Since You Asked

65 Replies to “Since You Asked”

  1. “Gee I dunno, maybe you could ask yourself why every thinking Canadian knew it was a hoax and you Trudeau fluffers in the media didn’t.”
    Could it have been more obvious?

  2. Yup, with the media’s credibility sinking even lower they’ll need to attempt something even worse next time just to get some attention. Rinse and repeat.

  3. “You give me the pictures and I’ll give you the war.”
    William Randolph Hearst

  4. Exactly. The only people who were fooled by this were Trudeau, Wynne and Tory. How low can you go, Liberals?

  5. It happened because of the advanced condition of progressive rot within the institutional left wherein journalism no longer even pretends to be objective and where critical thinking is now almost exclusively a feature of the “right”. Islam is a feature of the left just as ignorance of the Islamic project and contempt of those opposed to it go hand in hand in such a toxic bubble of self-aggrandizement.

  6. Dear mediots and presstitutes what happened to your patented “mental illness not terrorism” line?
    Seems to me like the imagined perp in the original story would be a rather fitting example of “mental illumines”. Running around with scissors, chasing children and all that.
    Or does this line applies only to cases where non-muslims are the alleged victims? Why is that?

  7. What a DISHONEST question by Kathy English … whoever she is …
    If SHE doesn’t see the OBVIOUS solution endemic in the question itself … then there is no HOPE for her … or for the media. But the question is dishonest and disingenuous … as IF … the ANTI-Christian Canadian Media doesn’t know what they got CAUGHT doing … what a crock.
    They keep thinking that it is still 1974 and 3 Networks (1 in Canada) CONTROL the narrative. CONTROL the comments. CONTROL the knowledge and wisdom held by the average patrons of EVERY corner coffee shop throughout the US and CANADA

  8. The media started this story with a predetermined narrative and tonight after watching them report on the hoax it’s clear they’re ending this story with the same predetermined narrative.

  9. Actually, there were 2 national networks in Canada at the time, the CBC and the private CTV.
    But, yes, I get your point. There was no Internet or satellite TV in those days and there were few alternate news sources, unless, say, one listened to shortwave broadcasts from other countries. (At least on SW, one could get a range of opinions from stations such as the BBC World Service or, dare I say it, Radio Moscow.)
    Where I grew up in northern British Columbia, we had only one TV station and that was a CBC affiliate. There was a local radio station as well as a CBC Radio repeater and there was a newspaper in town which, frankly, was little better than fishwrap. As a result, my view of the world while I was still in school was rather restricted, though I was active as a shortwave listener during that time.
    Much of that restriction was imposed on us by PM Pretty Sox’s father by insisting that radio station playlists had to consist of at least 60% Canadian content.
    It wasn’t until I began my university studies that I understood that there was a big wide world out there. Once one’s horizons have been broadened, it’s hard to limit them again. Unfortunately, neither the government nor the mass media appear to understand that.

  10. When all the media knows is how to lie for frauds and elitist thieves how can we ever expect they’ll ever stand for honest hardworking common folks? Good job on the wake up hack smack even if it doesn’t actually wake them to be better then they are.

  11. Trying to think what we could have done when it turned so cold and we were expecting it not to. Thoughts?

  12. What could they have done?…hmmm?
    Just a thought but perhaps some investigative journalism as opposed to tabloid sensationalism.

  13. The girl concocted, was coached, whatever, an unbelievable story. Media grabbed it, embellished it and started the predictable spin. Investigative journalism means not going off half cocked morphing it into fake news.
    These hacks would be the same ones on the anti-Trump bandwagon, he coined the phrase that describes this kind of example, “fake news” they can wear the tee shirt.

  14. So if it comes out that the girl made up this story to cover up (no pun intended) the fact that she takes off her hijab every day after escaping her parents’ eyes, and misplaced it that morning, and was afraid she”d be beaten to death by her family (it happened in Mississauga a decade ago)… Will the state-sponsored media report heart-felt stories about the misogyny and abuse in the “Asian” community, will Justin ‘n’ Kathleen robo-tweet how we need to have a national conversation about the root causes of wife-beating and child sex trafficking and immigration fraud? Not holding my breath.

  15. Good Job Kate!!!! “The Truth Hurts ;You can’t handle the Truth”—-Kathy! A question did any of the main stream media ever recognize what happened in Edmonton as a Terrorist event???

  16. Lots of good comments here, already.
    The only people who claim they can’t see what happened with the handling of this story are the people who don’t want to. You cannot effectively communicate with people who have ‘groupthunk’ themselves into hysteria. They truly believe that they aren’t just fighting a democratic political battle against Conservatives, they are convinced that they are on a morally virtuous mission to eradicate evil.
    How an entire political machine, across multiple levels of government, can act so lightning-fast to the unverified story of an 11 year old, it’s both alarming and embarrassing. The entire fake story transpired this way ONLY because it was irresistible free advertising for the left’s collective Great Liberal Narrative. All of Canada should be freaked out about this, especially that our tax dollars fund this Liberal Glee Club called the CBC.
    As per your tweet, Kate,…. SCORCH!

  17. I guess the question for Ms. English (and CBC, turdo la doo, Wynne, Tory et al) is, are you smarter than a lyin’ 5th grader?
    And we have our answer.

  18. The child was lying but was it her who concocted the lie and why? If a lesson is to be learned here she should apologize, however, if she was coached to do this that could be more damaging for the child.
    Would Trudeau come out and say “this is not how we bring up children in Canada?
    How do we get to the truth when the case is closed, we can be sure the politicians and media hacks will not want to talk about it.

  19. Conservative Canadians with brains should move to the US. Seriously, you will live better by just about every marker.

  20. Kathy English then goes on with a couple more tweets to display just how deep the willfulness of her ignorance is…
    2. Report based on authoritative info from Toronto police and Toronto school board – and a press conference. Sources were valid .
    Yes, and ALL those sources are simply repeating the minutes old UNVERIFIED claims of one little girl. One little girl who handed you a juicy propaganda nugget that you couldn’t wait to bolt out of the gate with.
    3. Journalists should always be skeptical but reports based on proper sourcing. What can we learn here?
    You don’t want to learn anything, so stop pretending that you do. Your peers were soooo excited about the opportunity to point and shout ‘Islamiphobia’, that they shed their ‘journalistic integrity’ and ‘skepticism’ as easy as shedding muddy clothes at the door.
    Bdsm, the sad reality in such a politically volatile world is that after the next federal elections, we could have a “Conservative” PM here in Canada and Americans could be toiling under the socialist yoke of a Sanders or Winfrey.

  21. True, all of that. But if gullibility/credibility/bias in our media and politicians wasn’t as it is, we would have been saved this nonsense. They couldn’t smell shit with a dirty diaper on their noses.

  22. “Lots of good comments here, already.” I second that motion. Most comments nailed as to what could have been done different and also why it happened.
    Thanks Kate for reposting this and calling the media to account. This style of fake news has been deluding Canadians for decades. The evidence for that is just to talk to someone who only gets their “news” from Canadian media.
    Yuri Bezmenov warned us decades ago (see Youtube videos) how radical Marxist ideology (communist) would infiltrate our educational system and the media. Many of the readers here might recall the experiences that I have related a number of times of a friend and a deceased stepbrother educators that both went through teacher training at respectively McMaster and University of Saskatchewan around 1960 and had communists in their classes. The stated aims of these fellow students was to teach the children. The Star apparatchik is a prime example of that brainwashing and now a leftist propaganda purveyor.

  23. I’d like Trudeau the teacher come out and give a lecture on lying and consequences.
    I cannot be convinced this was simply a child with a wild imagination, it’s too complicated for that.
    Makes one wonder what is actually the attitude in that household.

  24. They are stone deaf to anything outside of their agenda. What she was really asking is “How can we use stories like these to further the narrative that hate crimes are rampant?”
    It’s like when Dylan Roof couldn’t find any other white supremacists, so he went in and. shot up a black church to stir the pot, hoping to flush out a few fellow travelers. How do we make Republicans responsible for the fact that the loser couldn’t find any friends?

  25. I think it is time to put something in the Tip Jar. Much better than a subscription to the Red Star.

  26. That’s what I suspect also, that she was removing her hijab on the way to school. At 11 years old peer pressure starts to become a big factor in a child’s life and the poor girl probably just wanted to fit in. Her brother was with her on the way to school and may have threatened to rat on her to the parents. So she needed a story. I sure hope the police are monitoring this family.
    Imagine if something similar had happened to a fundamentalist Christian family. The children would probably be taken away from the family and put in protective custody faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

  27. Investigative journalism is hard work and requires a lot of digging and developing sources for maybe little gain. Also it requires some objective thinking outside the herd mentality. Perhaps the official line that Canada is a hot bed of Islamaphobia or whatever the term is false, maybe the vast majority of Canadians are tolerant and fair with respect to differing religions. Muslims in Canada are actually free to practice their religion without interference by anyone, in fact newcomers here enjoy far more freedom than in the countries they recently inhabited. This should be obvious by the number of MPs and MPPs of the faith now in office. Special protection, legislated rules for the religion is unnecessary, protection is already adequate under existing laws. How about developing a researched article along these lines and arguing for publication with your editors? That is what real journalists do.

  28. Scott Adams has some good theories about why the left & right, authoritarians & libertarians see the same events very differently. Despite what journalists believe about themselves, that they’re fair and objective, they’re brain is just as trapped in bias, motivated reasoning and cognitive dissonance as the rest of us. Actually, it may be worse for them because their education and social/professional circles have muted all non-leftist voices.
    In this particular case, they could have asked themselves:
    – if this was not about Muslims and islamophobia, would it have been as rushed or as important? If it was a white kid? A Korean kid?
    -there’s been a rash of identitarian activists in NA faking hate crimes, should I wait before scolding Canadians about diversity and islamophobia?
    -would I scold all Muslims for a single unconfirmed act by an unidentified assailant that may or may not by caused by homophobia or anti-Semitism? Would I cheer on the PM, mayor or Premier if they scolded all Muslims based on that ‘perhaps’ story?
    -if fox news screwed up this badly, what would my reaction be?
    -do I have biases that prevent me from being rational and professional? See answers to previous questions.

  29. I would go to the 11 year old’s house and stick a microphone in her father’s face.
    Remember when they faithfully followed around Rob Ford and the little turd stood on cinder blocks to peak into Ford’s backyard? Whatever happened to that kind of reporting?

  30. Fake “hate crimes” are very common. And you will often hear about the “crime”, but never the retraction that it was fake. For some light reading you should check out This is a U.S. site, but Canada would be similar…maybe even worse given the propensity of the CBC to spew propaganda.

  31. Liz, I’m with you on this…. choreographed down to the T.
    As noted, when one looks at the timeline of events and given that all of this happened within a ~90 min window…Scribe being there, taking notes, writes report, gets report edited and on the wire, News Conference and all…? I highly, highly doubt this was all of a “naturally unfolding” situation. The reek of the PMO and their Islamist operatives is strong on this one….as it was in the Quebec Mosque shootings too..?
    These kind of “incidents” are just too damned convenient for a Govt seemingly determined in allowing/pushing Islam to ascend in Canada. M-103, Somali Muslim Immigration Minister, Iranian Muslim Democracy Minister et all.
    As for said media whores….? nothing less than SHIT Salesmen with mouths full of samples..Period. Marxist tools who readily and eagerly compliment Dear Leader and his Familial – genetic love of Communism.
    Kate..Fabulous Answer..Love it.!!

  32. Let’s here it for all the graduates of the four-year pamphleteer writing program! Where young hands are guided to rewrite the story already written in their own grammatically sloppy stylings.

  33. I’m curious about a few things – who notified the media, and why did they do it so quickly (I understand the CBC ran a story on its website about 45 minutes after the alleged incident happened).
    Also, who organized the press conference – the child, the mother or the Muslim activist who stood next to the pair?
    Finally, the police department says the investigation is closed – does this mean they won’t try to find out why the child lied and why, and if someone else put her up to it?

  34. If Ms. English is looking to her reading public for an answer to her question then she truly is beyond help, as are a number of her compatriots. Look at the headlines in these two articles:
    The Grope and Flail reporter cried, cried when she heard the little girls story. Really cried, perhaps Ms. Elghawaby is in a profession that is beyond her ability. As for Ms. Paradkar if this is a daily occurrence why was the media so eager to report the incident that they couldn’t even wait for any verification before they paraded this little girl in front of nationwide media coverage.
    The media led by the Liberal politicians have cried wolf too often. There have been too many incidents like this where imagined and hoaxed instances of ‘racism’ have been given national and international coverage. The well has been drained dry and so Ms. English, et al, are trying to prime the pump again. Well to all the media that jumped all over this I can only say “Keep it up.” By your attempt to gin up the news you are revealing yourselves and your political masters to be more and more the clowns you are, and more and more Canadians are becoming more aware of it! So once again “Keep it up!”

  35. I have great pity for the Media.
    As most sentient people age they have a look at their life.
    Can you imagine the soul-searing pain as the Canadian “journalist” looks in the mirror and realizes they have spent their life lying to their fellow citizens in order to allow the rich to get richer?
    Eighth Circle for Eternity!

  36. “If Ms. English is looking to her reading public for an answer to her question then she truly is beyond help…”
    Dead on. The dishonesty of her question was quite apparent from the outset with the weasel words “if anything”. And your links prove the hollowness of her soul-searching: the immediate media response is to excuse and justify, instead of remedy.

  37. Help me understand, my Canadian friends … I am fascinated by the girl’s description of an “Asian” man wielding scissors. One would have expected her narrative to be “white” man (at least here in the States). And I understand her use of “Asian” to mean … the Indian subcontinent. As I reminded my wife, there is no love lost between Islam and Hindus. I reminded her of the Mumbai massacre and numerous other Islamic Terrorist atrocities in India/Pakistan. I also reminded her that Canada has more than its fair share of Pakis and dot.Indians. In fact, I would dare say, they used to be the Canadian liberals most-favored downtrodden minority … now replaced by Muslims of all origins.
    But it is HUGELY instructive that the 11yo girl, her mother, her father, her Mullah … whomever orchestrated this shit show … CHOSE to describe her assailant as a “Hindu”. Her CHOSEN infidel attacker was “Asian”. Why was there no “fascination” about this fact by the Canadian or International media? Is it because Hindus are now the “face of Canada”? Is it because it missed the “narrative” of “white people baaaad mmmkay?” so this HUGE detail of the story should be ignored? Why isn’t Kathy English asking this question?
    It would appear to me, that Islamists in Canada FEAR their Indian subcontinent Enemies FAR more than they FEAR white folk in Canada. In a society so consumed by racial identity … WHY? wasn’t this HUGE detail of the girl’s story examined … in detail?
    Kathy English … I have a question for YOU! Why wasn’t the media (or PM Socks) the least bit interested in the “ASIAN” attacker … but chose to WHITEWASH *snicker* the story by blaming “ALL Canadian’s islamophobia”. What if the people’s of the Indian subcontinent have a REAL GOOD REASON to be Islamophobia? Kinda ruins the whole “narrative”, now doesn’t it … ?

  38. Ladies and gentlemen, General William Tecumseh Sherman:
    “I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast.”

  39. Don’t forget,Andrew Scheer was also sucked into this.
    You remember Andrew Scheer,the CPC leader that’s going down in flames in 2019,the guy whose name most conservatives can’t spell correctly.
