” their gender … then they are also “free” to choose to have sex with adults. There is no stopping this perversion train. It is time to RESIST and return mental health to our schools and our society.

  10. Here is an example of someone who hates a lot of people except maybe one group.
    In the ”new citizen guide” that is handed to immigrants when they are welcomed to Canada, Trudeau has removed the part where muslims are warned that here in Canada we do not tolerate female genital mutilation.
    The United Nations says at least 200 MILLION women have been forced to go trough female genital mutilation TWO MILLION
    200,000,000 women
    we know that in England there are at least 5700 confirmed cases of female genital mutilation
    we know it happens here in Canada but our government and media keeps us in the dark about it, no numbers are ever published.
    Female genital mutilation often means sewing shut the vagina and/or cutting off the clitoris
    Trudeau does not want us to warn muslims that this is not acceptable.
    Trudeau hates women.
    I’m freakin serious, what he is doing there is very hateful towards women.
    but that is not all, trudeau has also had the part removed where in that same ” new citizen guide” muslims used to be warned that we do not tolerate barbaric things such as ”honor crimes”.
    the victims of honor crimes are women.
    Trudeau hates women.
    try as you might you can not convince me that Trudeau does not hate women.
    by refusing to inform muslim males that their barbaric treatment of women are not tolerated here, Trudeau is pretty much telling them they can continue to mutilate female genitals, and they can keep on murdering their daughters, wifes or sisters for ” honor” reasons.
    Sane people, sane Canadians, sane non-muslims do not share the same goal as Trudeau.
    not at all.
    this is not just disagreing on how to reach the goal
    we diagree on the entire thing.
    none of us sane people want female genital mutilation to go on and none of us sane people want muslim males murdering their daughters simply because they refuse to wear a hijab.
    Trudeau does not agree with us
    Trudeau does not share the same goal
    Trudeau cares about pleasing muslim males, those muslim men who are islamising Canada and getting ready to instal sharia law… and if that means looking the other way while women are having their clitoris cut off and their vagina sewed shut then Trudeau is fine with that
    Trudeau does not share the same goal we do
    he is working on making sharia the law of Canada and even though that means more honor millings he is ok with that
    he is so ok with that – to please muslims males, to please the imams and the aga Khan and the muslim brotherhood – that he had the warnings removed in the new citizen guide
    and to make sure muslim males can keep on doing their barbaric thing, Trudeau passed motion 103 to silence people like me.
    and when the retarded people who still get their news from the main stream media re-elect Trudeau in 2019 , because the evil media has not informed them of the evil things Trudeau is doing, then motion 103 will become a law and then it will not only be muslim females who will be oppressed, it will be us all.
    once Trudeau turns motion 103 into law, I will not be able to post comments such as this one or I will end up in jail
    trudeau does not share the same goals as us sane Canadians
    Trudeau is pure evil and I truly mean it
    If I believed in such things I would say the devil has sent Trudeau to come tyranise us.
    go watch videos of female genital mutilation done with rusty dirty old razor blades or vaginas sewed shut, or close your eyes and try to imagine it is being done to you, or to your wife, your daughter, your grand daughter
    Trudeau has removed warnings about this horror
    Trudeau is pure evil
    pure evil
    and I mean it.
    behind the boyish face is a monster
    trudeau gets angry when we say those things are barbaric
    trudeau is evil, pure evil
    his love for those barbarians makes me want to vomit.
    he loves muslims and he hates us.
    wait until he is re-elected, you will see.
    Maybe it will soon be time for me to move to the USA
    I can not live in a pro-sharia nation under the rule of a government that hates me but loves barbarians and will throw me in jail if I complain about the barbarians and their barbaric beliefs and barbaric practices.
    If I believed in such thing I would say the devil sent Trudeau.

  11. It’s a very important distinction that Dennis Prager has been clarifying for years between the Left and Liberals.
    It’s even more confusing here in Canada, where ‘Liberal’ is hijacked by a political party for nomenclature of nefarious intent. (not at it’s genesis, but certainly now)
    Conservatives need to simplify arguments down to basic terms, i.e. values, in a Mike Rowe style of conversation. This is true now more than ever.
    I believe the left is near their crescendo in public influence, and I have never hoped to be more ‘right’ in my life.
    ((Please direct siteowner to g.co/recapthca/upgrade)) ??

  12. “..If I believed in such thing I would say the devil sent Trudeau…”
    I don’t believe that either…but, the FACT remains that this person named Justin Trudeau is EVIL.. beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    and Dangerous.
    Anti English
    Anti Industry except for Quebec based ones
    Anti Capitalist
    Anti Fossil Fuels
    Champions Climate Change scam
    Loves ISLAM
    Loves Communism
    Loves Terrorists
    Loves Taxation
    …and is controlled by others.
    yea, I think that qualifies for EVIL

  13. Come on over, Friend. Our borders are STILL wide open. With a little luck, you will get Amnesty … after the Democraps pass … uggggh … I HATE to even repeat their meaningless phrase … “comprehensive immigration reform” (translation: No Borders what so ever. Make the USA a “global” country).
