40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I found this pretty well done…
    What if NBC and the NFL had the guts to be honest about anthem protests at the Super Bowl?
    ‘“The Super Bowl is a live event, just like ‘Sunday Night Football.’ When you’re covering a live event, you’re covering what’s happening,” said Gaudelli. “So if there are players that choose to kneel, they will be shown live.”
    That at first feels like a defendable point of view. They are taking the journalist’s free pass as observers, not participants. The problem is that stance is a lie.’

  2. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal times are hard times.
    “Collapse of U.K.’s Carillion puts Canadian workers’ future in doubt”
    “… the company went into liquidation, in Wolverhampton, Britain, Jan. 15, 2018. The U.K.’s largest construction company employees about 6,000 people in Canada.”
    “Its Canadian operations include maintaining housing at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, building roads in Ontario and Alberta as well as hospitals in Toronto, North Battleford, Sask., Sault Ste. Marie, Ottawa and Nunavut. ”
    “Canada stuck on sidelines as U.S. oil boom creates jobs, curbs emissions
    Claudia Cattaneo: The U.S. oil sector is booming, while our oil and gas sector is looking forward to another year of uncertainty, low prices and increasing tax burdens” (FinPost)

  3. Bolshevik Wynnetario.
    Schadenfreude: It’s for the children.
    ““This is really hurting the middle class,” said the father, a Liberal supporter, who didn’t want to be named…”
    “Daycare fee sticker shock linked to minimum wage hike
    The already astonishingly high cost of child care continues to rise for some Toronto-area parents as the $14 minimum wage kicks in.”
    “Some Toronto-area parents, whose child care costs are already the highest in the country, say their fees have jumped by as much as 24 per cent this month in the wake of Ontario’s new $14 minimum wage.”

  4. TO Globe-Mail: a leftist shill for Mohammed the cannibal.

    “Perception vs. reality: Why negative views of Islam should be challenged
    “Jihad Report
    December, 2017
    Attacks 140
    Killed 1036
    Injured 828
    Suicide Blasts 20
    Countries 22”

  5. “What if NBC and the NFL had the guts to be honest about anthem protests at the Super Bowl?”
    ESPN has been the problem from the GET-GO….The Cockroaches who have multi-million contracts are NOT playing Football in America.. The actual GAME has become a farce like wrestling..fake Sportscasters & fake Players..
    ESPN has turned Football into cheap fake entertainment & political theater…
    The NATION needs to boycott ALL the Companies that advertise during the Super Bowl and those Players that disrespect the National Anthem.. Hating America is not a silly game… It displays the individual right to commit treason, but do it on your own dime…
    A total boycott is the only option that will end the stupidity.. Individuals “taking an knee” against the NFL is the American way

  6. The worst part of all this #hijabhoax stuff is that it’ll still be used to admonish Canadians about their inherent racism because ‘the important point here is that this type of thing could be true and we have lots of work to do’. blah blah blah.

  7. With the latest news about the hajib cutting I’d like to know what if anything will happen to all of these fools who were so intent on joining the circus before anything was confirmed. If it had been up to our fool of a Prime Minister the accidental Hawaii warning would have triggered a nuclear war. The fools at the top in Canada are so enamoured with their own righteousness that they don’t sit down and consider anything other than their own point of view. The little girl should get an award and probably will from her mosque for pushing the infidel leaders over the top and showing Muslims around the world that they are winning, even 11 year old little girls when pitted against 45 year old men.
    There is an old adage that politicians should learn before they do anything “Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth (or for that matter anything else) in motion.”
    I implore our leaders and would be leaders to take this to heart as they are all intent on taking us down a road that will result in anarchy and chaos!

  8. Second largest British construction company “bankrupt”.
    The link is an interesting read on the politics behind the company as well as senior management incompetence and “malfeasance”.
    This is also a sign of things to come in North America. Companies are highly leveraged in debt (as interest rates are set to rise), they pay high senior management bonuses and dividends to shareholders but are seriously underfunded in pension plan contributions. Then suddenly, without warning…

  9. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi is not now a fakir phony Butts tweet twit; nor, have Moi ever been a fakir phony Butts tweet twit.
    “‘This cannot be tolerated’: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweets support to young girl, 11, who was ‘scared and confused’ by stranger cutting at her hijab with scissors
    An assailant, in two attempts within 10 minutes, cut 11-year-old Khawlah Noman’s hijab using scissors while she was walking to school with her brother
    The attack is being investigated as a hate crime, authorities said
    The man suspected of perpetrating the attack in Toronto is believed to stand 5 feet and 7 inches tall, with a thin build, between 20-30 years old
    The attacker was wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, black pants, brown gloves, and had prescription glasses with black frames on his face, police said
    Police have not taken any suspects into custody following the incident”
    “Liberal Government’s Popularity Drops Among Canadian Voters In Latest Poll” (baystreet)

  10. AGW Kills Weather Bombs Dead.
    “It followed the pattern of presenting normal events as if they are abnormal.”
    “Weather bomb will batter Britain through this week as officials ramp up warnings for freezing -6C gales and blizzards ” (ukmail)
    “A Climate History Lesson: Extremism of Stories Like ‘Bomb Cyclone’ is a Good Thing”
    The “Bomb Cyclone” of 2018 is another example of hyperbole and distortion designed to scare the public and promote false perceptions.”
    “It followed the pattern of presenting normal events as if they are abnormal. In fact, it was just another “Nor’easter.” It wasn’t even close to the blizzard of 1888,…”

  11. Scalia on Trump:
    By Jess Bravin
    Jan. 15, 2018 8:03 a.m. ET
    WASHINGTON—Shortly before his death in February 2016, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spoke favorably of Donald Trump’s presidential run.
    “Justice Scalia thought it was most refreshing to have a candidate who was pretty much unfiltered and utterly frank,” said the late jurist’s literary collaborator, Bryan Garner, a legal dictionary editor who spent two weeks in 2016 traveling with Justice Scalia through several Asian countries.
    The justice thought well of Scott Walker, the Wisconsin governor whose campaign for the Republican nomination stalled, said Mr. Garner, whose memoir of a decadelong friendship, “Nino and Me,” comes out Tuesday. “But he was fascinated by the fact that Trump was so outspoken in an unfiltered way, and therefore we were seeing something a little more genuine than a candidate whose every utterance is airbrushed,” Mr. Garner said in an interview.

  12. North Korea Solution:
    The logical way to Calm North Korea is simple.
    We need to increase delivery of food and medicines foreign aid.
    We should help N. Korean people out of their poverty even it is only in small steps.
    Those few tyrants who run the country are acting out of fear and insecurity. They may have some reason for that. U.S. Covert actions have been very upsetting to many countries. Not an envious moral history there.
    Donald Trump seems to be much like a short – sighted teenager. He demands that North Korea do this and that. They are in fear and take pride in bravado. Very stupid to add threats and sanctions upon more threats. Only forces a nuclear conflict.
    Better to stop adding sanctions that only increase misery to the people and do an about face by providing help in the form of foreign aid.
    I have seen our foreign aid as bags of grain loaded on ships. Each bag has our red maple leaf and Canada label on them. These gifts from Canada make a big difference to the mind set of North Korean citizens.
    Consider the total stupidity of tough nuclear threats talk. North Korea would have to hit an impossible number of Nato nuclear launch sites all at once to avoid a devastating nuclear blow-back. Impossible, as there are submarine platforms on the move that can not be pin-pointed. Not to mention Guam, Panama, Hawaii, Alaska and mainland USA bases.
    Time to control Trump’s angry mouth and to do the only reasonable thing to curb the risk of Nuclear poison for Mother Earth. Oil spills, plastics and chemical pollution are killing our oceans as it is. We still have a chance of recovery, but once atomic radiation is circulating the globe, there is no possible recovery.
    Donald Trump is putting us all at huge Nuclear Risk. One who boasts that his ‘Red Button’ is bigger than North Korea’s is simply missing the point and giving into childish anger. Diplomacy has existed for centuries and for good reason.

  13. North Korea Solution:
    The logical way to Calm North Korea is simple.
    We need to increase delivery of food and medicines foreign aid.
    We should help N. Korean people out of their poverty even it is only in small steps.
    Those few tyrants who run the country are acting out of fear and insecurity. They may have some reason for that. U.S. Covert actions have been very upsetting to many countries. Not an envious moral history there.
    Donald Trump seems to be much like a short – sighted teenager. He demands that North Korea do this and that. They are in fear and take pride in bravado. Very stupid to add threats and sanctions upon more threats. Only forces a nuclear conflict.
    Better to stop adding sanctions that only increase misery to the people and do an about face by providing help in the form of foreign aid.
    I have seen our foreign aid as bags of grain loaded on ships. Each bag has our red maple leaf and Canada label on them. These gifts from Canada make a big difference to the mind set of North Korean citizens.
    Consider the total stupidity of tough nuclear threats talk. North Korea would have to hit an impossible number of Nato nuclear launch sites all at once to avoid a devastating nuclear blow-back. Impossible, as there are submarine platforms on the move that can not be pin-pointed. Not to mention Guam, Panama, Hawaii, Alaska and mainland USA bases.
    Time to control Trump’s angry mouth and to do the only reasonable thing to curb the risk of Nuclear poison for Mother Earth. Oil spills, plastics and chemical pollution are killing our oceans as it is. We still have a chance of recovery, but once atomic radiation is circulating the globe, there is no possible recovery.
    Donald Trump is putting us all at huge Nuclear Risk. One who boasts that his ‘Red Button’ is bigger than North Korea’s is simply missing the point and giving into childish anger. Diplomacy has existed for centuries and for good reason.

  14. North Korea Solution:
    The logical way to Calm North Korea is simple.
    We need to increase delivery of food and medicines foreign aid.
    We should help N. Korean people out of their poverty even it is only in small steps.
    Those few tyrants who run the country are acting out of fear and insecurity. They may have some reason for that. U.S. Covert actions have been very upsetting to many countries. Not an envious moral history there.
    Donald Trump seems to be much like a short – sighted teenager. He demands that North Korea do this and that. They are in fear and take pride in bravado. Very stupid to add threats and sanctions upon more threats. Only forces a nuclear conflict.
    Better to stop adding sanctions that only increase misery to the people and do an about face by providing help in the form of foreign aid.
    I have seen our foreign aid as bags of grain loaded on ships. Each bag has our red maple leaf and Canada label on them. These gifts from Canada make a big difference to the mind set of North Korean citizens.
    Consider the total stupidity of tough nuclear threats talk. North Korea would have to hit an impossible number of Nato nuclear launch sites all at once to avoid a devastating nuclear blow-back. Impossible, as there are submarine platforms on the move that can not be pin-pointed. Not to mention Guam, Panama, Hawaii, Alaska and mainland USA bases.
    Time to control Trump’s angry mouth and to do the only reasonable thing to curb the risk of Nuclear poison for Mother Earth. Oil spills, plastics and chemical pollution are killing our oceans as it is. We still have a chance of recovery, but once atomic radiation is circulating the globe, there is no possible recovery.
    Donald Trump is putting us all at huge Nuclear Risk. One who boasts that his ‘Red Button’ is bigger than North Korea’s is simply missing the point and giving into childish anger. Diplomacy has existed for centuries and for good reason.

  15. Rounding up the usual leftist pols.
    Not Conservative leader Andy Scheer? Not.
    The Dossier: Stupid Liberal Justine, Bolshevik Wynnetario, Red Tory Tory.
    Includes video of Stupid Liberal Justine condemning a phony, false “attack” on a Mohammedan. Justine ooozes with sickly syrupy adoration of Mohammed the cannibal.
    “Politicians ‘relieved’ hijab assault didn’t happen”
    [Stupid Liberal Justine, Bolshevik Wynnetario, TO Red Tory Tory.]

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Moi lefty scissors work real good for Mohammedans.
    “An unbelievably deceptive response by the PMO to a hoax that Justin Trudeau played a huge part in spreading.
    Almost immediately after the story of a hijab attack was reported, Justin Trudeau made comments both on Twitter and at a public event.
    His comments helped spread the story far and wide, turning it into an international incident.
    Yet, Trudeau commented without actually knowing the facts, and it has now been revealed as a hoax.
    So, is Trudeau apologizing for spreading the big lie?
    Instead, he’s doubling down on his manipulative messaging, releasing the following statement: […]
    We can notice that Trudeau’s PMO statement includes no apology, and no admission of his responsibility for spreading the hoax.
    This is an absurd, and disturbing response.
    Justin Trudeau is totally ignoring the real issue, which is that someone – or a group of people – created a fake incident.
    That incident was immediately used by people like Trudeau and the elites to bring up “Islamophobia” – a term they’re using to try and silence any dissent, disagreement, and discussion about Islam – even though we are supposed to be a free society where we can discuss these issues.
    Trudeau’s response show that he has an agenda that doesn’t line up with the vast majority of Canadians, and he is willing to demonize the vast majority of our citizens, even when he has been exposed as a dishonest and hypocritical deceiver.
    Canadians can’t trust anything that Justin Trudeau says.”

  17. actually, up to a certain age, and even then sometimes, NOT.
    ie are you claiming kids are ‘on to’ the ruse-of-the-day before all those know-it-alls?

  18. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine to name a disabled Mohammedan “flag bearer”?
    Stay tuned to Butts.caca.
    “Prime Minister Trudeau to unveil Olympic flag bearer on Tuesday morning”
    “Joining the Prime Minister will be Ken Heher, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities,”. (news1130)

  19. from the link:
    “The other day I was sweeping the dead leaves off my porch when I realized each dead leaf represents an oppressed person of color and the winter represents toxic white privilege. It’s all so clear. How could anybody not see this?!?!?!?!”
    sign of ye olde times folks !!!
