Clock Girl

Surprising no one. Hijab scissor attack against 11-year-old did not occur: Police

Don’t hold your breath waiting for a “Did we jump to quickly to blame Islamophobia?” media soul searching.

126 Replies to “Clock Girl”

  1. So under sharia law, that means her brother now has to throw acid on her for shaming the family, right?

  2. Well let us hope that the media will go out of their way to get the PM’s comments on this latest development. I suspect the young girl’s mom put her up to it. My suggestion yesterday was that the niqab-wearing mother was a Muslim activist.

  3. – HEY! – it was in the CBC so it’s TRUUUUUEEEEE, you racist / misogynist / anti-Islamist / cis-Patriarchical / white-male ( – pick only those that apply, obviously – ) fascist!!! I mean, has the CBC printed a retraction yet? Hah? Have they? Hah? Hah?
    – /sarc, if I have to say it 😉

  4. “Well let us hope that the media will go out of their way to get the PM’s comments on this latest development.”
    We’ll just get blamed for creating a society that makes others fear us and need to go to extreme lengths to protect themselves.
    No matter what, it is our fault.

  5. Congrats on those who were doubting the story from the onset, by ‘those’ I mean pretty well everybody who commented.

  6. CBC needs to look into who made the call alerting them to the incident. Perhaps they can learn from this that not every story put forward by the Muslim community is true. Looks like in this case “diversity” made us look like fools. Actually I kind of feel sorry for the girl who will not be treated kindly by her classmates after this.

  7. So now, will she be charged with making a false police report? Probably not, she’s under-age. And her mother will be in stark disbelief that her dear child would do that “totally on her own”.
    But if it were a 15-year-old white lad, he’d be in juvenile court this week.

  8. “The alleged assault spurred reactions from all three levels of government, with Mayor John Tory, Premier Kathleen Wynne, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau all condemning the attack.”
    When will these politicians learn to wait for verification and, in the meantime, stfu. Running one’s mouth prior to knowing the whole story is a good indication of stupidity. However, in the case of these three less than stellar individuals, there are many other examples of just plain stupid in action.

  9. Last night did a quick search for updates on the story. It went international. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that a story of a potentially torn scarf was considered international news!

  10. I watched that girl(or maybe it was her mother, couldn’t tell with the get up being worn) on the CBC blubbering away on how awful it felt to be treated that way. Young as she is, she needs to be shamed, she should take this as a valuable lesson on the mindset of her cult. However I highly doubt it.

  11. Where is the apology from our Prime Minister for jumping to the lightning-fast assumption that there is no shortage of hateful Canadians who would commit a despicable act such as this? You bigoted scumbag, Trudeau! You are NOT MY Prime Minister!
    I looked it up, it took the PM’s office almost 2 full days to respond to last years attempted murder of many Edmontonians, resulting in the actual physical injury of 5. No talk of Muslims needing to stop the hateful killing then, oh-freaking-no, they are ALL on the protected culture list, INCLUDING RETURNING TERRORISTS.
    Canada needs protection FROM ISLAM, not FOR Islam, you stupid f*cking leftards.

  12. Two different comments.
    First, it is high time that a law is passed which subjects the perpetrator of any bigotry hoax, if found guilty, to be punished in the same way as someone found guilty of the actual crime accused. In this case, if a white student were to actually have done what was said, he probably would be suspended for the rest of the year, if not outright expelled. One of the comments on the original article noted the brother in the background. I think it was not so much a guilty look, but a smirk on how his sister is pulling a fast one on the whiteys.
    Second, from a photo of the school, Tamil heritage month, really? Granted, Toronto is supposed to have the largest Tamil population outside of Asia, but it’s still only a few per cent. (Figures differ wildly according to source.) Do they have an English heritage month, Scottish heritage month, Irish heritage month, or German heritage month, all those ethnicities are more than the Tamils. I worked with a Latino (must be U.S. citizen, he had security clearance) who told me that unlike whites, different Latino countries have their own different cultures. (I won’t ask about Chinese and Filipino because, for all I know, they do they one.)

  13. It’s moment’s like this I am reminded of Morgan Freeman’s role as the judge during the final court room scene in Bonfire of the Vanities.

  14. As Michael Wolff would say “If it rings true, it’s true” which now replaces “fake but accurate” when it comes to reporting the news. What does it say about our media, our police, and our politicians that they are so quick to condemn their fellow citizens at the drop of a hat? Why would I ever trust you people again?

  15. Isn’t all this talk about it being a lie, Islamophobic?. Will exposing lies such as this be considered Islamophobic once M103 becomes law?

  16. Oh it will get way way worse in the coming weeks, fake news fake news will be running rampant as the sealed indictments get opened down south and the IG report comes out. We can only hope and pray that the protection that the good need and deserve to out this despicable cabal of evil doesn’t sell out or break down in the days ahead. Our current form of print and tv media is not worth turning on, on Saturday the dimwit in Calgarys news does the sports promo at the end of the “hard” news about hyjab hijacking, and she says, “the hottest team in the NHL takes to the ice tonight against bla bla bla, the Montreal Canadians have won three in a row” I sit there and think, are you really this stupid, the Calgary Flames, your hometown team has 6 wins in a row as of Saturday with another one yesterday. !600 dollars a month gets you a Parrot with hooters I guess.

  17. A couple of thoughts …
    WHY aren’t the police explaining the details and reasons for dropping the case? The kid (and her whole family have already gone on camera DETAILING the HORRIFIC attack. Their “privacy” is no longer a thing. My answer: Islam can NOT be blasphemed! By BLAMING and HUMILIATING the Islamic LIARS. And further, the PM can NOT be blasphemed! And finally … because “HATE” crimes are a ONE WAY street, aren’t they ?
    Oh … and … I told you so. I don’t usually gloat, however, I am tiring of hearing the usual suspects here offering contrarian opinions built on the “solid evidence” of their own blindness. Yes, it does get exhausting being RIGHT so much. So. Much. WINNING!!
    I will await the Prime Minister’s apology tour. Apologizing to every non-Muslim in Canada for “believing” in rampant Canadian-on-Muslim violence and Muslim IN-tall-er-ants … yeah, not gonna happen. Socks was THRILLED for another opportunity to further a FALSE narrative.

  18. Demonstrating perfectly that for the media and government, it’s always the narrative and never the truth, unless the truth happens to support the narrative.

  19. Islamofauxbia rears its ugly head again. Really sad that our leaders fall for it every time. I’m starting to think they’re the colluders who create it.

  20. Example 1,015,673 why muslims can’t be trusted to tell the truth about anything. Lying is a core tenet of their moon cult.

  21. In many ways the girl’s lies could be classed not necessarily as a ‘hate crime’ but certainly hatred.

  22. You got to give it to her though, the kid’s a real political prodigy. For whatever reason, she fabricated a story along with a media plan that hooked the suckers. She’s a natural for a cabinet position at some day in the not-so-distant future. You know, in the mold of Monsef, Sajjan, or Morneau.

  23. At this point I don’t believe any hate crime reports unless there’s video proof of the attack. Hate crime hoaxes have turned into a game, a social contagion.
    I wonder if politicians and the media ever worry that pretentiously scolding Canadians for hate crimes that turn out to be hoaxes will end up causing more tribalism and hatred. I used to wonder if politicians and journalists would get tired of being played for fools but all evidence supports the conclusion that they’re okay being used and looking incompetent, as long as it’s in the service of social justice.
    If anyone has a serious case of implicit bias, it’s the chattering class. Their bigoted assumptions about regular Canadians is based on (unconscious?) class hatred.

  24. I’d go a simpler route – get Child Services to open a case file on that family. Seems they aren’t doing a great job of protecting their own kids. They might even be exploiting them and/or using them for criminal activities (mischief, false police reports, etc.)

  25. We will not hear from Trudeau on this unless he is cornered. In that case we will get the usual cldche’s. The incident is a slap in the face to the goodwill of Canadians who, for the most part, have been supportive of new immigrants.

  26. “Islamofauxbia”
    Good one, Bill. I’m going to be using the correct spelling from now on, thanks.

  27. I’m guessing that the little liar showed police the exact site of the fake attack. The police then likely canvased and found security video. For the future – kids with fantastical stories are almost always lying. Any police officer who wasn’t an asshole knows this.

  28. I’m sure all media – especially the international media – will give this as much air time or print space as the original story. Sure they will. Much like the retractions from stories which are intentionally wrong or misleading. Buried… somewhere. Any repercussions for the little liar and/or her mother whom I suspect put her up to it? Good luck with that. And Turdeau? Or Wynne? Story? What story?

  29. Posted the following on the tips line before this link was opened so I thought I’d post it here also.
    “With the latest news about the hajib cutting I’d like to know what if anything will happen to all of these fools who were so intent on joining the circus before anything was confirmed. If it had been up to our fool of a Prime Minister the accidental Hawaii warning would have triggered a nuclear war. The fools at the top in Canada are so enamoured with their own righteousness that they don’t sit down and consider anything other than their own point of view. The little girl should get an award and probably will from her mosque for pushing the infidel leaders over the top and showing Muslims around the world that they are winning, even 11 year old little girls when pitted against 45 year old men.
    There is an old adage that politicians should learn before they do anything “Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth (or for that matter anything else) in motion.”
    I implore our leaders and would be leaders to take this to heart as they are all intent on taking us down a road that will result in anarchy and chaos!”
    I understand that many here feel that there should be some form of retribution for this act. Yes it wasted time for law enforcement, but on the other hand it does give us one more example of the innocence of our so-called betters that they could be taken in so completely by an 11 year old girl. They jumped on the band-wagon so quickly and completely over this that one has to wonder how they would react under extreme duress. When push comes to shove as it surely must in this climate of nurtured ‘Islamaphobia’ will we have a leader like Churchill willing to fight for our culture and our society or will we have a Chamberlain or Petain that will submit unequivocally. Unfortunately I see no aspiring Churchills sitting in our Parliament today!

  30. My big fear is that some foreign nation might send an 11-year-girl wearing a hijab to negotiate something important with our government. They seem to be easily tricked…

  31. “WHY aren’t the police explaining the details and reasons for dropping the case? ”
    Well they’re not attempting to explain the motive….but they did say they examined dash cam footage, interviewed people in the area etc…and came to the conclusion that it did not happen.

  32. What has come out of this is Trudeau and Wynne are a pair who show no respect for due process, wait until the case is proven to have actually happened. If they had bothered to read beyond the headlines they may have said wait,something just isn’t adding up here, sounds fishy.
    The case should not be closed either, her mother should be questioned. The fact a kid would do that either on her own or prompted, make me wonder what the conversation is in that home regarding the people they live among, fellow Canadians…assuming the family is Canadian. Maybe the mother would find time to apologize and the daughter as well…it’s about teaching right from wrong and learning lessons.

  33. As a test to confirm that all levels of Canadian government are in the Islamist tent, this was highly successful. The Islamic playbook succeeds everywhere it encounters “progressive” western society. Next step on the road to Shariah (and serfdom), strengthening anti-blasphemy or granting enhanced “hate law status” to deemed or perceived “Islamophobia”.

  34. Why are those in power only relieved that the “hate crime” didn’t happen?
    Why do they not have a statement on the demented girl/family for perpetrating the hatred towards the non-existent MAN.

  35. Not the mother. In islam, the men give the orders. People like Linda Sarsour and Valerie Jarrett are cutouts.

  36. Why are those in power only relieved that the “hate crime” didn’t happen?
    Why do they not have a statement on the demented girl/family for perpetrating the hatred towards the non-existent MAN.

  37. Are you honestly that dumb? CBC ain’t never gonna investigate nothing that could possibly damage the sacred narrative.
    Seriously. Are there actually living people so deluded, that they think the CBC has any interest other than the sacred narrative? Is there anyone, anywhere, who still thinks an official state organ is a good idea?

  38. Brilliant!!
    And not for reasons of retribution … but for genuine CARING for the children. Take the case of Jaycee Dugard who was kidnapped and held as a sex slave for 18years … she was finally found … because her captor was USING her to proselytize his twisted religious nonsense on the Berkeley campus. It should be a HUGE RED FLAG for CPS … when religious zealots USE their children to spread their twisted view of the world. Because God knows what is happening (sexual abuse by family members) behind closed doors. Perhaps it is time for our law enforcement agencies to treat any such FAKE crime reports like the US ATF, FBI, Dept. of Justice did in Waco TX … ?

  39. Can anyone say “TAQIYYA”? If she were not a girl she would be given a place of honor in the mosque.

  40. Here … here!!!! Absolutely spot on. Time to RESIST this nonsense. But when we have a President of the USA commuting the sentence (not pardoning … but COMMUTING!!!!!) the sentence of a “tranny” who stole and disseminated top secret US Military Information … a SICK man … who should be spending his life in PRISON or worse … I have little hope.

  41. Waiting for my apology from the prime minister and premier for accusing us all of being horrible racists.

  42. I think hatred towards Canadians also. Did you take in that condescending lecture we got from the PM who behaved as though we are closet bigots waiting to spew hate on new immigrants. This is appalling given how welcoming Canadians have been to Muslims– even defending their right to wear a mask at our citizenship ceremony. I think it is time to revisit the niqab issue.

  43. That family needs to be investigated….and if the parents conceived the idea, they need to be charged. Perhaps with the same crime there were claiming took place.

  44. “Did you take in that condescending lecture we got from the PM who behaved as though we are closet bigots waiting to spew hate on new immigrants”
    Precisely the point and goal of the entire excercise Linda.
    And since Liberals themselves are paragons of virtue, that sort of winnows down who the target of this fraud are.

  45. Oh … and KATE … you had the JUMP on all of us by TITLING this case … “Clock Girl”. Seriously … you should be making a BIG 6-figure salary on Madison Ave. as a brilliant Copywrighter (who are paid BIG BUCKS for inventing 3-Word tag lines like “where’s the beef?”) … and indeed … in this case … “where’s the beef?”
