22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the crash of Cosmos 954 in the Northwest Territories.
    I remember waking up that morning and listening to the news on CBC Radio (The World at Seven, I think it was) and going “Huh?” when I heard what happened.

  2. Bad song…try” Hot Fun In The Summertime” by Daryl Hall and
    Sharon Jones….it will warm you on these cold days!

  3. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi trades Campbell Soup cards.
    “Forget Nafta. The Trade War With Canada Has Already Started”
    “U.S. investigating 11% of imports, including lumber and planes
    Chapter 19 impasse set to deepen with Montreal talks underway
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is preparing for the possibility the U.S. may pull out of Nafta. For Canadian companies, the trade skirmish has already begun.”

  4. Ontario is doomed , PC Leader Patrick Brown has resigned over sexual misconduct allegations he vehemently denies. Timing is highly suspect. I do wish someone would detail exactly what constitutes sexual misconduct, does it cover assault, harassment, telling a woman she looks nice, brushing up against a woman in a crowd?
    I’m getting fed up with the whole issue, had no idea we lived in such a cesspool and I’ve been around for some time.If women are so troubled why do they wait years before coming forward. It’s hard to prove but ruining someone’s reputation at a key time seems to be their MO. Men better think twice before entering politics in today’s environment.

  5. Sexual misconduct is when someone makes a pass and they are not especially attractive, but there might be some advantage to engaging with them, so — you (the woman) are temporarily paralyzed and do not immediately communicate your feelings. Now if the good looking Trudeau makes the same pass (even though he is married), you go along with it and no one is the wiser. Glenn MacGregor won’t investigate – he only goes after conservatives. This is clearly just an issue for ugly Conservative politicians. They are simply never allowed to make sexual overtures.

  6. PET POT Party Cemetery Report.
    Indians hit Voo-doo-doll Stupid Liberal Justine with 3 well-aimed poisoned arrows.
    “Indigenous backers of Eagle Spirit pipeline launch GoFundMe campaign to sue Ottawa over oil tanker ban
    The campaign would help pay for legal and administrative costs to challenge the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, which is making its way through Parliament”
    “First Nations leaders behind the proposed $16-billion Eagle Spirit pipeline project from Alberta to the British Columbia coast launched a GoFundMe campaign Wednesday to help pay for a court challenge to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s oil tanker ban on Canada’s northern west coast.”
    “It’s modeled after the Alyeska pipeline between Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and Valdez, built and operated with involvement from the state’s Indigenous people.”

  7. Stupid Liberal Justine snubs POTUS Donald Trump.
    “President Trump flies into Davos World Economic Forum to give keynote speech on Friday” (newscom)
    Thursday “Trudeau’s final day at WEF”
    “Jan 25, 2018” (ipol)

  8. I miss Bill on Fox. Here’s a thought. Don’t deport the non-criminal “dreamers,” let them stay and get in line for citizenship.
    Then we’ll see. The DACADems are in much too big a hurry to find new voters. Anyway, Bill’s take:
    “When President Trump announced that the program would end in six months, there were nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants shielded from deportation. And Democrats bizarrely decided that this was the single most important issue facing America today.”
    Immigration expert Mickey Kaus, writing in the Washington Post, reported that most beneficiaries are not in school and are laboring at low-wage jobs. He added that many “dreamers” were not brought here as children, but crossed the border on their own, and that a grand total of about 900 have joined the military. By our rudimentary math, about one-tenth of one percent of DACA beneficiaries are in uniform.”
    On the other hand, the majority of those protected under DACA are certainly law-abiding people, many of them living in the only country they have ever known. Giving them the boot would constitute cruel and unusual punishment.”
    President Barack Obama, probably illegally, started a massive new program that was intended to be temporary. But, as the late economist Milton Friedman said, “there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.”
    Now it’s President Trump’s turn to dramatically change that program in a way that does not unduly punish innocent people, most of whom were brought here involuntarily. Everyone at the negotiating table has to remember that American citizens always take priority over illegal immigrants, no matter how heart-rending their circumstances.”
    So let the bargaining begin. Or, as the recently departed Monty Hall said so many times, “Let’s Make a Deal!”

  9. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine’s stable of allegators.
    “Sport Minister Kent Hehr resigns from Trudeau cabinet amid sexual misconduct allegations
    Calgary MP will resign pending investigation”
    “Trudeau has had to deal with other cases of allegations of sexual harassment and abuse in the Liberal Party, including:
    In December 2017, the deputy director of operations in the PMO, Claude-Éric Gagné, went on leave while a third party investigated allegations of inappropriate behaviour.
    In August 2017, Calgary MP Darshan Kang resigned from the Liberal caucus amid allegations of sexual harassment.
    In May 2016, Nunavut’s MP and former federal cabinet minister Hunter Tootoo resigned from cabinet and the Liberal caucus amid allegations he had a “consensual but inappropriate” relationship with a female staffer.
    And before the Liberals took office, Trudeau kicked two of his MPs, Massimo Pacetti and Scott Andrews, out of the caucus over allegations of harassment made by two New Democratic MPs.” (cbc)
