I felt a great disturbance in the Narrative, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “Shithole”.


The Canadian government is warning tourists in the popular Jamaican destination of Montego Bay to remain in their resorts due to an increase in violent crime.
Travel Canada issued the warning after the Jamaican government declared a state of emergency and deployed military forces to the island’s St. James Parish after a spike in thefts and murders.

51 Replies to “I felt a great disturbance in the Narrative, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “Shithole”.”

  1. The Jamaicans had a couple of murderous purges of their business class in the 70s AND 80s which kept me away since. The government blamed the country’s issues on CIA destabilization tactics due to bauxite tariffs. It had nothing to do with hitching their wagon to Cuba and it’s politics. They have formed their own perfect African sh!thole in the Caribbean.
