18 Replies to “You Had One Job”

  1. LOL !!!!
    see, the thing is, this is exactly the way it is all gonna get the mushroom cloud. one misstep domino after another.
    the *ultimate* and final ‘murphy’s law’.
    google ‘nuclear near misses’. lots of reading material. or watch a couple episodes of ‘Mayday’.
    the whole world is a contradiction of probability. a 25,000 mile circumference ‘fustercluck’,
    oooooone day gonna use up last of those ‘nine lives’.

  2. p.s., I do NOT ever post passwords. I might post a hint as to the spelling but ONLY a hint meaningful to me.
    sigh. I guess THAT is why I was never put ‘in charge’.
    too too much common sense radiating from my presence in those lieberal wildernesses . . . . .

  3. So I guess this adds to the conspiracy theory that MSNBC personnel were in the operations center during the “mistake”.

  4. Didn’t you get the memo? Common sense = privilege … of BOTH nature, and nurture! You have PRACTICAL privilege !!! Practical Privilege!!!! Burn HIM!!! Make him LAST in line!!! Unfair !!!! You are smarter than the average tent-dwelling immigrant!!!!

  5. BINGO! You can’t let the people who created this system be in charge of fixing it. There is too much self-interest at stake whereby the status quo leadership will be more interested in protecting the (bad) decisions they made than fixing the problem. They need to bring in a new team whose focus is to make it work. Mr. Miyagi and his whole group need to go.

  6. Mr. Miyagi … HA ha ha ha ! BTW … where are all the indigenous Hawaiian peoples working for the Hawaiian Dept. of Emergency Services? I would have expected to see a few 350 pounders in the group photos with the MSNBC Hacks.

  7. People put so much faith in their governments thinking that they are filled with people who are smarter and more moral.
    Imagine their surprise when they realise that the government is crammed to the rafters with the biggest dolts stealing oxygen.
    Just … wow …

  8. My career was in IT and leaving password notes in clear view would have gotten me fired. The staff in Hawaii must have trained at the Hillary Clinton School of Security.

  9. I know you can’t make this stuff up right. Vern Miyagi is the Administrator for Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency. Wax on, Whacks off.

  10. My career was in IT and leaving password notes in clear view would have gotten me fired.
    Would it really?
    I’ve been a system admin/engineer/IT/whatever for over twenty years, at a variety of companies, some in highly regulated industries, and I have never in all that time ever seen anyone disciplined for violating security policy negligently.
    Now, I’ve never worked for a defense contractor or CSIS front operation, so perhaps they take things more seriously there, but in the private sector?

  11. The silver lining in all this is it happened early on a Saturday morning. I can’t have imagined the bedlam if this occurred during peak rush hour especially considering the parking lot that the H1 turns into for about 2 hours every weekday. Maybe it’d be like a scene out of “Independence Day”. The extent of the harm caused by the false alarm would have been exponentially higher. That said I do wonder about it being the last day the MSNBC crew were there and the timing for doing an accidental but not really “live test” for headlines could almost not have been better. Still stupid mistakes do happen and if there’s a state in the union where stupid things happen that can affect many thousands it’s Hawaii. I remember 2015’s “Carmageddon” caused entirely by bad planning and poor response to an obvious foreseeable event: http://www.civilbeat.org/2015/04/honolulu-traffic-jam-a-perfect-storm-of-everything-falling-apart/
    Hannity last night said he didn’t think the errant button pusher should be fired because he felt it was an honest mistake. I get that and it’s good to see Fox’s #1 having such a good heart. But if it were me that caused the false alarm I would expect termination as should my supervisor for giving me access to the emergency warning system with such poor training. A message needs to be sent that competence isn’t an option. That’s how it works in private industry.

  12. Well I guess its one thing to work in any normal industry and have to change passwords every 3 months and in some monthly…so remembering diff passwords is a pain in the (_i_). I kind of liked the Digital Fob system…whereby said 6 digit numerical pass codes changed every 90 seconds. But the easiest method for me was a std password that had 3 or 4 sets of numbers. I simply changed the last number from 0 to 1 and so on.
    That these clowns actually had them on “post it notes” is to me
    far beyond criminally negligent. Am agreed with the whole lot of useless morons be turfed…and some jail time wouldn’t hurt…unreal.
