42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Cool.
    Found this on the suggestions sidebar:
    Didn’t ever think I’d hear John Williams’ Cantina Rag played on a pipe organ.
    Supposedly, Two Steps from Hell is a medieval reference. Earth is one step down from Heaven and one step up from Hell. (So it’s a coy way of saying their music is heavenly.)

  2. Re Concorde and fuel
    At flat chat it was 43% fuel efficient
    Stanley Hooker “Not much of an engineer”

  3. Thanks, I enjoyed that. Here’s an absolutely classic keyboard solo right back at you. My mother used to love how he mimicked the Hallelujah ‘choir voices’.
    Rick Wakeman Solo ~ Excerpts from The Six Wives of Henry VIII ~ Yessongs (1972)
    Osumashi… that was hilarious, forgot all about that Simpson bit.

  4. Not sure which part of this story is more newsworthy, that a wind turbine “snapped in two” in Ontario overnight Thursday or that the Weather Network reported on a story that doesn’t protect their ‘environmental narrative’, or that an Ontario Conservative actually spoke out about it.
    “Minister of Environment & Climate Change, @ChrisBallardMPP: 17 families in Chatham-Kent cannot drink their well water and today, this from one of your local wind turbine projects. I again call for an immediate moratorium on North Kent & Otter Creek wind projects. #onpoli #ckont pic.twitter.com/AEXsXmDwld”
    — Monte McNaughton (@MonteMcNaughton) January 19, 2018

  5. End of Snow
    Scottish Ski resort closed – there’s too much snow
    Cairngorm Mountain in northeast Scotland more often deals with a lack of snow but this year it is grappling with a different problem – 185cm of snow since Christmas in the worst bout of winter weather since the 1970s.
    Resort staff toiled all day on Thursday to clear snow, but they arrived back on Friday to find their hard work had been in vain after strong winds blew snow across access roads, creating 4.6m drifts.

  6. Rex Murphy at his finest.
    “It’s an act of arrogance that comes very glibly to a crowd that requires no exertion to feel pleased with themselves — the same arrogance that skips blithely over the stated ethical standards of Parliament and Prime Minister, but in lordly fashion riffs in town halls and cabinet rooms what is right for everyone else to believe and what is not.”
    Look at the photo of the high school drama queen and puke. What a disgusting juvenile.

  7. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “*No no he’s not dead, he’s, he’s restin’!”
    “Canada to attend first Trans-Pacific Partnership meeting since Trudeau’s APEC no-show
    The TPP11 is a resurrection of the deal without the United States, whose president Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement when he took office”
    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau missed a leaders’ meeting where some countries hoped an agreement would conclude. Amid backlash over Trudeau’s no-show, trade ministers still managed to agree on a new name, at Canada’s suggestion, and a framework for the agreement that acknowledged four outstanding issues must still be addressed.
    Still, Canada’s participation has remained a question mark for many observers.”
    *Monty Python

  8. Sweden: the first European country to deliberately commit cultural suicide.

  9. FAKE data, red maps, “smoothing” … “adjusting”, and any other examples of statistical manipulation …

  10. I am not so sure Sweden is the first. I have been reading a book about after-Apartheid South Africa. The book is called Into the Cannibal`s Pot by Ilana Mercer. It is very grim and hard to believe what has happened there since the ANC has governed. It is a kind of cultural and social suicide. South Africa gets little attention these days, but it is a thought provoking example of what can happen when the politics of race (or other identity/equality issue) dominates everything else.
    About a year ago an Afrikaner family was refused refugee status in Canada despite the fact that statistics make it clear that white farmers are targets for vicious attacks in SA. There was no great outcry from Canadians about this, in part I believe because so few are paying attention to events in South Africa. The rule of law seems to be completely undermined. More people need to become aware of problems there, not just because of the situation in SA itself, but because it is a kind of canary in the coal mine regarding the dark side of identity politics — when you promote any one group, other groups are bound to suffer and you will never really achieve real equality which is a fantasy. I would recommend Mercer`s book as a starting point. (Sorry if I have posted this reference earlier. I cannot remember if I did or not. )

  11. According to a number of sources, the decline in Sweden started some time in the mid-1970s when its government took a left turn (pun intended). From what I understand, that’s when it started the first “immigrants” began coming in larger numbers.
    But, yes, you are correct about South Africa turning into a you-know-what-hole country. My late mother’s last physician was from there and he was dismayed at what was happening.

  12. I had to LOL at the part in the article where the Young Swedes are offering free language lessons.
    No,they’re not lessons in Swedish to new immigrants,but lessons in Farsi and Paki for Swedes so they can fit in better with the newcomers!

  13. Socialism: the religion of the stomach.
    “Socialism: Venezuelans Scavenging, Selling Garbage for Survival”
    “Venezuelans are increasingly buying and selling items of garbage as a means of survival as the country’s economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deepen.”
    “Yelitza Luján, a woman living on Venezuela’s Margarita Island, previously known as the “Pearl of the Carribean.”” … “A mother of five children and two grandchildren, she has been forced to sell bags of garbage.”

  14. Not hmmmmm … more like uhhhh duhhhhhhhh dum dum de dum dum dum … Green policies = death. But that is also a green policy

  15. I suspect they found they could get more money for their cargo somewhere else, so changed direction.

  16. Oil producton: “substantial gains in Canada”.
    “US will surpass Saudi Arabia, rival Russia’s oil production in 2018
    The U.S. is anticipated to experience “explosive growth” in oil production in 2018 and will surpass Saudi Arabia’s output for the first time, according to the International Energy Agency’s monthly oil bulletin.
    “The big 2018 supply story is unfolding fast in the Americas,” the agency’s report read Friday.
    “Explosive growth in the U.S. and substantial gains in Canada and Brazil will far outweigh potentially steep declines in Venezuela and Mexico.”

  17. LindaL, my wife and I spent 3 weeks driving S. Africa from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, then from Durban up the east coast to Kruger, ending in Johannesburg.
    A couple of observations. First, best trip we’ve ever had. Second, we did not feel under threat or concerned for our safety anywhere, at any time. Third, the people, whether black or otherwise and in small villages and bigger cities, were unfailingly courteous and pleasant.
    However, we could see that security is always a concern. Our lodging in the Karoo district, a lovely ostrich farm/guest house with elderly German owners, employed uniformed security guards 24/7. In cities like Durban, most residential areas had high walls with either electrified or barbed wire barriers atop them. ADT security, which we use for our own alarm system (more a modern feature than necessity) has a S. African subsidiary. The response to alarms there is an ARMED response and their burly security guards wear Kevlar and military style boots and uniforms.
    It remains a two-tiered world, but more of an urban/rural divide than a racial divide. In the cities we saw many young black professionals driving up-scale vehicles and living in mixed neighbourhoods. But rural life still remains exclusively black and by our standards, poor.
    But compared to other real sh**thole countries, S. Africa has progressed relatively well. We were in Swaziland where one in four suffers from HIV and only one in four homes has electricity. Oddly enough, the most outrageously beautiful accommodations we enjoyed on the entire trip were in the heart of Swaziland – called ‘Summerfield Resort’ and owned by the Consul to Russia.

  18. Love the ripping right hand starting at the 4:50 mark. This is an awesome lp … and I love Steve Howe’s classic guitar into to Roundabout right after this Wakeman masterpiece. You and I have similar music taste … and … political opinions. Cool.

  19. couple weeks ago I plopped this very story about the contaminated wells Right. In. The. ‘Lap’. Of. The. Local. LIEberal. mpp.
    (well, at least the const office staff. I feel sorry for those people, theyre going to be out of a job you know. I even seriously/sarcastically urged them to ‘dust off the resumes’).
    thugs. the lot of them. brutes and thugs. truly. the havoc that &$^$#*#&^# (I wish I could figure out how to make the font bigger with audio) in queens park has done to the gawdforsaken in ontariowe. a sentiment I reserve ONLY for those who did NOT vote for her last 2 elections.
    and because they are brutes and thugs, well, suffice to say that karma thing that’s been going on in my life since waaaaaaaay back, that abusers oftentimes found themselves in bad shape, well, LET IT APPLY TO THIS BUNCH AS WELL would you consider Ms Karma?

  20. its a well used tactic because it works; yield to our demands or we will get violent !!!!!!!!
    and in so doing, the suckers in stockholm (isnt that where stockholm syndrome was invented?) or tranna or ottawherethefckarewe, CAVE IN.
    thus showing the demand makers the tactic works. (they FEED on fear). and in round 2, still harsher demands. rinse and repeat until swedes start converting with no threats or coercion.

  21. its a well used tactic because it works; yield to our demands or we will get violent !!!!!!!!
    and in so doing, the suckers in stockholm (isnt that where stockholm syndrome was invented?) or tranna or ottawherethefckarewe, CAVE IN.
    thus showing the demand makers the tactic works. (they FEED on fear). and in round 2, still harsher demands. rinse and repeat until swedes start converting with no threats or coercion.

  22. well Mr Kulak, tq kindly for that link. the printout will be HAND DELIVERED to the local LIEberal mp.
    accompanied by a very terse condemnation of the dauphin and his ilk.
    and remember all, this money being held back ISNT THE GOVERNMENT’S. it’s the TAXPAYER’S. ie the life affirming believers expected to heave everything held very dear overboard. for money. their OWN money. TAKEN by the gubbamint.
    this people, this is *the very essence of lieberalism*.

  23. I see mass starvation coming in Venezuela. will that be the 1st time in centuries in N or S America?
    heyo Ms Klein !!! WHAT SAY YE NOW?????

  24. Best ethnic joke I’ve heard came from South Africa
    “What do you get if you cross a Doberman with a Rottweiler?”
    “A predominantly white suburb”

  25. An interesting TEDx talk.
    “Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada”
    Atkinson also mention some of the ways to spot astroturfing. The interesting point is that those that engage in astroturfing call other people names, put them down and call on “authority”.
