21 Replies to “Dolores O’Riordan 1971-2018”

  1. Nothing but wild speculation on my part, but “back problems” hints at pain medication addiction, which often leads to opiate abuse. Perhaps not, but sad either way.

  2. Sad … assuming she was under medical care (no disease present) … it appears as a drug overdose ala Prince. A sad ending to a unique talent. And I’m STILL mourning the loss of Amy Winehouse … perhaps the greatest voice I have ever heard live. Her performance at that little church in Dingle, Ireland will stand up for the ages … https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2EKCp8_qlf0. If you like music, this is a MUST HAVE DVD. Yeah, I know she was a troubled junkie … but my, what a talent. Unique and rare … taught R&B from her brothers vintage vinyl collection … which she promptly reinterpreted ina Style all her own.
    Sorry Euan … for losing what I assume to be a fellow countryman. A rare, unique voice and talent. I loved her work. Was she Republic or Northern? Does it matter?

  3. She was from Limerick, the county at least, perhaps from the city of the same name, part of the province of Munster. That’s in the republic.

  4. Dolores was N Irish, I think Republican. I am Scottish, strongly Unionist. I don’t like religion that has caused a lot more cost than benefit.
    But the Cranberries are / were one of my favourite bands. Dolores had the voice of an Angel! I was going to post the vid to “Zombie” but wasn’t quite sure how what audience here might think. Those interested can use Google.
    Zombie is about the N Ireland troubles. UK and Eire membership of the EU played a major role in resolving that problem. I hope the EU doesn’t manage to F*k that up now.

  5. Thanks for the info, Euan. I find Ireland (and Scotland for that matter) to be complicated places with lots of “tribal” squabbles. I am always curious how things are viewed by the natives. I LOVE Zombie … but had never understood its meaning. Good insight! Thanks.
    I still find it “funny” that conservatives like us … love and appreciate the Arts (even crazy leftist artists) … in the absolute OPPOSITE manner in which we are portrayed and maligned. Such a bigoted, ignorant viewpoint.

  6. Dolores was one of those tiny waifs with HUGE talent you just want to surround her with a bunch of Special Ops guys into her music genre. I just played my bootleg copy of one of their albums this weekend. Time to pick up a legit copy I guess…
    I did hear looooong ago the group took a hiatus because of Dolores’ health problems, then she got hitched and set up house somewhere T.O. outskirts area.
    I am grieved and saddened by this loss. anyways, tq for the post Euan.
    p.s. Im 1/4 Irish on me paternal grandma’s side.

  7. She had a cottage near Peterborough Ontario. She had some close friends from Hamilton and they bought cottages next door to each other. From what I hear she was a very generous girl.

  8. Correcting my own mistake. The Cranberries were in Chile sometime in the mid-90s, not 1973 as I posted earlier.

  9. AMAZING ! I never really “listened” for the lyrics (which I normally do). Must be the language barrier … ha … just kidding … now I feel just sadder. Great talent LOST.

  10. I spent all morning wondering who she was since everyone was gushing over this wonderful talent that I had never heard of. I youtubed her and while I don’t doubt her talent I wold never listen to her music. As the old Romans used to say: De gustibus non est disputandum.

  11. I remember sitting at a table in a bar where some men from Northern Ireland were present and I made some cynical, or knowing me, likely an ignorant comment about ‘the troubles’ in Northern Ireland. Explosive Irish tempers I had heard about but had never witnessed it; I consider myself lucky to have escaped from that bar with all my teeth still in my gob.
    So I would say the song Zombie is not just a powerful song in its own right but a for an Irish person to sing about such a serious topic and yet pull no punches about how she feels; I have to think that took a bit of bravery. Did she ever perform the song in Northern Ireland?
    RIP Dolores

  12. When she did that weird ugly yodel was that from the gerbil turning around to face out?
    Pile on, bad music lovers.

  13. She would come to Mass at our little church in Lakefield (St. Paul the Apostle … Catholic) in the summertime while she was at her Buckhorn Cottage. A tiny frame, but such a powerful voice.

  14. yep. always one in the crowd.
    are you a rap fan? you know, the monotonous boomp….bop….boompbop, unintelligible gangsta lyrics,
    and dont fergit!!! it aint over until the fat lady, er, someone gits shot !!!!

  15. I’m still waiting on the cause of death before judging anything.
    Died suddenly? Well, then it’s not cancer, and it’s not a car crash, so…….
    Rock star, still chasing popularity, middle aged…………hmmmmmmmmm. Robert Palmer died suddenly and so did Michael Hutchence and Chris Cornell. Sounds like a familiar outcome.
