29 Replies to “#TooMuch”

  1. *
    aziz ansari is perhaps the least physically threatening male this side of captain kangaroo.
    the fact that he is apparently also supposed to be able to read women’s minds is the icing
    on this particular feminazi cake.
    there aren’t enough actual threats out there… you have to go after the rainbows and unicorn
    farts version of patriarchal oppression?
    that’s just sloppy & lazy.

  2. The original article from Babe is here. It’s worth a read for its obtuseness. I kept waiting for the Jian Ghomeshi moment and it never came. In today’s environment this is character assassination and I’m no fan of Aziz Ansari. A date doesn’t go the way a young woman wanted it to go and she, in great detail, reveals her singular lack of common sense and good judgement.

  3. *
    “reveals her singular lack of common sense
    and good judgement.”

    as steve astutely pointed out above… “TWICE!”

  4. Doesn’t sound to me as though Mr. Ansari deserved this but there lots of people who I am sure deserve it less, so better him than them. And what a great learning opportunity for him about virtue-signalling and #bandwagon of the day – think about where it’s going before you jump on and sing along.
    The 23 year old child who is complaining was too young to be watching such things when it happened but I guess her parents let her hear then President Clinton’s explanation that fellatio isn’t sex.

  5. Single boys now must have Mother present when in company of single girls. even during sex.

  6. *
    first, they came for aziz…
    looks like nobody these days with the slightest sense
    of self preservation
    … is gettin’ laid without having
    lawyers and sworn affadavits involved in the process.
    is that really what “MODERN” women want?

  7. Why you think sex bots exist? The end result is that a group of women, group size unknown, is making ALL WOMEN irrelevant to men.
    And when the marriage rate actually drops to zero, and the last man who went on a date with an actual human turns one hundred, Kaye Hymowitz will still be saying “y’all need to man up and marry those rancid whores”.

  8. *
    it’s been a while since i’ve been on a date.
    just to be clear how things work nowadays…
    the first time somebody asks you to fellate
    them… is deductible?

  9. NEO always quick with the penetrating questions. Definitely not deductible, any monetary benefit to the giver and they’d just blow it.

  10. “A lot of men will read that post about Aziz Ansari and see an everyday, reasonable sexual interaction. But part of what women are saying right now is that what the culture considers ‘normal’ sexual encounters are not working for us, and oftentimes harmful,” feminist writer and speaker Jessica Valenti tweeted.”
    Buy stock in sexbot manufacturers. You won’t be sorry.

  11. Radical leftist feminists … who appear to be … “in charge” of our laws … insist that ANY SEX between men and women is RAPE.
    “In a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.” – Catharine MacKinnon
    But of course … the TRUTH detectors, Wikiquote, Snopes, etc. DENY that she ever said this …
    What she actually said (according to the TRUTHERS) is …
    Instead MacKinnon asserts that rape and intercourse are “difficult to distinguish”
    Their attempt at TRUTHINESS only confirmed the INTENT and CONTENT of the original (alleged) misquote. Typical of these USELESS apologists for Leftist thought. We don’t need a FAMINE … we need a WORLD WAR. And all the radical leftist feminists sent to the front lines to defend their countries as vigorously as they defend women against men.

  12. *
    “‘normal’ sexual encounters are not working for us”
    what’s next, ladies… demands for universal ‘p@nis reduction’

  13. When men “go galt” on men/women interaction, this ridiculous #metoo bowel movement and its ilk will be largely responsible.

  14. I think what some women are saying is…acting like a whore on a first date makes me feel cheap and used but femanism has told me that it’s ‘liberating” and “evidence that I’m in charge of my sexuality”. The dissonance between how I feel and how I’m told I’m supposed to feel is confusing and anxiety provoking. I’m acting in the approved manner so, this must all be the man’s fault.
    They’ve been sold a bill of goods and haven’t the insight to realize they are acting against their best interest.

  15. AZIZ should have shot her a ton ($100), isn’t that the going rate for a blow job nowa daz:-))

  16. Poor Progressives, every meme they launch sinks within days,usually taking a few idiot democrats down with it.
    Way too funny.
    These backfires , death by helping hands, progressive media ploys are priceless.
    Most sane persons do not attempt to defend the indefensible but our progressive comrades attempt daily to explain that a crime is only committed when we do it, if they behave badly we must forgive them ,because intentions…
    God Bless President Trump, since his election these daily meltdowns have increased in intensity and stupidity, I am richly entertained and gobsmacked by the idiocy.
    Educated beyond ones capability is a real feature of our universities.
    Shoelaces seems to be a skill set beyond these peoples capacity.
    Next the grim suspicion will spread throughout the twittersphere, this young lady is a “conservative plant”, she is mocking the sacred “Me Too” meme..followed by Doxing and Burn the witch.
    I love the loony left they always eat their own.
    As my Grandmother used to say,”Sell ’em enough rope”

  17. from the link:
    “should have been able to read her mind, when a”
    actually, if you read the mind of a feminist 2018 version, be prepared for a visit to some sort of partial dimensional realm where nothing is what it changes in appearance, no one speaks plainly, logic is questioned, belief is the criteria and standard, not research and second opinion and adequate analysis. words do not mean what they say, up is down, in is both out and in, out is both and neither, shall I go on?
    what they are REALLY trying for *without even realizing it* is a wholesale return to ‘Victaaahdian’ era norms. with a big fat helping of social CHAOS.

  18. When she said “NO!” he stopped?
    Then this case is closed.
    She was not the victim of anything.
    on the other hand, we good men, are victims of those hysterical cruel evil stupid women more and more everyday.
    …and they call this being oppressed by the patriarchy.
