I felt a great disturbance in the Narrative, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “Shithole”.


The Canadian government is warning tourists in the popular Jamaican destination of Montego Bay to remain in their resorts due to an increase in violent crime.
Travel Canada issued the warning after the Jamaican government declared a state of emergency and deployed military forces to the island’s St. James Parish after a spike in thefts and murders.

51 Replies to “I felt a great disturbance in the Narrative, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “Shithole”.”

  1. Good thing Jamaica freed itself from The Crown. No more white man’s colonial, corporatist interests exploiting the Jamaican people.

  2. “The Canadian government is warning tourists in the popular Jamaican destination of Montego Bay to remain in their resorts due to an increase in violent crime.”
    “The Canadian advisory says there have been reports of alleged sexual assaults at tourist resorts that were carried out by resort staff and, in some cases, by other tourists.”
    So, deciphering what our government is saying, I guess the final message here is… “Stay in your resort if you just want to be raped instead of murdered.”

  3. All the the feigned horror/sh!t storm from holier-than-thous hearing the blunt truth from a leader in terms they use themselves. We must never offend,never experience being offended.
    We need to hope Jamaicans are not offended by this warning.

  4. I am regularly surprised that it is possible to live in Saskatchewan, and be so funny.

  5. Our one stop in Jamaica was not a pleasant experience. To get out of the Dunn’s Falls site back to the ship’s bus you have to run a gauntlet of trinket stalls and the vendors are very aggresive and will curse you out if you do not buy anything.
    Now what did President Trump allegedly say?

  6. When going to these shitholes, the whole point to going IS the resort. Why would going see their ghettos and slums appeal to me, then?

  7. Not at all true. The one Jamaican immigrant I know emigrated to Canada for the weather.
    The fact that the home he was born in had no electricity and no running water had nothing to do with it.

  8. I refer to these as Sophisticated, Humane, Intelligent, Technological, High-Opportunity Local Economies. Really the only thing that they are lacking is the strength of post-national diversity – the secret ace card to Canada’s success.

  9. My wife’s family lived in Jamaica from 1655 to 1800. I’d love to go visit the plantation which still exists but I don’t think so. My wife’s 5th or 6th cousin was a wealthy businessman. When he recently retired, he moved to Florida. Virtually the entire white population has left over the years. It is one of the most dangerous places on earth.

  10. Hey Liberals/liberals, what part of ‘shithole’ don’t you understand? The ‘shit’ part or the hole ‘part’? This week’s Westjet inflight magazine extolling the virtues of Kingston Jamaica as a revitalized lowered crime rate destination. I recommend the wearing of running shoes when there, because if you run, street punk criminals won’t make the effort to keep up with you.
    Captcha: STOP DRIVE

  11. The last cruise ship stop I made in Jamaica … we took a tour of some local “Rum Plantation”. Meh. Not exactly the Napa Valley (although the dark rums were wonderful). On the way back to the ship (that we almost missed), our minivan was stooped dead in a sudden down pour of rain at some shantytown intersection. It seems as though there is NO infrastructure whatsoever in Jamaica … No curbs, gutters, storm drains, and the MAIN road was barely paved at this main intersection. So while we sat in the rain, motionless … the water literally rose above the level of our floorboard and flooded our minivan. Had to pick everything up off the floor, including our feet as the water rose to about 6” above the floorboards. And to make matters worse, there were lots of people milling about outside our van in the rain. Sketchy-looking man after man would walk by menacingly looking into the van with bad intent. I am convinced that if it weren’t for our sheer numbers (6 of us in the van), we would have been robbed (or worse). Every time a new man walked slowly by the van, literally staring inside as if to size up the situation … I thought … well … this is it. Here comes the robbery. Fortunately … after about 20 Minutes they had managed to move the stalled car and we made it safely off the the Island. We all joked that we should have taken the “Bob Marley Tour” like the rest of the family had. Less remote … and safer … more mellow, maaaan. Yeah, it was a $#!?hole

  12. “The Canadian advisory says there have been reports of alleged sexual assaults at tourist resorts that were carried out by resort staff and, in some cases, by other tourists.”
    That’s the weirdest and most disturbing part. Even the other tourists are getting rapey? Do they still use leaded gasoline down there?

  13. I don’t know much about Jamacia ,but my neighbor went to Haiti to train police officers. He ended up trying to teach basic hygiene. He showed me pictures of human skulls in the ditches piled waste high . I don’t believe he really ever got over it . Nope – not a shit hole .

  14. I find it disgusting that the Canadian government would issue such a blatantly racist warning. The Trudeau Liberals and the government bureaucracy need to get some sensitivity training. Have they issued rape warnings for predominantly caucasian countries?
    I never thought I’d live to see the day where this country was being run by a bunch of alt-right white nationalist nazis. Terrible and shameful.

  15. Un thing, and again your ignorance of facts rises to the fore front. My friend, whom I sponsored into Canada, from Jamaica, in 1966 warned about these very things. As to other tourists doing this, that also happens in other shithole tourist destinations. If you had ever travelled to some of these places, and/or know immigrants from them, you would be aware of that.

  16. ” The Trudeau Liberals and the government bureaucracy need to get some sensitivity training. ”
    You could be from Saskatchewan.

  17. I think we should allow ten to fifteen thousand of these folks to immigrate to Canada for the sole purpose of training for a spot on the Jamaican Bob Sled Olympic team……….

  18. Hey, when was the last time you ever heard a Lefty ever tell you that they just came back from a 3 week holiday in the Sudan or Haiti?
    I’m waiting….
    You can add Jamaica to the list.

  19. My one trip to Jamaica was to deliver supplies to the embassy. Our hotel perimeter was patrolled by a guard with a German shepherd and the jewellery shops had a guard with a rifle sitting outside. We travelled in a police VW van through the nasty neighbourhoods to get back to the airport. Incidentally, all the smaller aircraft at the airport sat on flat tires so they wouldn’t be stolen by the drug-runners, who evidently didn’t travel with compressors.

  20. “So, a Zimbabwe type situation.”
    In Zimbabwe the government abused the whites and they left. In Jamaica they tired of the shitholiness and violence and left.

  21. When are Rosie Barton, Evan Solomon, and Neil McDonald going on vacation in these wonderful shtholes? Uh, never, really? I thought they defended these wonderful paradises as friendly warm adn normal countries, where everyone is just like us…….

  22. Who can ever forget our immigration policy re Jamaica in the 80’s and 90’s which was essentially: if you can run fast enough to make the Canadian Olympic track team, you are welcome to Canada.
    And they brought their families along for the ride.
    On the bright side, some of our finest inner city drug gangs came here from Jamaica. Who said diversity isn’t strength?

  23. You might see it as two steps from hell, but to Trudeau it’s the ultimate utopia.
    1) No oil industry
    2) Strict gun control laws
    3) Drug fueled economy

  24. Wow! Can we coin a new term ? S#itHOLE journalism ? Yeah … Trump is equating “s#ithole with “the negro”. No … YOU are. But if the shoe fits … wear it.
    And BTW … Usain Bolt … is NOT a National Accomplishment. Despite the fact that he retains a gated/walled, heavily guarded compound in Jamaica … he also owns an oceanfront home on Rum Cay in the Bahamas … wanna bet where he spends MOST of his time and money ?

  25. Kenji, I read and article about one of Trump’s past GF’s,who is bi-racial, and now married to another billionaire. She said that Trump is NOT racist, but bulls shit large now days.

  26. I have been to Montego Bay, Jamaican about 15 years ago with RCN. Had a great time, and met with many locals off the beaten tourists traps areas. It may be different now, but I would still go back. Having said that, I found that all the tourist areas; cruise ship berths, resorts, bus tours, ect. were all sanitized for the tourist and patrolled by a guards with dogs. They never got to see the real Jamaica, just the “Bob Marley Jamaica” advertised by the travel agent and not encourage to see the real Jamaica.
    Kenji, did you ever try talking to any of the “Sketchy-looking men walking by menacingly” or just lock car doors and rolled up the windows? Not meaning to insult you or anything. I ask because when I was there, I saw some people like that and tried talking to them. Most of them only see the tourist as someone coming in to their home, taking their women, looking down on them (if noticed at all) and throwing around more money then they could make in a year and are angry about it. Talking to the locals gave me a human face and made me “one of them” to a degree that I was not a target but someone who was shown the real Jamaica, warts and all, A few of them even told me how I scared them before I talked to them because I was “Sketchy-looking and look menacingly at them.”

  27. My dad was Royal Navy…. Jamaica was a shithole in the 60’s too. He visited pretty much every port in the world, and I’ve got the postcards he would sent to my mother at every stop. Bermuda is a bit safer, Hawaii even better. Australia and New Zealand are pretty good too

  28. The parts of the Caribbean that didn’t use to be shitholes are sliding in that direction. The Bahamas, Caymans, and Turks and Caicos ain’t what they used to be. But then again, neither are Toronto, Ottawa, or Vancouver.

  29. remember the Jamaican bobsled movie? I miss John Candy. there’s a film location story about the time he did a flick with Maureen O’Hara.
    he had top billing, so he got the biggest trailer.
    this was unacceptable to him, so he let Maureen use it instead.
    the producers went ape (did I just get racist???) so then they had to scramble to replace the star’s trailer.
    I kinda think he expected that anyway, but what a wonderful wonderful man, mayor Tommy Shanks and all. gawd was he ever funny.

  30. Bermuda is a bit safer,
    Yes! they posted signs on the BARS .. “No dogs, or Royal Canadian Navy allowed”

  31. No disagreement. My belief system is not nearly as RIGID as it comes off (intentionally, at times to make a point). A close family member of mine spent more than a year in the Peacecorps just outside of Kingstontown, mon. They ran a pig coop with/for the agrarian natives. They LOVED the place and the people. All they ever reported was how beautiful, both physically and spiritually the people were. And how they would spend time at the Playboy Club in Kingstontown (think the 70’s 007 era) on holiday. My FIRST impression of Jamaica and its People was 100% positive. But this was when the island was part of the British Empire. Law. Order. Jobs (some). And (mostly) a lack of hostility toward rich, white, tourists and interlopers. Before the “institutionalism of RACISM”. The weaponization of RACISM.
    Yes, I should have/would have rolled down the windows and chatted-up the “natives” … as you might have noticed … I am quite chatty by nature. I actually quite enjoy exploring other cultures and peoples … to understand what makes them tick. To simply LEARN. Vive la differences. My dream job would be as an Archeologist. Yes, I would have rolled down the window … except for two things. One: Our driver and Guide became frightened and paranoid when we became stuck and warned us to piut all valuables (cameras, phones, and whatnot out of sight). And Two: we were quite LATE for our ship … and ended up being the very last 4 passengers counted before sailing … we were quite panicked to get out of Dodge). And, I was also very sad at seeing the tin-sided shanty-towns that sprung up at each small T-intersection on the “main highway”(two, narrow, semi-paved lanes). The poverty of the people was in our face (and the face of the current Jamaican Govt. who seem bent on ignoring it … or blaming others for it).
    I WISH Jamaica was STILL as you experienced it … my truncated trip there was NOT what you experienced. Nor was it what my half-brother and sister in law experienced in 1973-74

  32. *
    there’s a reason the jamaican constabulary
    has belt-fed weaponry at their disposal.
    and it’s got nothing to do with bob marley.

  33. I understand and hope/wish Jamaica is still something like I experienced 15 years ago. Hopefully I can find out again soon.
    I’ve noticed a number of people think any place that they go to will be just like home, only with a ethnic/cultural costume for where the tourist is at. (or a Kate would say “More Pavilions At Folkfest”) They never try to get to know the locals and what makes them tick. Just bitch when things don’t match their preconceived expectations. The people like that are usually from the left-side of the spectrum but can be any ignorant person left or right.

  34. I am SO glad you saw my response … because I SO appreciate what you found in Jamaica … and it perfectly meshes with what I was told by a couple of do-gooder (I mean that in a perfectly positive way) white hippies in the 70’s. I am not quite the BEAST that I sound at times … I just don’t have patience for bullshitty narratives, and don’t suffer fools well. And … recoil at the prefabricated notion that conservatives are all heartless, cruel, monsters. Hardly.
    Although my sister-in Law (the wife’s sister) who is a hardcore, pussy-hat-clad, marcher RESISTING Trump … won’t so much as attend any family function that I attend (good, actually) … because of my EXTREMIST views. But has she ever engaged in a COMPLETE in-depth conversation with me to debate my beliefs ? Of course not … she’s a Leftist.
