16 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. All these years I have been missing out on my entitlement of free razors?
    It must be Donald Trump’s fault!

  2. I read that sign as saying “if you’re here and protesting then you’re a hairy feminist”.

  3. A tough looking man walked into a barber shop, and said, “I’ll have a shave and a shoe shine.” The barber pulled out a straight razor and a pretty woman knelt down to shine his shoes.
    The tough guy said to her, “You and I should go spend time in my hotel room.”
    She replied, “My husband wouldn’t like that.”
    The man said, “Tell him you are cleaning rooms to earn extra money.”
    “She said, “Tell him yourself, He is shaving your neck with a straight razor.”

  4. If I have to pay for my razors, then women need to pay for their own “Brazilians” !
    Where’s The Man Show when you need it ? Oh yeah … that’s right, Jimmy Kimmel became a Democrap News Anchor instead.

  5. .
    If men don’t have razors we wind up with beards … fairly popular nowadays.
    If women don’t get tampons, they wind up bleeding all over the place. Popular only in Transylvania.
