37 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. As if we didn’t already have ENOUGH of a “homeless problem” … but Jerry Brown (and Obama) had to IMPORT the 3rd world’s homeless problem to California. Well … the Left has been working REALLY HARD at “transforming” our nation. May I suggest these “Brown” third worlders migrate up to Portland where they can balance out the “color” of all the “white punks on dope” lining the streets of Portlandia ? Perhaps they can find work “rescuing” some fruit?
    You know, I used to be shocked when I visited the border crossing at Tijuana. Shocked by the STARK comparison of the shithole on the southern side of the border WALL … as compared to the beautiful civilization on the Northern side. To the south … shanty town residences built from discarded corrugated metal roofing/siding. To the north … beautiful homes and gardens with lots of yard area. Well … we’re all 3rd worlders now. Nice transformation Leftists … really NICE.

  2. I suppose there is at least one advantage to living in a shitty climate.

    Astonishing how tent cities are never needed when the weather is bitterly cold.

  3. Nice transformation Leftists … really NICE.
    All of this is thanks to policies such as “this is not who we are” and “we are better than that”.
    Coming soon to a Canada near you.

  4. Uggh … I wanted (still want) to punch Mr. Mom jeans right in the face for perpetrating that bullshit phrase.

  5. I believe Israelis have develop a strategy for dealing with this problem. It is called a bulldozer.

  6. I wonder how many thousands of dollars in taxes some of these homeowners pay only to have a third world shithole essentially in their back yard?

  7. I wasn’t thinking only of him, but his good buddy up here in Justinland who has similar thoughts.

  8. Nurses have a word for the self-imposed crisis California has imposed upon itself: Code Brown. The fact the meat-head in charge shares the same name is no merde coincidence.

  9. Exactly! And just as in Steinbeck’s novel … the “white folk” … the “establishment” … are the PROBLEM. The Oakies just want to do the work that wealthy Californians JUST won’t DO. And “the POleece” both public and private FORCES will split heads with billyclubs to prevent Unionizing. Well THAT narrative is TOO LATE … the CA Public Workers have already LOOTED the State with gold-plated PUBLIC (read: taxpayer funded) pensions. There’s no more money to HIRE this rabble to do anything. The State Government is BROKE. Jerry FINALLY revealed this … on his way out the door and into his grave.

  10. Either in the drainage channel adjacent to the bike path … or the local Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. Or in the front lawns of all the WHITE neighbors (uh, correction: this part of Orange County might as well be Hong Kong … esp. Irvine). After all … those people were all “immigrants too” … and should lend a helping hand … filled with toilet paper.
    In a related story … http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42690251
    Multiple people charged with a CRIME for feeding the homeless … because of a Hepatitis-A outbreak. Yeah, I would say that Hepatitis-A = Shithole. Thanks Obama! Thanks Jerry! IDIOTS.
    captcha – MIGUEL Ponza

  11. Makes me want to go camping on the outskirts of Johannesburg. If I only had a bike…

  12. No bollards in sight. Where’s a crazed jihadist in an ice cream truck when you need one?

  13. Yes … but you will notice that this whole scene is NIMBY … of the politicians who have perpetrated and permitted this HORROR to take place in our country.
    And the NIMBYism of the Leftists … like all the UBER-wealthy, FILTHY-rich, Silicon Valley residents … don’t allow this anywhere NEAR their hand-manicured lawns. They might as well have signs on their gated enclosures that read: “Ni&&er, don’t let the sun set on you in Woodside”. But, of course, they are far more polite that that … instead, they say … “why don’t you stay in middle class conservative communities?”. Hell … Obama’s “Bienvenidos … Illegal MINOR Immigrant Program” specifically “settled” the Illegal Alien kids throughout America’s heartland in order to BLUE-up the RED-states.
    We have been INVADED … yet the Trojan Horse was assembled by OUR OWN Leftist Politicians. The interlopers had … insider … help.
    Goodbye sweet America! I SO enjoyed my boyhood in the 50’s and 60’s. You used to be such a BEAUTIFUL country and culture.

  14. Yep, one good reason for winter. I have not seen tent cities that big anywhere there is more than 4 months of winter. And if that happened where I am from, The cops wold be there telling them to GTFO.
    What a cesspool.
    That’s just another thing that causes cancer in the state of California.

  15. Dick Durbin.. Who is he? Why the BS crying? The A-hole is committed to nonsense
    Senator Dick Durbin became the founding Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, the first standing body of the Senate focused on human rights, in 2007. In January 2011, the Subcommittee’s jurisdiction expanded to include constitutional and civil rights issues and was renamed the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights. As Chairman, Durbin convened hearings and worked with colleagues to modernize human rights law, examine human rights abuses in our criminal justice system, and the role of American technology companies in promoting global internet freedom. In 2015, Senator Durbin served as the Ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee. In 2017, Senator Durbin became the top Democrat on the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration.

  16. Yeah Brown stays Kalifornica is broke, and this shthole happened under his watch, while he throws $15k at luxury Tesla owners when they buy their roller skate.
    You can’t fix stupid.
    Not advocating for luxury homeless shelters, but those Ahole Liberal Kalifornicans have their priorities all fcked up

  17. Yep … I’m moving north … into the Wild. Opposite of what most retirees do. Into a COLD weather climate. I can always “Winter” in hand selected communities south of the Polar Vortex.

  18. We have these year round in Whacktoria on a smaller scale.
    In fact, there’s one strategically located opposite the Westshore RCMP station, where there are 6 tents, but, only one person there on a part time basis.
    It’s a political Potemkin Village

  19. Sense you are a sort of glass half full kind of guy David, made me smile today, thanks. Like “Code Brown” as well on another post. It’s a disease. Hope we find a cure.

  20. To me it looks like Paris or sunny/sunni Italy. Who doesn’t want a taste of Europe with a tang of central and south American Indians added?

  21. How many of these Sowetos does Kalifornica have? All I saw in the video was white people.

  22. These are also common in Hawaii but not in the tourist areas.
    State parks attract many “campers”. Easy to camp out 24/7 in the Hawaiian climate

  23. What a bunch of filth. Cold climates are great. These scourges of society don’t stick around in the cold. And yes some of them (most are just useless by choice) have mental issues then a warm mental hospital was where they could be until the left shut them down on purpose.

  24. Yes, we have seen them while moving around Hawaii on tour buses. But not in this number. this video was mind boggling just in possible numbers of people living there along that bike road.
