7 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. From the article: “….one-party state designed to enrich those at the top, beggar the middle class, and keep those on the bottom in permanent penury.”
    Are we talking about california or socialism? Sounds the same to me but thinking a little more about it, I think I’d still take socialism before I took california. There’s just too much crazy there!

  2. There are simply NO politically correct methods to seriously address ‘homelessness'(what a loaded term). For that reason alone, California seems doomed. It’s like watching Venezuela in slow motion, the worse things get, the more socialism they throw at it, the worse things get.
    Trump might want to consider putting the first wall around California. Flyover country may soon be swarmed with millions of economic refugees that have an irrational hatred for Republicans.

  3. Democrat social engineering has been an electoral success in California by growing the underclass, significantly with illegals while driving out the middle class who might lean GOP. Unfortunately the rich (left Coast elite) are mobile and can (and likely will) flee the State or would otherwise eventually be eaten by their own creation. In a few more decades Mexico won’t even want it back.

  4. But things are AWESOME! in Silicon Valley … Alphabet stock, Apple stock, Netflix stock, Facebook stock are through the ROOF! Everyone in the Valley are filthy fckuing RICH!!!! There is a Tesla in every garage, and Boba Tea in every cup.
    We NEED the poor 3rd worlders to do the things that we are far too busy to do, while plotting how to silence shitty conservative posts on the internet. The poverty just comes with the territory, and we aren’t bothered by it at all. Here in Palo Alto, the poor people live on the Bay-side of HWY 101. For the most part, they don’t bother anyone over there, and they seem quite content working under the table for the “generous” stipend we give them. They even have their own Bakeries that produce the really cute foods of Central America. Maria Consuela even brought our daughter One of their treats, which we tossed into the trash when she wasn’t looking … we’ve heard about the Hepatitis-A outbreak.
    Jerry Brown has done a WONderful job in making us all feeeeeel less guilty for our unbounded wealth. When we retire to our summer home in Jackson Hole, I am sure everything will be fine in CA. I even expect our gardener might even send his sons to college after they get released from juvenile detention.

  5. 10 CONTINUE
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  6. if you know what I mean and I think you do.
    here in ontariowe the necessary term is ‘memba of da black commuuuunity’
    ANYTHING else is a hate crime.
    this news item is merely one of dozens pointing again to my thesis that in ~100 years there will be a 2 tier society:
    an impossible to locate uber uber ultra exclusive and very tiny (a few 1000?) minority that owns >98% of ALL resources and assets under, on and above the planet, the rest are a new serfdom, renting EVERYTHING but the clothes on their back, and owning NOTHING.
    aaaand we will credit progressives and lieberals for this situation, rendering it economically impossible to be self sufficient with interest rates, utility rates, rent, food et friggin cetera taking up (surprise surprise!!!) MORE than total income.born broke, in debt, die in worse shape than ever.
