30 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. If the discussion is about how taxpayer dollars are spent by government or quasi outfits like the CBC then why stop with this? I guess because it fits so well with the USA drama that unfolds daily.
    The idea that the Canadian government gives millions$’s to a terrorist does not count? Gives billions of $’s through the Dept. of Indian Affairs without any accountability does not count? Transfers $10’s of billions of Equalization payments to Ontario, Quebec and the Maratimes does not count? The idea that this government ‘cheapens’ the Canadian dollar(and thusly your assets) each year by deficit spending in the $ billions does not count?
    All this will mean nothing as it will not lead to meaningful discussion.

  2. Heh.
    Contact your local paper or the Cee Bee Cee.
    Good luck with that.
    There is slight and no chance in hell that they will “rant” on each other cause it can come back to bite them in the ass.
    You see, the media news manufacturing business is a closed circuit. Private, public makes no difference. Those working in private are doing their very best to get on the Cee Bee Cee gravy train.
    Once on the gravy, they are set for life. There is no socialist or self-proclaimed “Conservative” that will do away with and sell the joint.
    You will notice that many of the “journalists” end in the senate as a thank you for not reporting.
    The setup is your basic mutual admiration society where nobody gets out of line and everybody covers each other’s ass as it were.
    Well, for this guy is an exception. No senate seat for him.
    As things are, yer Joe the public has no way to get either the low life politician or low life “journalist” out of circulation. It has to be done within, much like the socialism fall apart.
    Yer Joe has no access to megaphone.
    Yer Joe is shut out of the public discourse unless by remote unplanned action, some “journalist” commits accidental journalism.
    This is where we are now
    Could change in a blink of an eye
    Stranger things happened.

  3. More to this story which main street media are reluctant to expose even if it is about the waste of taxpayer dollars. These same media want tax dollars from government for their benefit, to continue to exist, but reluctant to serve taxpayers and expose where their dollars are going.They shouldn’t get a cent – the money should go, if to anyone, it is bloggers like Small Dead Animals and other social media who actually provide a public service.

  4. Re the Clock Girl thread of January 14/18 (girl’s hijab allegedly cut off).
    Just reported from Toronto police that the incident never occurred.

  5. “These same media want tax dollars from government for their benefit…”
    It is rather surprising that so few people know about it. Of course the news manufacturers will only mention it as little as possible as not to raise the blood pressure of the proletariat.
    And as mentioned before, its a closed circuit, they have the power to publish or way more likely to shut you up.

  6. Re the Clock Girl thread of January 14/18 (girl’s hijab allegedly cut off).
    Just reported from Toronto police that the incident never occurred.

  7. Re the Clock Girl thread of January 14/18 (girl’s hijab allegedly cut off).
    Just reported from Toronto police that the incident never occurred.

  8. Sorry for all the repeats.
    Kept getting “error in submission” message.

  9. I had the same issue. Now, I simply enter my info and comment, enter the captcha words, hit submit ONCE, and then just leave. It would either give me an error message or go into an endless loop. In either case, the submission has actually gone in.

  10. I posted about this in Tips a few days back.
    It IS a good point about ‘who will get to the truth’ when all the media is on board with this cover-up. Just goes to show you how cozy the media colleagues are with each other and the pull of Peter Mansbridge as Canada’s chief anchor for so many years.

  11. Yea…just wait for about 5 minutes…your post will in fact go up.
    Got a link to the Hijab (NON)story..?
    That Mansbridge used his Crown to “extort” sexual favours surprises no one but the paying off in exchange for silence is another deal altogether. Will anything come of it..? I doubt it. The rock solid marriage between the Liberal Party and CBC is legendary…and this little bit of a tease wont do squat.
    That the Liberals PISS away Tax dollars comes as no surprise. 40Million to Terrorists, 450 Million to Afghanistan, a few millions to the Clinton Foundation, 1 Billion to Bombardier and the disgusting list continues.
    All this does is continue to highlight the CORRUPTION in the halls of our current Government.

  12. I recall that the old Frank magazine ran numerous articles about Mansbridge’s extra-curricular antics.

  13. Suggestion: close SDA/comment, open it again, then check if your post is there. In my experience it usually is.
    What I can’t get around is the moderator is holding your comment trap.

  14. Does anybody else notice that the furniture in the background would be more to this guy’s mother’s taste. I feel sorry for him. It will be a long time before he works again.

  15. I noticed the same thing. Oh well, at least it wasn’t her basement. Nobody’s getting rich on contract with the National Post.

  16. The combination thermometer, barometer, humidity gauge over his left shoulder was a dead giveaway.

  17. So it was part of Peter’s remuneration that his discarded lovers were paid to keep quiet by hie employer? Wouldn’t the realization that you were fool enough to have been intimate (shudder) with Peter enough to make you never want to talk to anyone about it?

  18. CBC seems to reporting as if this wasn’t a serious concoction by this girl. Ditto the cops, they’ve closed the case, no repercussions after all the coverage. One would think the girl would have been questioned by her mother, asked her little brother…assuming he was with her. This should not be closed, it’s a public matter…the girl and her mother made it public.
    It’s amazing and highly embarrassing to see how politicians in Canada are so ready to pounce on a story like this. We all know the reason why and it’s pure rotten, insincere, crass politics.

  19. Can’t tell if the rumours are true yet. But why wouldn’t Peter Mansbridge take advantage of opportunities that would come with the power and prestige of his position in CBC? And why wouldn’t the CBC spend money to keep it quiet. It’s the public broadcaster so they would have a hard time resisting the argument that public funds should be spent on anything that is in the public interest, and that protecting the public broadcaster must qualify as being in public interest.

  20. Everyone in Hollywood knew about good ole Harvey Weinstein.
    Everyone in Washington DC knew you don’t get in an elevator with John Conyers.
    Does everyone in Toronto know that Mansbridge loves Women of Color, and the CBC pays them off when he gets tired of them?
    What other “secrets” do “everyone” know?
    Everyone except us peasants?

  21. Used to read Frank myself, as a hand me down from a friend, and always thought it a chuckle intertwined with grains of salt.
