
Toronto Sun.

A former senior Ontario Liberal staffer has been convicted in what the judge called a deliberate “scorched earth” attempt to destroy government emails or records related to cancelled gas plants.
Crown Tom Lemon said he will seek a custodial sentence for David Livingston, the former chief of staff to premier Dalton McGuinty, who was found guilty Friday of attempted mischief to data and unauthorized use of a computer.

I initially loaded a Brian Lilley live stream, but that didn’t work so well. A timeline of the Ontario Gas Plant scandal.

31 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. speaking of ms wynnedfarm, this just in:
    what an truly incompetent. ferfcuksake, he didnt know when you SEND an email, it STAYS with THEM until *they* decide to delete? and then stays on the server somewhere for sometime? hmmm mr hard drive?
    lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie LIEberal. gotcha!!!

  2. And of course, McGuinty wasn’t charged. I’m sure he had no idea what was going on. After all, he said he didn’t know. Livingston did it on his own. Really.
    The corruption is stunning!

  3. I just saw an interesting tweet from Manny, @manny_ottawa. Basically he wonders what McGuinty’s senior adviser Gerald Butts knew about this evidence destruction at the time, and of course, when did he know it. Did Trudeau’s best buddy order it? Maybe this verdict will get someone to talk about it?

  4. Unfortunately he wasn’t convicted of evidence destruction, obstruction of justice, a coverup, or conspiracy. He was convicted of “mischief to data” and “unauthorized use of a computer.” Worse, his deputy, who hired her husband to commit the “mischief” by wiping computer hard drives was found not guilty and has since run off to BC to commit more political mischief. This whole trial has been a farce. The McGuinty/Wynne governments are contemptible cesspools of condescending corruption. The whole lot of them should serve time for what they’ve done to this province.

  5. From the article…“First, the Crown’s computer forensics specialist was disqualified from testifying as an expert witness because the judge ruled he was too deeply involved with the police during the investigation. It meant the Crown could not present any evidence about what documents were actually destroyed” WTF?
    If understand this, the Crown’s computer expert was not allowed to testify since he/she was doing the job that police experts DO?! How would the police get the info if they didn’t use the official investigative techniques and investigators that their departments used?
    Read how charges have been dropped or altered…one after another. I smell a huuuge fix.

  6. From what I’ve seen going on with the abuses of power with the ON government on the gas plants, and the ridiculous conduct of the deep state Resistdems in misusing the very agencies in place to protect the citizen, to attack any citizen who doesn’t see things their way is ….
    Jail.Time.For.Them.All. Look at some so-called state politicians threatening police etc with criminal charges if they … follow federal law.
    They hope citizens forget the Supreme Court has made is clear the federal government is supreme and cannot be overridden by states.
    If the seditionists insist on intimidating officials from following and exercising the law of the land, they must be charged with obstruction of justice.
    Enough.Is.Enough. BTW the Schumer Shutdown. Go for it – let Americans see for themselves much of the recent buildup of government is a hindrance, not a help to the people. Let them see they don’t need these political doofuses.
    Military and border guards held hostage. Let the seditionists dig their political graves. Let them break rocks in the prison yard instead of budgets.
    Call.Their.Bluff. America must fail for them to succeed. Make sure the voters know that this November.
    Let them all cool their heels in jail in this ironic version of entitlists living off the government. Let them all be true wards of the state.

  7. From your link:
    The Crown is seeking jail time and it’s a decision that Brian Gover, Livingston’s lawyer says is a step too far.
    “We consider that to be an absurd position given Mr. Livingston’s outstanding good character,” Gover said……
    (without acknowledgement of his own absurd logic)

  8. s Wynne winning? Don’t forget She was part of McGuinty Cabinet & has done everything to try and hide the Corruption. She is now trying to slip out from Her involvement by trying to dump it all on McGuinty & Livingston.

  9. if there was any justice in this country arrest warrants would already be issued for McGinty, Butts and Wynne, but as we all know liberals can do no wrong

  10. “…the Supreme Court has made is clear the federal government is supreme and cannot be overridden by states. …”
    And the Civil War agrees with the Supreme Court on that. (Or maybe it’s the other way ’round, but anyway, they agree.)

  11. Exactly. Nothing will come of this. Rich W above is right. Oh, maybe a flunky like this staffer might be the sacrificial lamb. Remember Shawinigate, how many went to jail? Courvieu or what every his name was, the principles are still walking around free.

  12. Exactly. Nothing will come of this. Rich W above is right. Oh, maybe a flunky like this staffer might be the sacrificial lamb. Remember Shawinigate, how many went to jail? Courvieu or what every his name was, the principles are still walking around free.

  13. Is it just me or is Trudopia a corrupt shithole. Was there any doubt that that corrupt Liberal Party would walk away from this scandal? “The Liberal Party fosters and nurtures a culture of corruption”= Judge Gomery. PM Anus got outta dodge just in time to bring his certain brand of ethics to Ottawa… and between Anus and Telford it only cost the taxpayer $250.000 dollars, chump change for adscamming Libranos. Liberals do as they please.

  14. So who killed the Shermans? Police are saying it was a professional hit. This couple were a integral part of the Liebel money laundering process. A little house cleaning?

  15. Exactly. Nothing will come of this. Rich W above is right. Oh, maybe a flunky like this staffer might be the sacrificial lamb. Remember Shawinigate, how many went to jail? Courvieu or what every his name was, the principles are still walking around free.

  16. WRONG. What should happen, is capitol punishment; WHY DO YOU THINK THEY DECIDED THE DEATH PENALTY WAS NOT GOOD? They were protecting themselves. People with lifetime RCMP details paid for by you, never have to worry about home invasions, car jacking, murder, … what they have to worry about, the only thing to worry about, is being caught with their hands in the cookie jar. If they ever get caught, they run the small risk of getting a judge that they or their co-conspirators didn’t personally appoint; ie a judge who is NOT one of your co-conspirators.
    These guys lucked out, cause clearly the judge was there to keep them out of jail, or suffer anything substantial. I always wonder why you suckers always fall for the “don’t politicize our sacred judge picking process by wanting elections”. Cause having party hacks pick the judges for years of loyal service to the Liberal party, is SOOOOO much better.

  17. A little off topic but a wind turbine collapsed in Chathm-Kent. You can read the story in the Windsor Star, 1/20/18.

  18. now that livingstone has agreed to be the scapegoat for the Ontario liberals a large check will be issued to Mr Livingstone courtesy of the Ontario taxpayer for keeping his silence. Oh but let’ not forget that expensive orange juice.

  19. Is the judge a librano? Or more important a librano appointee?
    Nothing comes of this unless livingston is facing serious jail time. In that scenario he might talk in order to save himself.
    Not a likely outcome.

  20. He’ll be sentenced to 1/2 year up at the cottage.
    What a scam our government and justice system is.

  21. Livingston may have done the dirty work but he did not make the decision to cancel the gas plants.
