Renegade Regulator

… says CSA, “we are not a government body.”

Back at National Archives, my telephone directories had arrived. My wee workstation was now entirely festooned with phonebooks.
You remember phonebooks, right? Not too many years ago, we were awash in them. Every house across the land received a new phonebook every year, and every basement of every house had its own mini-archive of phonebooks from years’ past.

13 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Been following this for a while now and still can’t make sense of it.
    Can they find the names of the employees of CSA on the roles of current or retired government employees? Apparently not. Contractors then. Is that meaningful? If contractors then who was the contracting agent?
    Really not understanding this situation. It’s truly bizarre.

  2. Hi David, the issue is that the CSA claims that they are not part of the government. The phone books listing government agencies disagree.
    Think of this as a process crime: if the CSA commits perjury in their statement that “we are not a government body. We are not an agent for any government body or any level of government.” and yet are identified in the phone book (and have been for decades) as a government agency, they what does that do for the rest of their case?

  3. I’m with you, it’s confusing as all hell.
    The way it appears to me, an actual government agency has gone rogue and created it’s own little for-profit legislative fiefdom. Stunning.
    In the bureaucracy hierarchy, who did the CSA answer to and what irresponsible fool abandoned that oversight, why and when? How is this hi-jacking of government powers even possible in a modern democracy?

  4. As a quick recap, CSA claims it is not government so it can own the regulations it establishes and block others (P S Knight) from publishing these regulations. Also they can set their own policies regarding fees, remuneration, travel, transparency, etc.
    It’s like the Department of Highways saying they’re non-government and setting fees and internal policies for their own benefit.

  5. Maybe it has been ever thus at the CSA, but knight is the first to dig in hard and challenge.
    Based on CSA reaction seems like this could be the tip of a very large iceberg.

  6. I would go further than some of the other commenters — if the CSA truly believes that it is not an Agency of the Federal Government, then by definition they cannot be either a judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal with national import.  If they are neither of those things, all of their “regulations” have precisely zero authority over the population at large, and we should be able to utterly ignore their Electrical Code if we so wish.  They would be about as authoritative as Apple Computers telling me I’d violated their “standards” for cell-phone use (by using an Android device) and demanding compliance.
    And yet they’re “authoritative” by their own claim.  Wow, man.  Far out.

  7. Good summary I think.
    Where government bureaucrats are building fiefdoms within fiefdoms efficacy and logic have long since fled the vicinity. It would sort of be like Obama using EPA rule making to supersede the legislative prerogative of the US Congress and Senate… oh wait.

  8. CASA reminds me of the Workers’Compensation Board. Whenever you have a problem with WCB they shrug their shoulders and say they only are able to follow the government rules.
    Then you contact your MLA and they say the en is a private organization not affiliated with the government (even as they pass laws forcing WCB on family farms).

  9. WCB is nothing less than a Cover Yer (_i_) organization designed by and for Business. Period. I know that sounds a bit like an NDP-Marxist type statement…but it is in fact the truth….as I see it.

  10. heh heh. fear not SDA, the csa cabal has just pushed another panic button, attempting another ruse to dodge the legal challenge.
    every time they do that, like this, they just provide more ammunition in the form of irreconcilable CONTRADICTIONS, to the plaintiff!!

  11. fear not SDA, the csa cabal has just pushed another panic button, attempting another ruse to dodge the legal challenge.
    every time they do that, like this, they just provide more ammunition in the form of irreconcilable contradictions, to the plaintiff!!
